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1、孝感市2019年高中阶段学校招生考试英语听力稿现在是听力试听时间。你将听到:W: Hi, Tom! How is your first day of school?M: Hey, Lin da. It s good. I m happy to see all my frien ds. What about you?W: Me too. And my classes are great.试听部分到此结束,听力测试即将开始。第一大题,情景反应根据你所听到的句子,选择正确的应答语。每小题听两遍。1. Can I help you?2. Let s take a walk after supper.3

2、. What s the weather like today?4. I thi nk it is importa nt for us to lear n En glish well.5. Who is the woma n with sun glasses?第二大题,对话理解根据你听到的对话及问题选择正确答案。每小题听两遍。6. M: Linda, what does your frie nd Mike look like?W: He s really tall.7. M: Lucy, what did you do last weeke nd ?W: I went to the beach

3、. And I had a great time.8. W: Steve, which sport do you like better, basketball or soccer?M : I don t like basketball. Soccer is my favorite.9. M: Good morning, Gin a. I m going to have a birthday party on Friday. Can you come?W: I m sorry , I can t. I have to meet my uncle at the airport.10. M: Ho

4、w old are you, Amy?W : I m eleven.M: How about your sister?W: Well. She is three years older tha n me.听下面一段长对话,回答11-12两个小题。M: Hi! Excuse me.W: Yes. How can I help you?M: Well, I m new in town. Is there a bank near here?W: Yes, it s on Center Street. It s across from the park.M: Oh, where s Center St

5、reet?W: It s not far from here. I can walk with you.M: That s great. Thank you very much.W: No problem.听下面一段长对话,回答13-15三个小题。W: This is Mary. Who s that?M: This is Jack. Are you free this Saturday evening?W: Yes . What s the matter?M: I have two ti ckets to Jay Chou s concert. Would you like to go wi

6、th me?W: Certa inly. I d love to. He s my favorite sin ger. Thanks for your in vitati on.Whe nand where shallwe meet?M: Let s meet at the gate of the park atseven o clock.W: Could you please get there earlier?M: What about six o clock ?W: OK. See you the n.M: See you.第三大题,短文理解根据短文内容和问题选择正确答案。短文听两遍。O

7、ne day, Bill was walk ing home from school. He found a dog lying on the road. The dog was black.He took her home and showed her to his parents. His dadfound that the dog s leg was broken. So theybrought the dog to a doctor for ani mals by car. The doctor checked the dog and told them that the dog wa

8、s going to have babies! The n ext day, Bill put up sig ns like“ Found Dog Black ” in hisn eighborhood. He also wrote his phone nu mber on the sig ns to find the owner. Two days later, Bill found the owner of the dog. He told Bill he could have one of the babies. Fin ally Bill got a babydog. He n amed the baby dog Lucky, and he liked it very much.


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