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1、20Topway 最专业的GMAT&商学院申请信息平台和服务平台www.topway.org更多下载 http:/bbs.topway.org/服务电话:010 82865687 电子邮件:servicetopway.orgTestprep阅读精解The verbal portion of the test consists of three types of questions: Reading Comprehension, Arguments, and Sentence Correction. They are designed to tes t your ability to reaso

2、n using the written word. There is roughly the same n umber of each type of question, for a total of 41 questions. READING COMPREHENSION FORMAT The GMAT reading comprehension section passages are about 200 to 400 words l ong. The subject matter of a passage can be almost anything, but the most co mm

3、on themes are politics, history, culture, science, and business. READING METHODS Some books recommend speed-reading the passages. This is a mistake. Speed re ading is designed for ordinary, nontechnical material. Because this material is filled with fluff, you can skim over the nonessential parts an

4、d still get the gist-and often more-of the passage. However, GMAT passages are den se. Some are actual quoted articles. Most often, however, they are based on articles that have been condensed to about one-third their original length. During this process no essential information is lost, just the fl

5、uff is cu t. This is why speed reading will not work here-the passages contain too mu ch information. You should, however, read somewhat faster than you normally do, but not to the point that your comprehension suffers. You will have to e xperiment to find your optimum pace. Many books recommend rea

6、ding the questions before the passage. But there are two big problems with this method. First, some of the questions are a parag raph long, and reading a question twice can use up precious time. Second, th ere are up to seven questions per passage, and psychologists have shown that we can hold in ou

7、r minds a maximum of about three thoughts at any one time (some of us have trouble simply remembering phone numbers). After reading al l seven questions, the student will turn to the passage with his mind cloude d by half-remembered thoughts. This will at best waste his time and distract him. More l

8、ikely it will turn the passage into a disjointed mass of informa tion. However, one technique that you may find helpful is to preview the passage b y reading the first sentence of each paragraph. Generally, the topic of a pa ragraph is contained in the first sentence. Reading the first sentence of e

9、a ch paragraph will give an overview of the passage. The topic sentences act i n essence as a summary of the passage. Furthermore, since each passage is on ly three or four paragraphs long, previewing the topic sentences will not us e up an inordinate amount of time. The passages presented depend on

10、 how well you are performing on the test. Ho wever, unlike other parts of the test, the questions presented do not depend on your performance. The longer passages will require you to scroll through the passage. THE SIX QUESTIONS The key to performing well on the passages is not the particular readin

11、g tec hnique you use (so long as its neither speed reading nor pre-reading the qu estions). Rather the key is to become completely familiar with the question types-there are only six-so that you can anticipate the questions that mig ht be asked as you read the passage and answer those that are asked

12、 more qui ckly and efficiently. As you become familiar with the six question types, yo u will gain an intuitive sense for the places from which questions are likel y to be drawn. This will give you the same advantage as that claimed by the pre-reading-the-questions technique, without the confusion a

13、nd waste of ti me. Note, the order in which the questions are asked roughly corresponds to the order in which the main issues are presented in the passage. Early quest ions should correspond to information given early in the passage, and so on. The following passage and accompanying questions illust

14、rate the six question types. There are two major systems of criminal procedure in the modern world-the a dversarial and the inquisitorial. The former is associated with common law t radition and the latter with civil law tradition. Both systems were historic ally preceded by the system of private ve

15、ngeance in which the victim of a cr ime fashioned his own remedy and administered it privately, either personall y or through an agent. The vengeance system was a system of self-help, the e ssence of which was captured in the slogan an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. The modern adversarial system is only one historical step removed f rom the private vengeance system and still retains some of its characteristi c features. Thus, for example, even though the right to institute criminal a


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