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1、小学学习资料欢迎下载人教精通版小学英语四年级上册重要词语及句型Unit 1. This is my new frie nd.Chi naAmericaEn gla nd中国美国英国goodfriendbrother sister好的朋友兄弟姐妹postma ndoctornurse邮递员医生护士Sin gaporeCan ada新加坡加拿大boy girl teacher farmer男孩 女孩教师农民;农场主driverpolicema n司机警察重点句型1. Nice to see you again.很高兴再次见到你。2. Where are you from?你从哪里来?-1 from

2、 America.我从美国来。3. Were good friends.我们是好朋友。4. This is my newfriend, Jim.这是我的新朋友,吉姆-Welcome to our home.欢迎至 U我家。5. Whothis boy?这个男孩是谁?-Hes my brother.他是我的兄弟。6. Lets play a game!我们玩个游戏吧。-Guess! Whos this boy?猜!这个男孩是谁?7. What does your father do?你爸爸是做什么的?Guess!猜Is he a driver?No, hea teacher.8. Guess!

3、What does he do?-A teacher.Right.Hea teacher.9. Look! This is my mother.Oh, shebeautiful.What does your mother do?Shesa doctor.10. My mum is a TV reporter.我妈妈是一个电视台记者-Oh, cool!噢,酷!11. Be careful.当心。Unit 2. What your number?classgradeonetwothreefour班级年级一二三四thirtee nfourtee nfivesixfiftee nsixtee n十三十

4、四五六十五十六seve neightseve ntee neightee nnineten七八十七十八九十nin etee ntwenty十九 二十重点句型1. Which class are you in?你在哪个班?I m in Class Two, Grade Three. How about you?我在三年二班。你呢?2. What syour number?你的号码是多少?-Im number fourteen.我是十四号。3. Line up.排队。4. What so ne and two? 一加二等于多少?-Itthree.是三。-Thatsright.对了。5. Letsp

5、lay a game! Find your neighbours.我们玩个游戏,找出你的邻居6. We are neighbours.我们是邻居。7. Letcount from one to eighteen. 我们从一数至U十八吧。8. Wake up!醒一醒!9. What the time, Mum?几点了,妈妈?-lt7:20.(seven twe nty)七点二十分了。-Oh, no! Im late!噢不,我迟到了。10. Have some milk.喝点奶吧。-No, thanks.不,谢谢。11. Why not?为什么不呢?12. Oh, thatsfunny.噢,真有趣

6、。Unit 3. It a pin eapple.pin eapplelem onapplepearwatermel on菠萝柠檬苹果梨西瓜kiwi fruitorangebananapotatotomato猕猴桃橙子香蕉土豆西红柿carrotcucumbereggpla ntgree n pepper胡萝卜黄瓜茄子青椒重点句型1. Whatthis?这是什么?-Ita pin eapple.是菠萝。2. Whatthis in En glish?这个用英语怎么说?-Ita tomato.这是一个西红柿。3. Pass me the tomato.把西红柿递给我。4. Peel the ban

7、ana.剥香蕉皮。5. Smell the pin eapple.闻一下菠萝。6. Eat the watermelon.吃西瓜。7. Hi! Letplay a chain game.嗨!我们来玩接龙游戏吧8. Im Mickey. Im smart.我是米奇。我很聪明。9. Are you sure? Yes你确定吗?是的。10. Do you like eggplants?你喜欢茄子吗?-Yes, I do. No, I do.是的,我喜欢。不,我不喜欢。Unit 4. How the weather today?finen icewarmcoolhotcold晴朗的好的温暖的凉爽的炎热

8、的寒冷的sunnycloudywin dyrai nysnowy晴朗的多云的有风的下雨的下雪的重点句型1. Itfine today. Letplay football.今天天气晴朗。我们踢足球吧。2. Letsgo and play!我们去玩吧。3. Were happy to play.我们开心地玩耍。4. Shall we go to the zoo?我们去动物园吗?5. It swarm today.这里很暖和。6. The fish like it.鱼儿喜欢。7. It shot today. Shall we go swim ming?今天天气很热,我们去游泳吗?8. Good i

9、dea.好主意。9. Can I have some cold water, please?我可以喝点冷水吗?10. Hot weather, cold weather.炎热的天气,寒冷的天气。11. Which do you like?你喜欢哪个?12. Howthe weather today?今天天气怎么样。13. Letsgo shopping.我们去购物吧。14. Put on your shirt.穿上你的衬衫。15. It so hot today.今天天气太热了。Unit 5. I like those shoes.caphatT-shirtdressblouse(无边)帽子(

10、有边)帽子T恤衫女服;连衣裙女衬衫jacketrain coatsweaterskirtshirt夹克;短上衣雨衣毛衣短裙衬衫shortsjea nssocksshoes短裤牛仔裤短袜鞋子(复)重点句型1. Wheremy new T-shirt?我的新T恤衫在哪里?2. Itover there.它在那边。3. Put on your cap.戴上你的帽子。4. This is for you.这是给你的。5. What sin the box?盒子里是什么?6. Open it and see.打开它看看。7. Can I help you?我能帮你吗?8. Please show me

11、that jacket.请给我看看那件夹克。9. Can I try it on?我可以试穿一下吗?-Sure 当然。10. Can we look at the blue shorts, please?我们能看看那条蓝色的短裤吗?-Theyre really cool!他们真的很酷。11. Can we have a look at those shoes, please?我们能看一看那些鞋吗?12. Where is my dress?我的裙子在哪里?-Here it is.在这里。13. leanwalk!我不能走了。-Ha! You look funn y.哈!你看起来真滑稽。14.

12、May I try the shoes on?我能试穿这双鞋吗?-Certa in ly.当然。Unit 6. I tall.bigsmalllongtallshortfat大的小的长的高的短的肥胖的stro ngthinnewoldhappy强壮的瘦的新的旧的快乐的重点句型1. Look at the elephant.看大象。2. It has big ears.它有大耳朵。3. I have a rabbit.我有一只兔子。4. It has long ears and a short tail.它有长耳朵和短尾巴。5. Come here.过来。-OK. comi ng.好,我来了。6. Look! Im short and fat.看!我又矮又胖。7. We look like twins!我们看起来象双胞胎。8. Look at my new sweater.看我的新毛衣。9. Itspretty!太漂亮了!10. My sweater is old. But I like it.我的毛衣旧了,但是我喜欢它11. Happy new year!新年快乐!12. Let s act.我们表演吧。



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