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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上English Language Teaching Methodology Test(A)I. Multiple Choices (30%)Directions: In this part, you are given fifteen questions or incomplete sentences which are followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Read the choices carefully and choose the one which can best answer the questi

2、on or complete the sentence. Mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet for the objective items (30 points; 2 points each).1. The _ view of language considers language as a communicative tool, whose main use is to build up and maintain social relations between people.A. structural B. function

3、al C. mentalist D. interactional2. The key point of is reflected in his most famous question: if all language is a learned behavior, how can a child produce a sentence that has never been said by others before? A. Skinners behaviorist theoryB. Chomskys cognitive theoryC. Watson and Raynors theory of

4、 conditioningD. Hymess theory of communicative competence3. Which one of the four aspects included in communicative competence is roughly equivalent to Chomskys linguistic competence?A. possibility B. feasibility C. appropriateness D. performance4. Which of the following statement about task-based l

5、anguage teaching is NOT true?A. Students should be given tasks to perform or problems to solve in the classroom.B. Students are task-driven.C. Task-based language teaching is student-centered. D. Task-based language teaching follows the PPP model.5. Which of the following is most suitable for speaki

6、ng?A. TPR actions. B. Recognizing pictures. C. Information-gap activities. D. Matching pictures with descriptions. 6. One of the major principles behind good lesson planning is , which means the contents and the tasks planned for the lesson should be within the capability of the students, following

7、the principle of i+1 principle.A. variety B. flexibility C. learnability D. linkage7. Whats the teacher doing by saying “Anything else?”, when a student finishes with a very short answer? A. Controlling discipline. B. Giving prompts.C. Evaluating students work. D. Directing students attention to the

8、 lesson.8.Considering our English learning context, our realistic goals of teaching pronunciation should include the following except .A. consistency B. intelligibilityC. communicative efficiency D. native-like pronunciation9. The role of the teacher changes following the aims of the class. The teac

9、her may function more as a if he is mainly doing presentation of new language points, whereas he is more of a resource or prompter or participant once a communicative activity starts.A. controller B. resource-provider C. participant D. organizer10. Which of the following assumptions about vocabulary

10、 is NOT true?A. A vocabulary item can be more than one word.B. Both teachers and students need to know that there is a difference between active and passive vocabulary.C. Words can be taught and learned most effectively in groups of words that are related to each other in meaning.D. The best way to

11、explain vocabulary is to translate.11. Which of the following statements about listening is NOT true?A. Lack of background knowledge constitutes one of the main factors affecting istening. B. Students need to be comfortable with some ambiguity in listening and realize that they can still learn even

12、when they do not understand every single word.C. Teaching listening should focus on the process of listening rather than the result of listening.D. Since listening is a kind of receptive skills, it is a passive skill.12. The fact that speech is spontaneous means that that it is full of false starts,

13、 broken grammar, , short phrases, hesitation and fillers, etc.A. complete sentences B. repetitionsC. formal language D. complex vocabulary13. Which of the following statements about reading is NOT true?A. We need to read and understand all the words in order to understand a text.B. Reading is a sile

14、nt activity. Reading aloud does not help understanding.C. Reading with a purpose will be most effective.D. The lack of cultural knowledge may affect the rate of reading comprehension.14. The deductive method for teaching grammar is often criticized for the following reasons except .A. It teaches gra

15、mmar in an isolated way.B. Little attention is paid to meaning.C. The practice is often mechanical. D. It could save time when students are confronted with a grammar rule which is complex but which has to be learned.15. Which of the following statements about assessment if NOT true?A. Assessment implies evaluation based on a collection of information about what students know and can do.B. Testing is part of assessment, but it is only one means of gathering information about a student.C. Individual-refer


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