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1、 由计篇都虚实篇基本属于战略范畴;由军争篇到火攻篇基本属于战术范畴 计篇作战篇谋攻篇: 战略指导形篇势篇虚实篇: 战略理论军争篇九变篇行军篇:战术指导地形篇九地篇火攻篇: 战术实施和统御艺术 计篇: 1. 道天地将法:“五事”“七计”-主孰有道-将孰有能-天地孰得-法令孰行-兵众孰强 (企业是否拥有先进得设备能力和较强得技术力量)-士卒孰练 -赏罚孰明2. 将帅去留3. 因利制权:根据有利的战局、战势、战机,而采取的因敌制胜的灵活作战形式!4. 诡道 (Movie analysis) 作战篇1. 兵贵胜,不贵久 (这一战略指导思想是战争的基本原则,但是在战争过程中,要“因利制权”,“因敌制变”

2、,不可拘泥于定法。)2. “取用于国,因粮于敌”的后勤战略思想 谋攻篇1. “不战而屈人之兵”是战争的最高追求 (不战而胜)2. “伐谋”是战争手段的最佳选择3. “必以全争于天下”是战争的最理想目标4. “知己知彼,百战不殆” 形篇1. “先为不可胜,以待敌之可胜”是军事理论的基础 (努力创造条件)2. “攻是守之机,守是攻之策”,目的都在于有效的消灭敌人3. “自保而全胜”的战争观 “胜于易胜”的作战理论“立于不败之地”的战备观念 (用兵的原则不在于寄希望于敌人不会来,而要依靠自己严阵以待,充分准备)“安不忘危,有备无患”“修道而保法”的经国治军措施“以镒称铢”的称胜观 势篇将帅要知势、造

3、势、任势(择人任势,根据形势和任务的需要选用恰当的人才,运用有利的地势极大地发挥出他的才能),更好地运用和发挥军事实力 虚实篇1. “致人而不致于人” (先处战地)2. “攻必取,守必固”的作战指导 (攻其不易,出其不备)3. 知敌“虚实”4. “避实击虚”的作战指导 (制胜谋略关键在于随时了解和分析敌人的虚实强弱动态,寻找并抓住敌人的薄弱环节;或是“示形诱敌”造成敌人空虚,为我所乘) 军争篇论述先敌争取制胜条件的战术指导和有关军队联络、指挥、作战方面的战术原则1. “故迂其途,而诱之以利”2. “故三军可夺气,将军可夺心” 九变篇灵活用兵1. “九变”:高陵勿向,背丘勿逆,佯北勿从,锐卒勿攻

4、,饵兵勿食,归师勿遏,围师勿周,穷寇勿迫,绝地勿留2. 将有“五危”:必死,可杀也;必生,可掳也;忿速,可悔也;廉洁,可辱也;爱民,可烦也 (将帅凡事不能感情冲动,意气用事,以免遭覆军杀将的严重后果)3. “君之所以患军者有三:糜军,惑军,疑军”将帅统御军队,不仅对付的是敌人,而且还战胜自身的缺点和排除来自上方的干扰 行军篇论述行军、宿营、作战的战术指导和观察判断敌情的方法1. “山、水、泽、陆”2. 判断和侦察敌情的“三十二相敌法” 地形篇1. 地形:“通、挂、支、隘、险、远”2. 了解我方、敌方,了解天时地利3. 将帅统御艺术:视卒为“婴儿,爱子,骄子”4. 将帅的六过:走、弛、陷、崩、乱

5、、北 九地篇1. 九地:散、轻、争、交、衢、重、圮、围、死 火攻篇1. 火人,火积,火缁,火库,火队2. “主不可以怒而兴师,将不可以愠而致战。合于利而动,不合于利而止” 用间篇1. “乡间,内间,反间,死间,生间”孙子兵法与经营战略 经营战略,指企业为实现经营目标,按照企业得经营方针通过对企业内部条件和外部环境得分析,而制定得较长期得全局性的战略决策。I. 企业环境分析是企业制定经营战略的前提外部: “五事”中的“天”“地”, “七计”中的“天地孰得”内部:“五事”中的“道”“将”“法”, “七计”中的“主孰有道”“将孰有能”“法令孰行”“兵众孰强”“士卒孰练”“赏罚孰明”1) 经营战略目标

6、的科学性、进步性、可行性2)高效率、高素质的领导核心美国斯坦福帕斯卡尔教授和哈佛商学院阿索斯教授,把企业经营管理概括为七个要素。其中:战略、结构、制度为硬要素;人员、技巧、作风、最高目标为软要素。3)为确保经营战略的实施,必须拥有先进的技术设备以及技术骨干力量与素质较高的工人队伍II. 企业制定经营战略的原则和方法经营战略是对企业有长期的、全局的宏观指导作用的决策,因此,必须以前述的企业内部和外部环境为依托,全面论证和分析本企业的长短优劣,然后再决定其战略选择紧缩战略,稳定战略,发展战略1)紧缩 (谋攻篇:敌则能战之,少则能逃之,不若则能避之。故以小敌之坚,大敌之擒也。)2)稳定 (形篇:不可

7、胜者,守也;可胜者,攻也。守则不足,攻则有余。善守者,藏于九地之下,善攻者,动于九天之上,故而能自保而全胜也。)3)发展 :“正兵当敌,奇兵制胜”谋长远、谋全局、谋效益 Strategic Principles:I. Commitment: Commitment sets the stage for eventual success. “Put your organization into a situation where they have no choice but to commit to your goals and they will succeed beyond their im

8、agined limits.”Character also matters. “Know yourself, know your enemy.” If a persons character is known, his motivation will also be known. Character flaws create opportunities for competitive advantage. “Utilize the character flaw of your opponents in order to defeat them. Look for these five trai

9、ts: If an opponent is reckless, we can cause him to waste his resources. If an opponent is timid, we can seize his resources. If an opponent is short-tempered, we can cause him to be rash. If an opponent is self-important, we can deceive him with flattery. If an opponent is overly concerned about lo

10、ss of position or reputation, he will hesitate before making a difficult decision at a critical moment. These character flaws greatly restrict an executives potential success.”II. ObservationWatch people and situations closely. “Before entering an engagement, study your competitor closely.”Observati

11、on is a two-way street. Competitors are watching,too. “Succeeding in a direct engagement on a competitor depends on deceiving him. Concentrate on your objective, but develop your strategy in secret.”III. PreparationPreparation includes developing organizational structure, streamlining process, posit

12、ioning resources, encouraging flexibility, and training personnel.“Structure includes how your activities are financed; how well you and your employees are developed and trained; how your organization creates and evolves products and services; how well technology is employed; how flexible or inflexi

13、ble, responsive or unresponsive, effective or ineffective, are your policies and procedures. Structure shapes the basic capabilities of individuals within an organization.” “Only an executive who is flexible enough to adapt his strategy to changes in competitive circumstances can effectively manage

14、resources during competitive operations.”“Treat your employees well; train them thoroughly. The success of the organization is built on the individual success of its members.” Training provides the foundation for obedience and control in competitive situation. Tactical Principles:I. Assessmentassess

15、 relative strength and weakness, assess the competitive terrain, assess deployment of competitive resources, and assess a competitors strategy. II. Adaptationuse both expected and unexpected tactics “Successful strategies flow like water; they adapt themselves to the circumstances of the conflict.”III.


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