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1、 GMAT考试阅读试题(六)(6)Passage 34 Kazuko Nakanes history of the early Japanese immi-grants to central Californias Pajaro Valley focuses onthe development of farming communities there from1890 to 1940. The Issei (first-generation immigrants)(5) were brought into the Pajaro Valley to raise sugar beets.Like

2、Issei laborers in American cities, Japanese men inrural areas sought employment via the “boss” system.The system comprised three elements: immigrant wagelaborers; Issei boardinghouses where laborers stayed;(10) and labor contractors, who gathered workers for a particular job and then negotiated a co

3、ntract between workers and employer. This same system was originally utilized by the Chinese laborers who had preceded the Japanese. A related institution was the “labor club,”(15)which provided job information and negotiated employ-ment contracts and other legal matters, such as the rental of land,

4、 for Issei who chose to belong and paid an annual fee to the cooperative for membership. When the local sugar beet industry collapsed in 1902,(20) the Issei began to lease land from the valleys strawberry farmers. The Japanese provided the labor and the crop was divided between laborers and landowne

5、rs. The Issei began to operate farms, they began to marry and start families, forming an established Japanese American(30) community. Unfortunately, the Isseis efforts to attain agricultural independence were hampered by govern- ment restrictions, such as the Alien Land Law of 1913. But immigrants c

6、ould circumvent such exclusionary laws by leasing or purchasing land in their American-born(35) childrens names.Nakanes case study of one rural Japanese Americancommunity provides valuable information about thelives and experiences of the Isseil. It is, however, tooparticularistic. This limitation d

7、erives from Nakanes(40) methodology-that of oral history-which cannot substitute for a broader theoretical or comparative perspective. Furture research might well consider two issues raised by her study: were the Issei of the Pajaro Valley similar to or different from Issei in urban settings,(45) an

8、d what variations existed between rural Japanese American communities? 1. The primary purpose of the passage is to (A) defend a controversial hypothesis presented in a history of early Japanese immigrants to Califronia(B) dismiss a history of an early Japanese settlement in California as narrow and

9、ill constructed(C) summarize and critique a history of an early Japanese settlement in California(D) compare a history of one Japanese American community with studies of Japanese settlements throughout California(E) examine the differences between Japanese andChinese immigrants to central California

10、 in the1890s 2. Which of the following best describes a “labor club,” asdefined in the passage? (A) An organization to which Issei were compelled to belong if they sought employment in the Pajaro Valley(B) An association whose members included labor contractors and landowning “bosses”(C) A type of f

11、arming corporation set up by Issei who had resided in the Pajaro Valley for some time(D) A cooperative association whose members were dues-paying Japanese laborers(E) A social organization to which Japanese laborers and their families belonged 3. Based on information in the passage, which of thefoll

12、owing statements concerning the Alien Land Law of1913 is most accurate? (A) It excluded American-born citizens of Japanese ancestry from landownership.(B) It sought to restrict the number of foreign immigrants to California.(C) It successfully prevented Issei from ever purchasing farmland.(D) It was

13、 applicable to first-generation immigrants but not to their American-born children.(E) It was passed under pressure from the Pajaro Valleys strawberry farmers. 4. Several Issei families join together to purchase a strawberry field and the necessary farming equipment.Such a situation best exemplifies

14、 which of thefollowing, as it is described in the passage? (A) A typical sharecropping agreement(B) A farming corporation(C) A “labor club”(D) The “boss” system(E) Circumvention of the Alien Land Law 5. The passage suggests that which of the following was anindirect consequence of the collapse of th

15、e sugar beetindustry in the Pajaro Valley? (A) The Issei formed a permanent, family-based community.(B) Boardinghouses were built to accommodate the Issei.(C) The Issei began to lease land in their childrensnames.(D) The Issei adopted a labor contract system similar to that used by Chinese immigrants.(E) The Issei suffered a massive dislocation caused by unemployment. 6. The author of the passage would most likely agree that which of the following, if it had been included inNakanes study, would best remedy the particularis


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