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1、Unit 12Life is full of the unexpected【学习目标】1. 词汇: by the time , gotten ,oversleep 2. 句型: (1).By the time she got up , her brother had already gone into the bathroom. ( 2) When she got to school , she realized she had left her backpack at home . 3培养听说能力。 【自主梳理】课前预习:(教师寄语:预习感知,有备无患。)1. 预习生词.根据音标读出单词并了

2、解汉语意思,养成自主学习的习惯。本节课我们要学的单词短语是 :2. 朗读Section A 1a-2c,根据句意及首写字母提示完成下列句子 1)This morning I o ,so I was late for school . 2)When I got to school ,I r I had left my pen at home . 3)Have you ever f your mothers birthday ? 4)My uncle m the early bus yesterday, so he was late for work . 5)Yesterday my bike w

3、as broken . So I w to school.3. 理解下列对话,并利用1a图画练习编造对话A: What happened? B: I overslept. And by the time I got up , my brother had already gotten in the shower .4.要点导学导学1.happen 是不及物动词,没有被动语态,意为“ 发生,碰巧”。happen 指偶然发生的事件。(1) happen to do sth 意为碰巧做某事。(2)sth happen to sb 意为“ 某人发生某事”。take place 意为 “发生”, 也无被

4、动语态,指经过安排或计划地发生。导学2. by the time 意为“到时候, 到之前” ,指从过去的某一点到从句所示的时间为止,当从句为一般过去时时,主句用过去完成时。注意:by 与其他时间连用表示“ 不迟于, 到.为止”.。若指“ 到现在为止”用现在完成时,指“到过去某时间为止”,则用过去完成时,指 “到将来某时间为止 ”,用将来时。导学3. get back to school 意为“回到学校” 注意:(1)get back to 后接表地点的名词,意为 “ 回到某地”; (2) get back to 后面接人,可引申为“回复某人的信件,电子邮件,电话”等;(3)get back 还

5、可表示“ 回来,返回,拿回,取回”等含义。导学4.leave 与forget的用法: (1) leave 意为“ 遗留,落下,忘记带”,侧重指把某物或某人留在某个地方,后常跟地点状语;(2)forget 意为“ 忘记”,侧重指忘记某件事情,后常跟to do (忘了要去做)或doing (忘了做过)。 【重点领悟】1.过去完成时态的构成及用法。 2.过去完成时态与一般过去时的不同用法。【探究提升】课堂活动.(教师寄语: 展示自我,合作提高)1.检查课前预习,小组合作交流讨论解决问题。2. 听录音,完成1b,2a和2b。3.读听力材料,理解以下几个句子或短语:1) You look stresse

6、d out . 2) have a bad morning 3)What a pain ! 4) get out of the shower 5) take a quick shower and get dressed 6) I ran all the way to school. 根据听力材料,利用下列句型两人一组谈论你的生活经历。A:By the time I went outside ,the bus had already left . B:When I got to school , I realized I had left her backpack at home .【课堂小结】

7、回顾本节课,学到了什么,还有什么疑问? 1)你的疑问: 2)你学到的知识: 【检测反馈】(教师寄语:相信自己,你是最棒的!)【巩固训练】1. 单项选择1He asked me _A_ during the summer holidays.A. where I had been B. where I had gone C. where had I been D. where had I gone 2. What _D_ Jane _ by the time he was seven?A. did, do B. has, done C did, did. D. had, done3. I _C_

8、900 English words by the time I was ten。A. learned B. was learning C. had learned D. learnt4. She _A_ lived here for _ years.A. had, a few B. has, several C. had, a lot of D. has, a great deal of5. By the time my parents reached home yesterday, I _A_ the dinner already.A had cooked B. cooked C. have

9、 cooked D. was cooked6. She said she _D_ the principle alreadyA .has seen B. saw C. will see D. had seen7. She said her family _B_ themselves _ the army during the war.A. has hidden, from B. had hidden, from C. has hidden, with D. had hidden, with8. By the time he was ten years old, he _D_.A. has co

10、mpleted university B. has completed the universityB. had completed an university D. had completed university9. She had written a number of books _C_ the end of last year.A. for B. in C. by D. at 10. He _B_ to play _ before he was 11 years old.A had learned, piano B. had learned, the piano C. has lea

11、rned, the piano D. learns ,piano. 11. What _D_ Annie _ by the time he was ten?A. did, do B. did, did C. has, done D. had done 12 .He _C_ in the factory for three years before he joined the Army.A. has worked B. works C. had worked D. will work13. By the end of last week, they _D_ the bridge.A. has c

12、ompleted B. completed C. will complete D. had completed14. Ben hates playing _D_ violin, but he likes playing _ football.A. athe B. the the C. / the D. the/15. By the time he was 4, he _A_ a lot of German words.A. had learned B. has learned C. learned D. learns 16 .Jim turned off the lights and then

13、 _D_ the classroom.A. was left B. had left C. has left D. left 17.They _C_ in Guangzhou since 2000.A. lived B. had lived C. have lived D. were living18. The train from Beijing _C_ ten minutes ago.A. has arrived B. was arriving C. arrived D. had arrived19. The students _B_ their classroom when the vi

14、sitors arrived.A . have cleaned B. had cleaned C. was cleaned D. have been cleaned20. Frank _B_ the project in one hour.A. have finished B. will finish C. finishes D. has finished21. The man _A_ his coat and went out.A. put on B. had put on C. will put on D. was putting on22 My mother_C_ in that factory at the age of 18.A. had worked B. has worked C. worked D. works23. Dad _C_ while he _ TV.A .fell asleepwatch B. was falling asleepwatched C. fell asleepwas watching D. had fallen asleepwatched


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