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1、嘻哈口语大话校园1. Courtship 恋爱阶段 William: Well, any news?Tony: Yeah, I finally asked Anna out!W: Great! She said yes I hope?T: Of course! How could she resist my manly charms!W: How did you do it? What did you say?T: Well, I did everything you suggested like being friendly to her and talking with her and.

2、W: Come on! Cut to the chase!T: OK! OK! I was going to class when I saw her on her own so I went up to her and asked if she wanted to go with me to the cinema sometime. And she said yes!W: Congratulations!T: Thanks, but were not officially boyfriend and girlfriend yet. Were going tomorrow night.W: W

3、hat kind of film are you going to see?T: A horror film.W: Why on earth go to see a horror film?T: Someone once told me that girls get really scared and dont mind if you put your arms around them.W: You Casanova you! resist sbs manly charms: 抵挡某人的男性魅力 cut to the chase: 切重要点 Casanova: 卡萨诺瓦(1725-1798,意

4、大利冒险家,以所写的包括他的许多风流韵事的自传而著称)。风流浪子,好色之徒。W: 最近有什么新进展吗?T: 是的,我终于约了Anna!W: 太棒了!她同意了,对吧?T: 当然了!凭我的男子魅力,她怎么能拒绝呢!W: 你是怎么做到的?都说了些什么?T: 就是按照你的建议做的,比如与她友好地接触,主动跟她聊天什么的。W: 行了,赶紧说重点吧!T: 好的,好的!就是有一天我去教室上课,在路上正好看到她是一个人,我就走过去问她要是有时间的话,是否愿意与我一起看电影。然后她就同意了!W: 太好了!祝贺啊!T: 谢啦!但我们还不是真正的男女朋友关系。我们约着明晚一起去看电影。W: 那你打算带她去看什么类型

5、的电影?T: 当然是恐怖片啦。W: 干嘛非要去看恐怖片啊?T: 我记得有人跟我说过,当女孩害怕的时候,你趁机伸手去搂着她,她是不会介意的。W: 你这个大色狼!2 Pure love 纯真的爱情 Wayne: Youll never guess what my girlfriend gave me on Valentines Day! Paul: Flowers, chocolates, DVD, a scarf? W: No, nothing so mundane! It was a memorable token of her love. P: Can I see it, then? W:

6、No, but I can tell you about it. We were walking along Wangfujing when she suddenly said, “Lets play a game. See who can reach the end of the street first.” P: What a stupid idea for a game! Its obvious that youd win. W: Of course I was the hare to her tortoise! When I looked back she was far behind

7、. But then she started screaming. P: Screaming! What had happened? W: She was shouting, “Stop thief! Catch him!” P: Oh no! What happened next? W: Two guys suddenly seized me and shouted, “Give it back to her!” I was so scared I could only say, “Im not a thief.” P: You poor guy! What a terrible thing

8、 to happen! W: When my girlfriend came up to me the two guys asked her, “What did he steal from you?” And you know what she said? P: No, come on tell me! W: My heart. Hes stolen my heart. P: She must love you very much. W: Yeah, Im very lucky to have a girlfriend like her. nothing so mundane:不寻常的东西

9、memorable token:难忘的纪念品 W: 你绝对猜不到我女朋友送给我的情人节礼物是什么! P: 花、巧克力、DVD,还是围巾? W: 别这么庸俗!是一个代表她爱情的,很有意义的纪念品。 P: 我能看看吗? W: 不能,不过我可以给你描述一下。当时我们正在王府井逛街,她突然说:“咱们来做个游戏吧,看看谁能先到街的那一头。” P: 也太傻了吧?显然是你赢啊! W: 那当然了,跟她这个小乌龟比起来,我就是一只兔子。我回头看的时候,发现她被远远的甩在了后面。然后,她就开始大声尖叫。 P: 尖叫?怎么回事儿? W: 她喊到:“抓小偷!抓住他!” P: 天哪!不是吧?那然后呢? W: 两个男的突

10、然抓住了我,还冲我吼到:“把东西还给她!”我当时吓坏了,只能说:“我不是小偷。” P: 可怜的家伙!这叫什么事儿啊! W: 我女朋友追上来以后,那两个家伙问她:“他偷你什么了?”你猜她说什么? P: 不知道,赶紧说吧!别卖关子了! W: 我的心。她说我偷了她的心! P: 看来她一定是非常爱你! W: 是啊,能有这样一个女孩做女朋友,我真的太幸运了! 3Campus 大学校园 Sunny: I hate this canteen, I really do. Juliet: Why? S: Its always so crowded and the foods not very good, eit

11、her. J: Yeah, but at least its cheap and convenient. S: Cheap and nasty, you mean! J: Hey, its not too bad and it means we can enjoy a meal with our friends. S: Well, thats one way of looking at it but sometimes its difficult to get a table to ourselves. J: Look upon it as a way of making friends by

12、 sitting next to a stranger and having a chat. S: I know youre right but if I could afford it I would eat off campus. J: Me too, but beggars cant be choosers. S: What should I do then? I dont want to get food poisoning. J: You could always cook your own or try a takeaway. I really love those omelett

13、es with meat and lettuce inside. S: OK, Ill buy a lot of instant noodles and go on a tour of the takeaways. cheap and nasty:便宜没好货 beggars cant be choosers:没有太多选择的余地 omelettes:煎蛋饼,煎蛋卷 S: 我讨厌这个食堂,真的! J: 为什么? S: 人特多,饭菜还不怎么样。 J: 但起码还算便宜方便啊。 S: 你的意思是,便宜没好货吧? J: 还没那么糟。东西便宜,我们就可以和朋友常来吃啊! S: 这只是一个方面,但有时候都很难

14、找到张桌子。. J: 那你就把与陌生人坐同桌吃饭、聊天看作是一个交朋友的机会吧。 S: 我知道你说的是对的,但我要是有钱,我肯定不在学校吃。 J: 我也是,可是穷光蛋还有什么可选择的啊。 S: 我该怎么办?我可不想食物中毒。 J: 那你就自己做,或者叫外卖。我特喜欢吃那种夹有肉和蔬菜的鸡蛋饼。 S: 好吧,我马上就买一大堆方便面去,正好可以去看看外卖。 4. Appearance 外貌 Gail: What beautiful blue eyes you have! Nick: Thank you and you have beautiful brown eyes too. G: Brown

15、eyes! No theyre black! N: Have you got a mirror? G: Yes, Ive got one in my purse. N: Look at your eyes in it. Youll see that the pupilthats the centre of your eyesis black while the iris is brown. My irises are blue so I have blue eyes. Your irises are brown so you have brown eyes. G: Well, I was always brought up to think I had black eyes! N: In English, if you say you have a black eye it means that someones hit you in the face causing your e


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