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1、【助力2014高考】英语语法小题特训:连词及从句1. Many customers will have to wait for months to buy this kind of cars _ the assembly line workers work day and night.A. if B. unless C. whether D. that答案: 本句是个状语从句。if意为“如果”,unless意为“除非”,whether意为 “是否”,that不连接状语从句。用unless要否定前面的意思。如:You will fail unless you work harder(你只有更努力

2、才不会不及格。)You can not go into that club unless you have a ticket(你只有有票子 才可以进那个俱乐部。) (答案B)2. -Did you remember to return the digital camera to Sarah?-Yes. I gave it to her _ I saw her.A. while B. the moment C. suddenly D. once答案: 本句是个状语从句。the moment=when。while可以引导状语从句,但 句中的谓语动词应该是个延续动词。这里的see是个瞬间动词。 (答

3、案B)3. _ has recently been done to build more elevated roads, a shortage of high level public transportation remains a serious problem in Shanghai.A. That B. What C. Though what D. In spite of what答案: 在in spite of后面跟名词或从句。如:In spite of the bad weather,we went to the mountainIn spite of what he said。w

4、e won the game本句的前半部分是个状语。选项A是That引导的主语从句,但是缺 从句中的主语。选项B是What引导的主语从句。选项C,Though虽 然可以引导状语从句,但用了Though what后:Though what has recently been done to build modern elevated roads状语从句缺少谓语动 词,划线部分只是个主语。选项D,In spite of what has recently been done to build modern elevated roads中划线部分是个名词性从句,相当 于一个名词。本题意为:尽管目前建

5、造了现代高架路,发达的公共交通的缺乏仍是上 海的一个严重问题。 (答案D)4. It is interesting to look back in history, and to try to guess _ colors meant to the early human beings.A. / B. that C. what D. which答案: what colors meant to the early human beings意为:颜色对早期人类 意味着什么。又如:I want to know what“real lifemeans to me(我想知道“真正的生活” 对我来说意味着

6、什么。) (答案C)5. Scientists say that it may be five or ten years _ it is possible to test this medicine on-human patients.A. since B. before C. after D. when答案: B6. The house you bought is in a very bad location, _, it is small and expensive.A. however B. nevertheless C. therefore D. moreover答案: D7. _ i

7、s the center of our planetary system was a difficult concept to understand in the Middle Ages.A. It is the sun and not the earth B. Being the sun and not the earthC. The sun and not the earth D. That the sun and not the earth答案: 这是个主语从句。That the sun and not the earth is the center of our planetary s

8、ystem中主语是the sun and not the earth,谓语动词是is,表 语是the center。That引导从句。选项A,看来像是个强调句,但后面 没有that,而且又有was,多了谓语动词。选项B,Being the sun and not the earth是动名词作主语,但后面有is和was,也多了谓语动词。 选项C,主语从句缺连词。本题意为:是太阳而不是地球是我们星系的中心在中世纪是个很难理 解的概念。 (答案D)8. _ really no substitute for the sound of native English speakers voice, whi

9、ch is exactly _ you will hear when you take the test.A. It is . what B. There is . what C. It is . that D. There is . that答案: It作形式主语或表示“它”。There be的结构表示“存在”。本句There is really no substitute for the sound of native English speakers voice是 表示“没有(不存在)英语母语人士声音的替代品”。第二个空格要用 what引导表语从句,因为在hear后需要一个宾语。 (答案

10、B)9. Not that Priscilla doesnt want to help you out, _ its beyond her power and ability.A. hut that B. for that C. and that D. in that答案: A10. _ quite recently, most of the families in Shanghai didnt use ADSL for their Internet access.A. Before B. Until C. From D. Since答案: 本句是个倒装句,如不倒装,应该是:Most of t

11、he families in Shanghai didnt use ADSL for their Internet access until quite recently这是一句notuntil的句型。本题意为:直到最近,上海的大多数家庭才用ADSL来上网。(答案B)11. They are junior clerks and dont know _ to start and run a large company.A. what take them B. what they take C. what takes it D. what it takes答案: It takesto do som

12、ething是一个句型。例:It takes many years to learn how to play the pianoIt took me two hours to finish this reportIt takes money and experience to start and run a large company就划线部分提问:What does it take to start and run a large company? 本题意为:他们是低级职员,所以不知道开办和经营一家大公司需要 什么。 (答案D)12. She stepped into the bedroom

13、 quietly, _ she might wake up her roommate.A. for fear that B. so long asC. on condition that D. in order that答案: A13. The rent is reasonable and _, the location is convenient.A. though B. thus C. however D. besides答案: D14. He was asked of all the stories he had read _ was the most interesting.A. th

14、at B. what C. which D. as答案: 本句在of后面是个宾语从句:of all the stories he had read which was the most interesting划线部分意为“在所有他听到的故事中”。 又如:Of all the students which studies the hardest? (答案C)15. The two areas are similar _ they both have a high rainfall during this time of the year.A. except that B. in that C.

15、in which D. besides that答案: 请注意本句中的in that是个固定词组,意为“因为”,等于because, since。本句不是定语从句,是个状语从句。如:Criticism and self-criticism is necessary in that it helps us to correct our mistakes本题意为:这两个地区很相像,因为在一年中的这个时候都有大雨。 (答案B)16. Stacie said in her e-mail that shed appreciate _ if I could write her a reference letter.A. that B. it C. which D. so答案: B17. It was only under pressure _ to resign his post.A. did the general manage


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