Day 11高中考试英语书面表达读后续写测试题.doc

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1、Day1141.阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。A former Mayo doctor is calling it “a Christmas miracle” that he survived being trapped overnight Dec.19 on a_frozen_North Dakotafieldafter breaking hislegon a hunting trip.Richard Olsen said the biggest lesson from his accident is people shouldnt let fear and u

2、ncertainty prevent them reaching out to see if someone is all right,something Olsen said probablyhelpedsave his life.Olsen was hunting on a cousins land near Watford City.On Dec.19,he tried a new spot and forgot to bring his cell phone,the only time on the trip.He walked more than half a mile with t

3、wo dogs to a harvested wheat field.Suddenly he stepped on a thin crust ofsnow.It collapsed and dropped him four feet to the bottom.“I knew immediately I was in trouble and I was going to hurt myself,” Olsen said.“I was suddenly picking up a lot of speed.” His left leg hit,which was badlyinjured.He l

4、ay on his side to reach for his gun,unloaded it and used it as a stick.He spent an hour and a half climbing.When he was partly up,he slipped and slid back down.“I told myself that if I didnt get myself out of thatcave,I wasnt going to have a very goodnight,” Olsen said.He worked his foot free and cl

5、imbed more slowly and carefully out of the cave.Olsen immediately realized the task before him.The accident occurred about 4 pm.,and it was nearing 7 pm.with the road far away as the sun was setting.Olsen focused on crawling(爬) to safety.Even with his gun,Olsen found it wasimpossibleto walk.Instead,

6、he sat down and pushed himself backward less than 40 inches at a time with his good leg.“Ive always been stubborn.We all face moment when we must be very persistent.Crawling on my backside was worth it to get back to my family,” Olsen said.Progress wasexhaustingand required frequent breaks.注意:1所续写短文

7、的词数应为150左右;2应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3续写部分分为两段;每段的开头语已为你写好;4续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:Temperaturesdroppedbelowzero._Paragraph 2:Notfindinganywaytotheroad,hedecidedtositbythefenceandwavedownadriver._【答案】Temperatures dropped below zero.He knew he was at risk of beingfrozen.His hands and foot soon

8、 were completely numb.His dogs had been playing in the field and eventually came up,trying tohelphim.Olsen finally reached a fence near the road.Another steepcavefull ofsnowstood between the fence and the road.He feared hisexhaustedand rapidly freezing body wouldnt be able to climb out of the cave.N

9、ot finding any way to the road,he decided to sit by the fence and wave down a driver.During the next half an hour,he waved and shouted,but six vehicles passed without stopping.He said he didnt blame those drivers,who either didnt realize he neededhelpor were fearful for their own safety.At last,a dr

10、iver stopped his truck,and ran up to Olsen,who was completely white with a clearlyinjuredleg.The driver was able to determine Olsen,who was crying in relief,was trying to tell him about the injury and being outside allnight.He wrapped Olsen in a sleeping bag and blankets after calling the police. 42

11、.阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。There was once a town where the thing everyone feared the most was getting lost at night in the “Cave_of_Fear”No one had everreturnedfrom there,and whenever anyone got lost and ended up there,the last that was heard was a great cry of terror,followed by a few enormous

12、guffaws(大笑)The townsfolk lived in terror that one daythe_monsterwould leave the cave.So they regularly left gifts and food at the mouth of the cave,and these always soon disappeared.One day,a young man came to thetown,and,as he heard about the situation with the cave,he thought that it was unfair.So

13、 he decided to enterthe_caveand confront the monster.The young man asked for some help,but everyone was so afraid that not a single personapproachedthe mouth of the cave with him.He went inside,finding his way with a torch,and calling out to the monster,wanting to talk with it and discussthe_situati

14、on.At first,the monster had a good long laugh,and the young man followed the sound of the monstersvoice.But then the monster went quiet,and the young man had to carry on,not knowing in which direction to go.Finally he arrived at a huge cavern.At_the_bottomof the cavern he thought he could make out t

15、he figure of the monster,and as he approached it,he felt that something hit him hard on his back.This pushed him forward towards a hole in the rock.He couldnt avoid it,and fell through.Believing that he was about to die,he let out one last cry.Then he heard thegreat_guffaws.“Darn it,I think the monster has swallowed me,” he said,whilst falling.However,as he fell,he heard music,and voices.They got clearer,and when he made a soft land


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