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1、学院网络安全实验报告实验八:密码学技术应用学号*JKL Y专业计算机科学与技术班级计应专升本实验时间2014年6月4日数学与信息工程学院实验八密码学技术应用【实验目的】(1)认识并掌握非对称加密算法 RSA(2)熟悉并掌握PGP软件的使用方法。【实验环境】Windows 7操作系统。【实验设备】(1)Windows XP/ Windows 7 操作系统;(2)PGP软件【实验描述】(1)小米和小言的PC机上分别安装有PGP软件;(2)PGP软件根据不同用户产生各自的密钥对,包括一个公钥和一个私钥;(3)假设小米需要发一份文件给小言,她首先对该文件用自己的私钥签名,再利用小言 的公钥加密该文件,

2、然后发给小言。(4)小言先用自己的私钥解密该文件,再利用小米的公钥对该文件的放发送者进行身份 验证。【实验容及步骤】容:(1)PGP软件的安装和设置;(2)使用PGP软件完成文件的签名和加密;(3)使用PGP软件完成文件的解密和签名验证。步骤:(1)PGP软件安装(2)PGP软件设置,包括导出公钥私钥(3)文件签名和加密,并加密后的文件发送给对方(4)文件解密和验证签名1. PGP软件安装英文版 PGPDesktop10.1.1 安装:(1)下载软件之后,运行安装程序,经过短暂的自解压准备安装的过程之后,进入安装 因为是收费软件还需自行破解。程序界面,如图所示:(1)选择安装语言(2)接下来显

3、示是否接受协议,选择yes即可进入下一步出 PGP Desktop SetupLicense AgreementYou nnu$t agree 刈ith lhe license agieement below to pioceed.PGP Corporation End 匚set License AgreementBy clicking th尼 accept burton &r itistaLLing th S&fHart?vou agree to be Vound by and become a party to this agreement- PGPCorporation s accept

4、ance and fuifilliueiit of your order are expressKr conditioned on your agreement t& these terms. If you do not agree to aD ofterms of is agreement, you must 匸Ikk e button thatincates that you do not accept the teims of this agreciLL&iit and you must not the Softw are giMiiii| |E; iiiM |;4taiagnaiii.

5、iBiigimiiiHaKiBgiimi 乜 accept the .license ajreemientI do not accept the license agicementCancel(3)是否跳转到解释页面F剖 PGP Desktop Setup|j-T 回 ESDisplay ReleaseImpoflank Hormfltion is provided in the Release Note. FGP 匚orporatian reconrrnds 卫cmj read the Release NoIbj before you conlinua with this instaNtio

6、nTo ccntnuo, ?&lect ar option below nd click Newt. If cu want to view the Rd east Notts at a later data, they are located in the PGP Desklap instahtion fotder r the Dociirnention ubfoL.Dtsplj the el ease Notesr“raaariimhrbbh imiriii mb!CancelNa-(4)需要重启选择否进入到破解软件步骤(5) keygen破解序列号生成器 打开keygen.exe,进行pa

7、tchYmj must restart your system For the configuiation changes made Ic PGP Desktop ro take effetL Click Ves to restait no* oi No il you pln ih restart manually laler.r哥nstsller Informatiorr-=eygtn for PGP Products by Team A.CME =-teyen by team AlME 72U97-201LTeam ACMEName:SerialArfiva tion:BEGIN PGP

8、LICENSE AUTWORIZATLONADIAAAAAAKAJJgiCHSM-rtiDUXpLgD7HqnHJBU5ACgRXW/tygwZ3Nmf END PGP LICENSE ALTTHORIZATION“Campany; |e;4L Corp.Selected P说皿|PGP Desktop v 10 y. EnterprisePatchGenerateAboutClose(6)输入输入 keygen.exe 里的general信息,下一步(7)输入生成的序列号进行认证(8)创建账户我这没有设置密码PGP beuip A?si7tartp G p DesktopPGP Key Ge

9、neration AssistantLicensinQ Key Generatton IntroductioiKey SetupPes5Dhnse trtryKey Generation Global uirectoivTtls a55Kt3Tit rdll help you generate a new PGP key. A key is required by each prtapaitntre skl/R errai bop. Usiq a ke/ vnll aso provide the mghest level ot convenience Mien crwlirio PG Arch

10、ves 占nd P申 Disks)If Yu w?iJd lik? nore infcrnra ton gn what a key is nd how PGP wgHksthep(3F Desi:top Help rrefiu.If you Lrse a hardwire tflfctn pha irxerl it now. Your tofcen infornraton will dknay1 bdowiMcssogvigGenerate Key DnlDkn:Choe Nexttc canbrue. or Sho to jurrp to 0*e next mcmti:上一歩IT二步團” 期

11、消M高级选项设置ITAd van 匚 ed ey 5ettingKey type:Signing key 勺2岂Encrypton kev ? :e:Expration:RSA* Generate separate signing subkty20481024-409620431024-4096a never2015/ 6/ 4CiphersAlovveds 7 AES SCAST 7 TripieDES TltJEA 7 rwofisiReferred; AESHa stiesAlowed: |J SHA-2-567|HA-3-3S4丿 HA-2-5tiVFtIPMD-lMySHA-lPre

12、fEiTed: 9HA-2-256Compre&sionAkwtd: Vlazipi lylZLIE ? ip |V MorePrefierred: NoCompresaon Varied (9)关闭 pgp 软件解压文件到 C:Program FilesCommon FilesPGPCorporationStrings目录下。在语言选中第一个进行汉化。如图是汉化成功后的。2. PGP的使用启动pgplO.1,这个程序是用来控制和调用PGP的全部组件的,接下来进入 新用户创建与设置。新建 pgp密钥后,会出现一个PGP Key Gen eration Wizard(PG密钥生成向导),点“下一步”按钮,进入 Nameand Email Assignment (用 户名和电子分配)界面,在Full name(全名)处输入你想要创建的用户名,Email address处输入用户所对应的电子地址。Q PGPF Al丨 m II 口 (AjISTJ41 KJ茯助用i詩誉即宙钥:VI.etrii-NXAll|ur_ _1r anKeysEfll 打耐”.Ctrl IO0昌入“I书Q”PGP誚宜(2 )输入相应的名字和地址(5)进入 Key Generation Progress密钥生成进程,等待主密钥


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