Put in mind...请牢记.......doc

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《Put in mind...请牢记.......doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Put in mind...请牢记.......doc(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Put in mind.请牢记. (1) The next time you think youre perfect, try walking on water. 下次如果觉得自己了不起时, 试试行在水上.(2)Im not obsessed with 666; Ive already been marked with John 3:16 我不被魔鬼所辖制,藉着约3:16,我知道我已经得到基督的印记 (3)When the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future.当魔鬼提醒你你的过去时, 请提醒他他的未来.(4)Oppo

2、rtunity may knock only once, but temptation leans on the doorbell.机会也许只敲一次门, 但试探却总是在按门铃.(5)In order to receive something you have never had before.you are going to have to do something you have never done before.如果你想得到一些从未得到过的东西, 你要做一些从未做过的事.(6)You are not Lucky; you are Blessed.你不是幸运, 是蒙福.(7)You ha

3、ve to truly die before you can truly live. 若想要真正活着,得先彻底死去。(8)We forget God when we are strong.我们常在强壮时,忘记神.(9)Many who say Our Father on Sunday spend the rest of the week acting like orphans.那些只在星期天呼唤天父的人, 在一星期余下的日子里活得像孤儿.(10) Dont be self-centered. be God-centered! 不要以自我为中心, 要以基督为中心.(11) No Jesus, n

4、o peace. Know Jesus, know peace. 没有耶稣,没有平安;认识耶稣,得到平安 (12) The reason we dont talk to our friends about God is because we dont talk to God about our friends. 为什么我们不常向朋友提起神? 因为我们不常向神提起我们的朋友.(13)Give your all to Christ, who gave His all for you.当把你的一切献给基督, 因为他把他的一切都给了你.(14)Is what your living for worth

5、 Christ dying for? 你现在所追求的,值得基督为它死吗?(15)He is your friend who pushes you nearer to God. 使你向神靠近的人, 是你真正的朋友.(16)God loves us not because of who we are, but because of who He is.神爱我们,不是因为我们是怎样一个人,而是因为他是怎样一个神.Dont give up.别放弃(17) Gods promises are like the stars: the darker the night, the brighter they

6、shine 神的应许象夜空里的星星. 夜越深, 星星的光芒越亮.(18)Life without Christ is a hopeless end. Life with Christ is endless hope没有基督的生命, 是无望的尽头. 有基督的生命, 是无尽的盼望. (19)I know not what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future! 我虽不知道未来掌管着什么, 但我知道谁掌管着未来.(20) Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there. 把你的重担交给主,

7、让它留在主那里. (21) Fear not tomorrow. God is already there. 不要畏惧明天,因为上帝已在那里(22) When there is nothing left but God, that is when you realize that God is all you need.当你除了神,一无所有时, 你将知道神就是你全部的需要. Let go and let God .放手让给上帝 . (23)Stop telling God how big your storm is and start telling your storm how big yo

8、ur God is.别再向神讲述你的风暴有多大, 当向风暴讲述你的神有多大.(24)The only one who can satisfy the human heart is the one who made it.能够满足人心的,是造人心的那一位.(25) Keep your light shinning bright and strong. You may never know who will find their way out of the darkness, because of your light. 请常常保持让你心里的光, 因为你不知道, 谁会藉着这光走出黑暗. Keep

9、 praying.坚持祷告 . (26) When we work, we work; but when we pray, God works. 当我们工作的时候, 我们独自工作; 当我们祈祷的时候, 神工作.(27) God is everywhere so you can pray anywhere. 神无所不在, 所以我们可以随处祷告.(28) If no one ever had a need, wed never see a miracle. 一个没有需要的人永远见不到神迹.(29) Worship reminds us of values the world makes us fo

10、rget.敬拜提醒我们生命的价值, 但世界却使我们忘记它.(30) When life gets tough, Dont just pray continually and not move in the direction God is telling you.步履艰难的时候, 别一味的祷告, 却不迈向神要你走的路.(31) Prayer will do a lot of things for us. Worry will do a lot of things to us.祷告会为我们做很多事,忧虑同样可以(32) God answers all prayers! He answers ye

11、s, no, and wait! 神答复我们所有的祷告, 他的答复是: 行/ 不行/ 请等待.Serve the Lord.侍奉主.(33)Dont just work for God. Work with God.不要单单为神工作, 要和神一起工作.(34)Gods work must be done in Gods way.神的工作要按神的旨意来做.(35)Service is not spelled serve-us35) 服务一词请不要拼写成为我们服务(Service不等于serveus)(36)God does not ask your ability or your inabili

12、ty. He asks only your availability.神从不问你能否胜任, 他只问你愿不愿做.(37)The only limits to Gods grace are the limits we put on it.唯一限制神恩典的,是我们所加给它的限制.(38)Gods primary method for reaching people is people.神用人来接触人.(39)A Christian leader is one who knows the way, shows the way, and go the way 一位基督领袖能够认识真理,彰显真理,行出真理

13、。 (40)Go from leave world to join church to enter world and be church.要从离开世界,加入教会 到进入世界,建立教会Marrage.婚姻.(41)Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for the gift. 也许,上帝希望我们在遇到合适的那一位之前可以认识几个错误的人,这样,当我们最 终遇到另一半,就会为这份恩赐无比感恩。(42)Continue on your walk with God . and one day when the time is right your soul mate will walk right beside you. 请继续与神同行.当有一天, 时候到了, 你的伴侣会到身边与你同行.(43) Christ is the only third party in marriage who can make it work. 基督是唯一能令婚姻成功的第三者.



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