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1、Revision for Academic Proficiency Test of 2015(学考复习)Skills on Two-way Translation of Basic sentence PatternsTeaching planStep 1 Lead-in Show two sentences and ask the Ss to translate.He just had two left feet. (他笨手笨脚。)He put his foot in his mouth. (他说错话了。)Step 2 Correct the mistaken translation.1) 只

2、等待是没有用的。Only wait is not useful.2) 有很多学生参加了这次竞赛。 There have many students took part in the competition .3) All of them proved him is an honest man. 他们都证明他是个老实人。4) 参加我的婚礼好吗? Would you mind joining my wedding ceremony?5) I dont like the way that she sings. 我不喜欢那种方法她唱歌。6) Every dog has its day. 每只狗都有它的

3、日子。Step 3 Summary: Basic skills on translation of basic sentence patterns. Skill 1-Choosing the right basic pattern. Skill 2- Paying attention to special patterns Skill 3 - Analyzing the structure Skill 4 -choosing proper words or phrases. Skill 5 - Using the right word order Skill 6 - Paying attent

4、ion to different expression between Chinese and English Step 3 Group workStudents are divided into 6 groups to do different tasks at the same time. After they finish them, they will be required to show their results.Task 1 (for Group1): Translate the following sentences.1) 在过去的三十年中国发生了巨大的变化。Great ch

5、anges have taken place in China in the past thirty years.China has been changed greatly .2) 我发现我的所有同学喜欢我做的蛋糕。2) I found all my classmates interested in my cake.I found that all my classmates were interested in my cake.3) 这女人给了她一个又大又红的苹果。3)The woman offered her a big, red apple. The woman gave a big,

6、 red apple to her.Task 2 (Group2): Complete the sentences according to the Chinese sentences.1).您认为谁能取得胜利?2).我多么希望去过那里啊!3).你们到底是在什么时候找到了单车?1)_ _ _ _will win?2) _I wish I _ _ there!3) When _ _that you_ the bike? When _ _ _ you find the bike?Task 3 (for Group 3) : Analyze the structure of each sentenc

7、e.1) He made it clear that he would leave the city. 2) We need a place twice larger than this one.3) Nothing is more important than health.Task 4(for Group 4) : Choose the correct answer.1. His heart _ fast when the teacher asked him a difficult question. A. beat B. hit C. jumped D. ran2. Do you kno

8、w the girl _ a red coat? A. dressed in B. had on C. worn D. put on3. I used to _ my teacher when I was in Beijing. A. call in . B. call at C. call for D. call on4. Alice _ David for five years. A. has got married to B. has married with C. has married D. has been married toAADDTask 5 (for Group 5): C

9、hoose the correct translation.1) They threw the ball out quickly. A.很快投球出去 B. 投球出去很快2) She will attack us once she gets a chance. A. 她会攻击我们一旦获得机会。B.一旦获得机会,她会攻击我们。3) _(坐在树下的老人)smiled happily when I passed by him.4)Would you help to send the parcel_(如果方便的话)?3) The old man seated under the tree/ /The o

10、ld man sitting under the tree/ /The old man who was seated / sitting under the tree4) if it is convenient to / for youTask 6 (for Group 6): 翻译下列习语 1). Better late than the late. _2).You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink.3). Peter broke his promise. He let the cat out of the bag.S

11、tep4 Competition Translate some sentences.1.据说他曾去过澳大利亚。 It is said that he has ever been to Australia./ He is said to have ever been to Australia.2.他突然想到自己忘带书了。It suddenly occurred to him that he had forgotten to bring his books. It suddenly struck him that he had forgotten to bring his books. 3.你的梦

12、想一定会实现的。Your dream must come true.Your dream is sure to be realised.You are sure to realise your dream. 4.The last man who left the sinking ship was the captain. 最后离开沉船的人是船长。5. Dont count your chickens before they are hatched.不要高兴太早。/ 不要作过早的打算。Step 5 Consolidation 1. Choose the best answer.1) There

13、used to be a hospital on the wasteland,_? A. usednt it B. didnt there C. didnt it D. Wasnt there 2) It will be one year _ we graduate from high school. A. When B. before C. That D. since 3) It is _ to hear that he didnt pass the driving test. A. surprising B. surprised C. surprise D. surprises 4) “D

14、iamond cuts diamond.” means _ in Chinese. A. 晶莹剔透。 B. 强中自有强中手 C. 绚丽夺目 D. 炫彩惹眼 BBABStep6 Homework. I. Translate the following sentences.1) A good winter brings a good summer. 2) 学生不能进教师阅览室。(access)3) 你不可能独立完成这项工作的。4) In order for a new sport to be added, another sport must be dropped. 5) All kinds of books are available to us in our school library.II.双向翻译: 请根据上下文内容,将文中划线部分译成汉语或者英语。Sandy was the last to arrive at the museum


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