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1、新人教版八年级上册英语第七单元测试题.单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)( )1.Is there _ apartment in the neighborhood?Yes.Mr.Wang lives in _ apartment.Aan;an Ba;a Can;the Dthe;the( )2.Whats the _ of the gift?Its round.Ashape Bprice Csize Dspace( )3.What did you do _ your summer holiday,Anna?I went to visit my grandparents in the count

2、ryside.Afor Binto Cduring Dinside( )4.Tell kids not to play with fire.Its pretty _.OK.Ill do it.Ameaningless Bcareful Ceasy Ddangerous( )5.When we arrived there,it was _ ten oclock.So we were late.Astill Balready Ceven Dyet( )6.Jim,dont run in the hallways.Sorry,I _ do that again.Ashould Bmust Ccoul

3、dnt Dwont( )7.The Great Wall is very famous.Yes,_ people come to visit it every day.Ahundred Bhundreds Chundred of Dhundreds of( )8.We will have _ free time because the robots will work for us.Aless Bmore Cfewer Dmost( )9._ will your mother come back?In two days.AHow soon BHow many CHow long DHow of

4、ten( )10.You will _ take a holiday after the test.Acan Bcould Cbe able to Dare able to( )11.What are you doing,Jenny?Oh,Im _ my keys.I cant remember where I put them.Awaiting for Bwriting down Cmaking up Dlooking for( )12.It is very dangerous for you _ soccer in the street.Aplay Bto play Cplaying Dt

5、o playing( )13.They _ a lot of trees on the mountain.Yes,but a bad person cut them down.Aplanted Bplant Care planting Dwill plant( )14._ a new film next week.Really?I will go to watch it.AThere is BThere will have CThere will be DThere is going to have( )15.Maybe we will live on another planet._.The

6、 earth is our only home.AI agree BI hope so CI dont think so DYoure right.完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)Luke was a robot and he didnt have any friends.The main_16_for that was he liked to hit(打) other robots.If he_17_something he didnt like,he hit the robot saying that.“What is two and two?” Lukes teacher,Miss J

7、ones,asked in a math class.“Five,” Luke said.“Sorry,Luke,but the_18_is four,” said Miss Jones.“No,it isnt,” he said and walked to the front of the classroom to hit _19_Other robots_20_him and told him that hitting others wasnt what nice robots do.“I dont _21_,” he said and then hit a little robot ne

8、xt to him._22_ the little robot didnt cry(哭)He asked Luke if he would be her friend and learn math with her later.“_23_do you want to stay with me?I may hit you.”“I dont think youll hit me.I think well become friends,and Im sure_24_you know that friends dont hit each other.They help each other.”Afte

9、r class,the two went to eat icecream.From then on,they_25_much time learning math together.Luke didnt hit other robots even once.And he became good at math.( )16.A.rule Bpart Chobby Dreason( )17.A.discussed Bdecided Cheard Dsaw( )18.A.meaning Banswer Cpaper Dproblem( )19.A.him Bme Cher Dyou( )20.A.h

10、elped Bdescribed Cfell Dstopped( )21.A.stand Bquestion Ccare Dwonder( )22.A.But BAlthough CIf DBecause( )23.A.How BWhat CWhen DWhy( )24.A.either Beven Conce Dalso( )25.A.took Bsaved Cpolluted DspentB)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。46It is _(possible) for us to arrive at the museum in ten minutes.Its so far from he

11、re.47It seemed that no one _(believe) he was in the school library just now.48We also should play a part in _(keep) our school clean and tidy.49We must hear both _(side) before making a decision.50The bus station is across from that _(build),isnt it?.按要求完成句子,每空一词。(每小题2分,共10分)51Therell be some trees

12、on the mountain in two years.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ be _ trees on the mountain in two years?52His friend takes a trip to Mount Tai every year.(用next year作状语)His friend _ _ a trip to Mount Tai next year.53There will be few cars and many buses in the future.(用比较级改写句子)There will be _ cars and _ buses in the futu

13、re.54The old womans life will be much_worse(对画线部分提问)_ _ the old womans life _ _?55Larry will see his grandparents tomorrow afternoon.(改为同义句)Larry _ _ _ _ his grandparents tomorrow afternoon.短文填词。(每小题1分,共10分)用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,使短文意思完整通顺。look,many,hundred,over and over again,possibly,smart,talk,look l

14、ike,problem,movePeople began to make robots about a few _61_ years ago.In the past,some of the early ones _62_ like animals or humans.However,they couldnt _63_ and were pretty dumb.They worked like clocks and did the same things _64_Now modern robots dont always _65_ people.Some are like big machines;others are nothing but long arms attache


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