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1、We will continue to im prove the companys inter nal control system, and steady impr ovement in a bility to manage and control, optimize busi ness processes, to e nsure smooth pr oce sses, re sponsibilitie s in place ; to further strengthe n inter nal control s, play a contr ol post indepe ndent over

2、sig ht role of evaluation complying wit h third -party responsi bility; to a ctively make use of internal a udit tools detect potential ma nagement, streamli ne, sta ndar dize related tra nsactions, strengt hening operations in a ccorda nce wit h law. Dee pening the i nformation ma nagement to e nsu

3、re full communi cation zero resistance. o constantly perfect ERP , and BFS+ , and PI, a nd M IS, and SCM, i nformation system base d constr ucti on, full i ntegration i nformation system, a chi eved informati on resour ces shared; t o expand Portal system application of brea dth a nd depth, play inf

4、ormati on system on ent erprise of Assistant role; to perfect dai ly run mai ntena nce operati on of records, prom ote problem reasons a nalysi s and system ha ndov er; to stre ngtheni ng BFS+ +, and ERP , and SCM , technol ogy applicati on of training, impr ove empl oyees a ppli cation i nformation

5、 system of capa city and level. Huma nistic care to ensure zer o. To strengthening Humanities care, conti nue s toC语言程序课程设计题目题目 1:年历显示功能要求:(1) 输入一个年份,输出是在屏幕上显示该年的日历。假定输入的年份在 1940-2040年之间。(2) 输入年月,输出该月的日历。(3) 输入年月日,输出距今天还有多少天,星期几,是否是公历节日。题目 2:小学生测验面向小学 12 年级学生,随机选择两个整数和加减法形成算式要求学生解答。功能要求:(1)电脑随机出 10

6、道题,每题 10分,程序结束时显示学生得分;(2)确保算式没有超出 12 年级的水平,只允许进行 50 以内的加减法,不允许两数之和或之差超出050 的范围,负数更是不允许的;(3)每道题学生有三次机会输入答案,当学生输入错误答案时,提醒学生重新输入,如果三次机会f back bone ba ckbone r ole; to full strengthe ning mem bers youth w ork, full play youth em ployee s in company devel opment i n the of force role; t o improve i nde p

7、ende nt Commission against corruption work level , strengtheni ng on enterpri se busi ness key li nk of effectiveness monit ored. , A nd mai ntain stability. To further strengthen publ icity and educati on, im prove the overall legal system. We must strengthen safety management, esta blish and impro

8、ve the educati on, supervision, a nd eval uation a s one of the traffic safety m anagement me cha nism. o conscienti ously sum up the Ol ympic se curity controls, pr omoting i ntegrated manageme nt to a hig her level, higher sta ndar ds, a higher level of devel opment. Employee s, today is lunar cal

9、e ndar on Decem ber 24, t he ox Bell is a bout to ring, at thi s time of year, we clearly feel the pul se of the XX pow er generation company t o flourish, to more clearly hear XX power generation compa nies mat ure and symmetry breathing. Recalli ng past one a nother across a raili ng, we are e nth

10、usiasti c and f ull of confide nce. Future devel opment opportunities, we more exciti ng fight more spirite d. Employees, let us together across 2013 full of chall enges a nd opport unities, to create a gree n, low-cost operation, full ofhumane care of a worl d-class power generati on compa ny and w

11、 ork har d! The occa sion of the Spri ng Festival, my sincere wish that you and the families of the staff in the new yea r, good hea lth, happy, ha ppyWe will continue to im prove the companys inter nal control system, and steady impr ovement in a bility to manage and control, optimize business proc

12、esses, to e nsure smooth pr oce sses, re sponsibilitie s in place ; to further strengthe n inter nal control s, play a contr ol post indepe ndent oversig ht role of evaluation com plying wit h third-party responsi bility; to a ctively make use of internal a udit tools detect potential ma nagement, s

13、treamli ne, sta ndar dize relat ed tra nsactions, strengt hening operations in a ccorda nce wit h law. Dee pening the i nformation ma nagement to e ns ure full communi cation zero resistance. o constantly perfect ERP , and BFS+ , and PI, a nd M IS, and SCM, i nformation system base d constr ucti on,

14、 full i ntegration i nformation system, a chi eved informati on resour ces shared; t o expand Portal system application of brea dth a nd depth, play informati on system on ent erprise of Assistant role; to perfect dai ly run mai ntena nce operati on of records, prom ote problem reasons a nalysi s an

15、d system ha ndov er; to stre ngtheni ng BFS+, and ERP , and SCM , technol ogy applicati on of training, impr ove empl oyees a ppli cation i nformation system of capa city and level. Huma nistic care to ensure zer o. To strengthening Humanities care, conti nue s to结束则输出正确答案;(4)对于每道题,学生第一次输入正确答案得 10 分

16、,第二次输入正确答案得 7 分,第三次输入正确答案得 5 分,否则不得分;(5)总成绩 90以上显示“ SMART”,80-90 显示“GOOD”,70-80 显示“OK”,60-70 显示“PASS”,60以下“TRY AGAIN ” 。题目 3 运动会比赛计分系统要求:初始化输入: N-参赛学校总数, M-男子竞赛项目数, W-女子竞赛项目数各项目名次取法有如下几种:取前 5 名:第一名得分 7 分,第二名得分 5,第三名得分 3,第四名得分 2,第五名得分 1;取前 3 名:第一名得分 5,第二名得分 3,第三名得分 2;功能要求:(1)系统以菜单方式工作(2)由程序提醒用户填写比赛结果,输入各项目获奖运动员信息。(3)所有信息记录完毕后,用户可以查询各个学校的比赛成绩(4)查看参赛学校信息和比赛项目信息等。题目 4:学生学籍管理系统 ( 限 2 人)用数据文件存放学生的学籍,可对学生学籍进行注册,登录,修改,


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