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1、 四下Unit5FreeTimeLesson1教学设计 四下 Unit 5 Free Time Lesson 1教学设计 葫芦岛市连山区世纪小学 刘佳 教材分析(Analysis of Teaching Materials) 本课内容选自人教版新起点英语Unit5 Free Time Lesson 1四年级下册内容。本单元主要学习有关课余生活的动词短语。并会询问与答复某人课余生活及活动的频率。在学习中建立应合理安排课余生活的意识,能与同伴合作完成活动或嬉戏,从而激发学生的学习兴趣. 学生分析(Analysis of the students) 四年级的学生留意力不稳定、不长久,难于长时间地留意

2、同一件事物所以在设计本课时,通过任务型活动,激活学生的思维,使他们在语言输出时有话可说,培育学生的语用力量。 教学目标(Teaching Aims) 1.能听懂、会说go for a picnic,play the violin, go skating等有关课余生活的动词短语。 2. 能够用What do you do in your free time? I often来询问、答复有关课余生活的信息。 3. 依据自己的实际状况,选择本课所学词汇或运用已学词汇完成句子填空。同时强化书写习惯。 4. 能通过课堂沟通了解课余活动可以丰富我们的生活。 教学重难点(Important and Diff

3、icult Points) 1.能听懂、会说有关课余生活的动词短语。 2. 能依据自己的实际状况,完成句子填空。 教学过程(Teaching Process) Step Pre-task presentation Warm-up 1. Greeting T:Hello,boysand girls.Today Im your teacher. Youre my students. Nice to meet you.Today isyour festival,Childrens Day.(PPT出示儿童节的画面)Happy Childrens Day!(PPT播放声音效果)Wow! A gift

4、for you.Whats in it? Do you want tosee? Dont hurry. 2. Revision T: Lets say the flashing words first. Come on! (全班同学快速站起抢读单词) (PPT复习已学短语:play ping-pong/basketball/games,go to school/bedand go home.) 设计意图:通过儿童节送礼物来激发学生的兴趣,拉近师生距离。而四年级的孩子奇怪心强,孩子们若想见到礼物就要快速说出一闪而过的单词,及复习了旧知又为新授短语做了铺垫。 StepPresentation 1.

5、Lead in (选出表现突出的孩子翻开礼物盒子并拿出盒子里的东西) T:Oh! A page pen and a piece of paper.It writes:Press the second one.Have a try.(学生根据指示按下翻页笔的其次个按钮)Oh, hes my student,Ricky. Hes very busy . Letshave a look.What does he do? Is he happy?(学生带着问题去看视频) 设计意图:以一段小视频整体呈现本课的重点内容和主题,让学生了解Ricky在课余时间做了哪些事情。同时利用这一环节设置一个简洁的问题I

6、s he happy?让学生有目的的去看,体会胜利的欢乐。 2.Present the theme T:Ricky hasmany things to do in his free time. Do you know when is free time? (师拿出日历告知孩子们weekends, summer and winter vacations, afterschool, after class 都属于free time) T: These are free time. Free Time is the time youcan do you like doing things.OK!To

7、day lets talk about free time(板书). 设计意图:通过课件和日历告知学生哪些属于free time,使学生正确把握主题。 3.Learn to say new phrases T:Ricky wants you to go fora picnic with him on Childrens Day. Lets prepare some food in thepicnic baskets. After class, lets see which group will get more food,OK? Comeon! 设计意图:分组活动有利于培育学生的合作精神,学会

8、在合作的根底上竞争,在竞争的过程中合作。 (1) go for a picnic (PPT两张图片让学生猜短语的意思) T: Guess,which is picnic?(两幅图让学生选择,选对的加分。) 通过PPT让学生尝试用Its sunny. Lets go for a picnic.句子并在学习中带孩子们来做小嬉戏。 (2)play the violin T: Look! Do you rememberwhat can Ricky do in his free time?(PPT两张照片,一张是Ricky在弹钢琴,另一张是拉小提琴)Yes, he can play theviolin.

9、 T: Can you play theviolin? Ss: Yes, I can. /No, I cant. T: What do you do in your free time?(板书重点句子) 生自由说:“I _in my free time. ”学生用已学的短语操练句子。()也可以师出示图片学生依据看到的图片内容来说句子,进展机械练习。 (3)go skating 找一名学生来问教师:What do you do in your free time? T: I like skating. I often go skating in my wintervacations.(PPT出示

10、教师滑冰的图片) 操练go skating, 其中sk组合的单词:skating, skin, skirt等带学生认读。 小嬉戏:狼来了。 1.Look and say 2. Whats missing? Step Practice 1. play a game Look and say 2. Whats missing? 3. Group Work Ask andanswer( 看看小动物在业余时间都做些什么?) A:Hello!_.Whatdo you do in your free time? B:I often_.(隐蔽5幅图,学生可以选择自己喜爱的数字,每组两个人依据选择的图片来做对

11、话。) Step Extension T: We want to go for a picnic with Ricky. But wehave no time.But we can write an email to Ricky. And tell him: What you do inyour free time? You want to be his friend. 学生依据自己的实际状况来填写,写完后现在组内共享,然后找几个同学和大家共享。 (Dear, Ricky. My name is _. I m in _School. I often _in my free time. I like_.I m happy we can befriends. Yours _) StepConsolidation Watch avideo(关于课余时间还可以帮忙和关爱别人,丰富课余时间等等) StepHomework 1.Write an e-mail to Ricky 2. After class talk about your free time


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