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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date新概念英语二Lesson-31-32新概念英语2新概念英语2 Lesson 31 Success Story 成功者的故事I. 语法与词汇知识 1. Lily is a _ of a large company, but 10 years ago she was a secretary in a small company. A. headmasterB. super

2、iorC. doctor D. head 2. Simon _ half of his salary for two years. A. saveB. savedC. is savingD. has saved 3. _ his forties, Kane decided to learn a second language. A. OnB. InC. For D. At 4. What _ you doing at 10 oclock last night? A. isB. areC. wasD. were 5. When I _ reading the book, returned it

3、to the library. A. had finishedB. have finishedC. finished D. am finishingII. 连词组句:请将下列词重新排序后组成一个句子,每个词只能用一次 6. so , is , grandma , over , retire , going , is , to , next , she , year , sixty_.7. he , stamps , Jacky , a , to , when , was , boy , used , collect_.8. music , you , in , are , interested

4、 , popular_?9. of , physics , the , glasses , our , teacher , a , man , pair , thick , is , with _.10. park , now , in , the , are , playing , the , children _.III. 阅读理解A guide dog is a dog especially trained to guide a blind person. The dog learns to watch traffic and to cross the street safely. It

5、 also learns to obey such orders as “forward”, “left” and “sit” and to disobey any order that might lead its owner into danger.The guide dog and its future owner learn to work together. However, many blind people are not used to working with dogs. Only a tenth of the blind find a guide dog useful. I

6、f you like guide dog, you can see a movie, named A Guide Dog Q. It tells a story about a guide dog sacrificed (牺牲) his life to help the blind people. 11. A guide dog is especially trained for _. A. the blindB. the deafC. the woundedD. the poor 12. The dog needs to learn to _. A. watch the street and

7、 cross the riverB. watch traffic and cross the street C. watch the river and cross the streetD. watch traffic and cross the river 13. There will be only _ blind people finding a guide dog useful among 100 bilnd people. A. tenB. oneC. twentyD. elevenIV. 翻译 14. business company _ 15. save ones life _

8、16. of ones own _ 17. in a few years _ 18. save money _ 19. 汤姆是医院里有经验的好医生。 Tom is a good doctor with a lot of _ in his hospital. 20. 我过去常常每周六下午弹钢琴。 I _ _ play piano every Saturday afternoon. 21. 这家公司雇用了很多大学生。 This company _ a number of college graduates. 22. 我爷爷50岁就退休了。 My grandpa _ at 50 years old.

9、 23. 作为年轻人我们不能惧怕困难。 _ young men, we should not be afraid of difficulties.新概念英语2 Lesson 32 Shopping Made Easy 购物变得很方便I. 语法与词汇知识 1. When _ you lose your confidence, you can never do your work well.A. everB. evenC. onlyD. once 2. _ stole the money has not been found yet. A. whoB. whomC. whoseD. which 3

10、. Tony is the only one of my friends who _ been invited to have dinner with us.A. hadB. hasC. haveD. having 4. Lets go boating _ Sunday morning.A. inB. atC. aroundD. on 5. How was your visit to Australia? It was great. I visited some friends, and spent the _ days in the farm.A. few last sunnyB. few

11、sunny lastC. last few sunnyD. last sunny few 6. Please _ the gift _ with those colourful paper.A. wrap, upB. put, inC. close, inD. put, on 7. Dont worry about it. This is _ a question of money.A. lonelyB. simplyC. friendlyD. widely 8. The teacher asked me to answer the question _ quickly _ possible.

12、A. so, thatB. too, toC. as, asD. either, or 9. How _ can you finish your homework?A. often B. soonC. longD. rapid 10. At the end of the story, the detective found _ the truth.A. inB. outC. out ofD. forII. 完型填空 People are not so honest as they once were. The temptation to s11 is greater than ever before especially in large shops. A d12 recently watched a well-dressed woman who always went into a large store on Mond


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