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1、全国2011年4月高等教育自学考试英语语法试题课程代码:00831一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)Choose the best answer from the choices given and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets.1. This encyclopedia, which you can buy at any bookstore, will give you _ you need. ( )A. all the information B. all of informationC. all the inf

2、ormations D. all of the informations2. The child ought to have a rest; she _ the piano for nearly three hours. ( )A. had practiced B. is practicingC. has been practicing D. practices3. Great efforts to increase agricultural production must be made in this country if food shortage _ . ( )A. is to be

3、avoided B. can be avoidedC. will be avoided D. has been avoided4. My sons hair is too long; it wants _. Ill have it _ tomorrow. ( )A. cutting done B. cutting to be doneC. being cut done D. to be cut to be done5. All the tourists desire that the guide _ them timely information about the changes in th

4、e schedule. ( )A. give B. gave C. gives D. can give6. You _ all the calculations of the students scores. We have the computer software to do that job. ( )A. neednt have done B. mustnt have doneC. shouldnt have done D. couldnt have done7. John is supposed _ his term paper last. week, but he hasnt fin

5、ished it yet. ( )A. to hand in B. to be handing inC. to have handed in D. to have been handed in8. You can see this type of ATM _ in almost every commercial bank. ( )A. used B. using C. use D. to be used9.I like playing video games _ to the music. ( )A. more than to listen B. more than listeningC. t

6、han listening D. rather than to listen10. You cant be _ cautious in making the decision as it concerns your sons future. ( )A. very B. rather C. too D. so11. China has a larger population than _ in the world. ( )A. any country B. any countriesC. any other country D. all other country12. All the cand

7、idates passed the written test _ the exception of John. ( )A. on B. forC. in D. with13. According to a study on childrens behavior, the time _ the children spend in their one-way relationship with television people will affect their relationship with real-life people later in their lives. ( )A. when

8、 B. that C. in which D. on which14. At such a critical moment, our company needs a general manager _ everyone has confidence. ( )A. of whom B. about whom C. in whom D. for whom15. The donor hoped that the little _ he had done would help the people in the flooded area. ( )A. which B. that C. what D.

9、where16. It has been found that how close parents are to their children _ a rather strong influence on the development of the childrens character. ( )A. have B. has C. having D. had17. The audience _ requested to remain seated during the intermission. ( )A. are B. is C. were D. be18. During extremel

10、y hot weather, elephants require both mud and water to keep their skin cool _ they have no sweat glands. ( ) A. and B. so C. because of D. due to the fact that19. His score of the final English exam is higher than _ in his class. ( ) A. anyones else B. anyone else C. anyones elses D. anyone elses20.

11、 He has been staying at home _ days. ( ) A. these all last few B. these last few all C. all these last few D. these last all few二、填空题(本大题共28小题,共36分)Section A Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given in the group.(共8小题,每小题2分,共16分)21. feel have, go, will be, are, wasThe black middle class _

12、 culturally excluded while the poor _ totally alienated.22. a, the, some, all, each, suchA knife is no good. You need _ screwdriver to do _ job properly.23. took, was taken, had taken, operated, been operated, operating He _ to hospital last night and hes already_ on.24. was, were, be, shall be, wil

13、l be, has been_ it necessary that my uncle _ informed?25. both, whether, neither, or, nor, but_ by accident _ by design, he arrived too late for the appointment.26. which I bought, what I bought, I bought, which, what, who This is the only book _ _ challenges this common belief.27. which, what, that

14、, is, are, was_ I need for the spring cleaning _ a pair of rubber gloves, some detergent and several plastic bags to hold the garbage.28. a, one, some, any, other, another The New York Times is neither _ thing nor the _ Its not really a city newspaper and its not really a national newspaper either.Section B Fill in the blanks with the words given in brack


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