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1、SAT写作历年真题汇总: 04. (2005.3) Is a person responsible, through the example he or she sets, for the behavior of other people?05. (2005.5) Do people depend on workwhether it is a job, schoolwork, or volunteer workto determine what their daily activities and interactions with others should be?06. (2005.5)

2、Does progress depend on people with new ideas rather than on people whose ideas are based on the current way of doing things?07. (2005.5) Are people afraid to speak out against authority, whether the authority is an individual or a group, or a government?08. (2005.5) Does worrying too much about oth

3、er peoples opinions prevent us from seeing things clearly?09. (2005.6) Do memories hinder or help people in their effort to learn from the past and succeed in the present?10. (2005.6) Do people put too much emphasis on learning practical skills?11. (2005.6) Should schools help students understand mo

4、ral choices and social issues?12. (2005.6) Do newspapers, magazines, television, radio, movies, the Internet, and other media determine what is important to most people?13. (2005.10) Is success in life earned or do people succeed because they are lucky?14. (2005.10) Is societys admiration for famous

5、 people beneficial or harmful?15. (2005.10) Should people make more of an effort to keep some things private?16. (2005.10) Do we live in a time when people do not engage in serious thinking?17. (2005.11) Should our perceptions of beauty be influenced by the perceptions of beauty of other people?18.

6、(2005.11) Is praising others, even if the praise is excessive or undeserved, a necessary part of life?19. (2005.11) Is conflict helpful?20. (2005.11) Do people now (i.e., did they not in the past?) use money (and the things that money can buy) to measure success instead of using more meaningful ways

7、 to measure success?21. (2005.11) Has the acquisition of money and possessions replaced more meaningful ways of measuring our achievements?22. (2005.12) Are leaders necessarily people who are most capable of leadership?23. (2005.12) Is knowledge of the past no longer useful for us today?24. (2005.12

8、) Is it necessary to limit or put restrictions on freedom of thought and expression?25. (2005.12) Do benefits of scientific and technological developments come at the cost of undesirable changes to peoples lives?26. (2006.1) Do people accomplish more when they are allowed to do things in their own w

9、ay?27. (2006.1) Is it necessary to make mistakes, even when doing so has negative consequences for other people?28. (2006.1) Can any obstacle or disadvantage be turned into something good?29. (2006.1) Are all important discoveries the result of focusing on one subject?30. (2006.4) Is it best not to

10、change our ideas, opinions, or behaviors?31. (2006.4) Is our ability to change ourselves unlimited, or are there limits on our ability to make important changes in our lives?32. (2006.4) What do you think motivates people to do their best?33. (2006.4) Should each individual decide what and how to le

11、arn?34. (2006.5) Are we free to make our own decisions or are we limited in the choices we can make?35. (2006.5) Would the world be a better place if everyone always told the complete truth?36. (2006.5) Does the success of a communitywhether it is a class, a team, a family, a nation, or any other gr

12、oupdepend upon peoples willingness to limit their personal interests?37. (2006.5) Does the truth change depending on how people look at things?38. (2006.6) Does a strong commitment to technological progress cause a society to neglect other values, such as education and the protection of the environm

13、ent?39. (2006.6) Are established rules too limited to guide people in real-life situations?40. (2006.6) Is it sometimes better to take risks than to follow a more reasonable course of action?41. (2006.6) Do we tend to accept the opinions of others instead of developing our own independent ideas?42.

14、(2006.10) Do people achieve more success by cooperation than by competition?43. (2006.10) Is it important to question the ideas and decisions of people in positions of authority?44. (2006.10) Does true learning only occur when we experience difficulties?45. (2006.10) Can deceptionpretending that som

15、ething is true when it is notsometimes have good results?46. (2006.11) Do we put too much value on the ideas or actions of individual people?47. (2006.11) Can books and stories about characters and events that are not real teach us anything useful?48. (2006.11) Can people achieve success only if the

16、y aim to be perfect?49. (2006.11) Do success and happiness depend on the choices people make rather than on factors beyond their control?50. (2006.12) Are people more likely to be productive and successful when they ignore the opinions of others?51. (2006.12) Is it better for people to be realistic or optimistic?52. (2006.12) Is it important to try to understand peoples motivations bef


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