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1、商务英语实战教程为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,小编给大家整理了商务英语实战教程,下面小编就和大家分享,来观赏一下吧。商务英语实战教程:如何收款收款篇:(153)A: Do you know out termsB: No ,what are theyA: 2% for prompt payment ,net in thirty days.B: That will be fine with us.A:你知道我们的付款方式吗B:不知道。什么呢A:立即付款的话可以有九八扣,三十天内付款需付全额。B:没问题。(154)A: Are you planning to pay in cashB: Y

2、es ,thats right.A: In that case ,we can offer you a discount.B: Good ,Im glad to heat it.A:你要付现吗B:是的。A:这样的话,可以给你折扣。B:哦,不错嘛!(155)A: What are your payment termsB: Do you have an account with usA: No, we dont.B: In that case ,wed like cash on receipt of invoice.A:你们的付款方式如何B:你在我们公司有没有记帐户头A:没有。B:这样的话,您在收

3、到帐单时请付现。(156)A: How can we set up an account with youB: Is this your first orderA: Yes ,thats right.B: Pay cash for this one and then well see what we can do.A:如何才能跟你们设立记帐户头呢B:您这是第一次订货吧A:是的。B:这次就请付现金,以后我们再看看。(157)A: Were going to pay by check.B: Will you please have the check certifiedA: If you thin

4、k it is necessary.B: Its just our policy.A:我们要开票付款。B:则请开保付支票好吗A:如果你认为有这必要的话。考生如果怕自己错过考试报名时间和考试时间的话,可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。B:这只是公司的政策。(158)A: We cant let you have any more material.B: Why notA: Your account is way past due.B: But we need just a little more time.A: We cant ship anymore until

5、 we get payment.A:我们不能再供应你原料了。B:为什么A:你的户头过期未付太久了。B:请再多给我们一点点时间。A:除非收到你的付款,否那么我们无法再出货给你。(159)A: Were going to have to put your account on C.O.D.。B: Oh ,no ,dont do that.A: Im sorry, but I dont really have much choice.B: Well pay up as soon as we can.A:今后我们不得不将您的户头改为C.O.D.。B:哦,不。请不要这样。A:对不起,我实在没有什么选择余

6、地。B:我们会尽快付清的。(160)A: If you put on C.O.D., well have to go elsewhere.B: Theres nothing much I can do.A: Im sorry you feel that way.B: I dont like this either.A:如果你要C.O.D.的话,我们只有找别家公司。B:这事情我无能为力。A:你这么说,太令人遗憾了。B:我也不快乐这么做啊。商务英语实战教程:数量和折扣买东西当然越廉价越好啦!所以在贸易谈判的时候,总是要谈到数量和折扣这个问题。下面就是一些有关打折的对话,供您参考。(1)A: Do

7、you offer any quantity discounts大量购置有折扣吗B: No, we dont.不,没有。A: Then give us three cases of this.则这种的就买三箱好了。(2)A: You could save a lot if you would order a little more.如果你单子下得多一点,可以省不少的钱。B: How could we do that怎么说呢A: We offer a discount for large orders.我们对大量订购有打折。B: Let me take another look at our r

8、equirements.那我看看我们的需要量有多少。(3)A: Your prices seem a little high.你们的价钱高了一些。B: We could make them lower for you.我们可以算你廉价一点。A: How怎么做呢B: If you order in large lots, well reduce the price.如果你大量订购,我们可以降价。(4)A: We can make the price lower if you would order a bit more.如果你单子下多一点,我们可以减价。B: How much more还要多下多

9、少A: Just three more cases.只要再加三箱就可以了。B: I think we can do that.那我想没问题。商务英语实战教程:报价商讨A: Here are the quotations that you asked for .B: How do they compare to last years A: The price increases havent been too bad at all .B: Thats good to hear .lets take a look at your prices .A:这是你的报的价。B:与去年的相比怎么样。A:没有

10、涨太多。B:那好,我们来看看你的报价吧。A: I have a question about this quotation you submitted .B: What is it A: The third item has been omitted .B: Oh ,yes .we dont carry that item anymore .A:你提出的报价我有问题。B:什么呢A:第三工程漏掉了。B:哦,是的,那一工程我们不再卖了。A: What is the deadline for submitting the quotation B: We need it in our office b

11、y next Monday .A: I think well able to make that .B: Good .we cant extend the deadline .A:报价截止日是哪一天B:下星期一以前要送到我们公司。A:我想没问题。B:那好,我们可不能延期的。A: Wed like a chance to bid on this business.B: Well be taking quotations next month .A: Will you let us have the specifications B: Sure ,just drop in my office so

12、me time and pick them up .A:我们希望能有时机投标这笔生意。B:我们将在下个月接受报价。A:规格表明书可以给我们吗。B:没问题,什么时候到我办公室来拿都可以。A: Can you tell me why our bid was not acceptedB: I think you were a little too high on some of the items.A: On which onesB: Youre perfectly welcome to inspect the winning bid.A:请告诉我为什么我们没有得标好吗B:我想你们有几个工程的价格高

13、了一点。A:哪几个品目呢,B:我们很欢迎你来查阅得标者。A: Was our bid acceptedB: No, I m sorry .it wasnt.A: Can you tell me whyB: Sorry ,but Im not at liberty to reveal that information.A:我们得标了吗B:道歉,没有。A:能告诉我什么原因吗B:对不起,我不能随意泄露情报。A: Congratulations ! your bid has won .B: Im glad to hear that .A: When can you come around to dis

14、cuss some details with us B: Ill be there next Monday at noon .A:恭喜!你得标了。B:真是好消息,A:什么时候可以过来和我们讨论细节呢B:下个星期一中午吧。A: What is your best price on this item B: $24.95 per hundred piecesA: That will be fine with us .B: Fine . Ill start the paperwork for your order right away .A:此一品目的最低价是多少B:一百个美金二十四块九毛五。A:这

15、价钱还可以。B:好啊,那我立刻就为你们的订单作准备了。A: Can we expect the same price as last time B: Oh ,yes ,no problem about that.A: Good ,well be ordering in just a few days.A:价钱能够和上次的一样吗B:哦,可以。没问题的。A:很好,两三天内我们就会下订单。A: This price is quite a bit higher than it was last time .B: Were sorry ,but we ve had a slight price increase here .A: Slight I wouldnt call th



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