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1、 新概念英语第四册惯用语整理Lesson441.as long as 只要;和一样长1.A:See that guy over there in the corner? He comes in every Thursday night around six and he just sits there, for hours.A:你观察角落里那家伙了吗?他每星期四晚上6点左右就来了,然后就坐在那儿,一坐就是好几个小时。B:It”s odd. But there is not much we can do as long as he orders something that is.B:很惊奇。但

2、只要他点菜要东西的话,我们也没有可做的。2.A:Would you be interested in two bedrooms, one bedroom, or a studio?A:你对两居室,一居室,还是一室公寓房感兴趣?B:It doesn”t matter as long as it”s close to the university.B:只要离学校近,无所谓。2.birth 诞生,诞生birth certificate 诞生证明例句:I need to get a copy of my birth certificate.我需要复印一张我的诞生证明。3.brain n. 脑;智力ra

3、ck one”s brains 绞尽脑汁(to think very deeply or for a long time)例句:1.Julia racked her brains, but she still coundn”t figure out what had really happened.朱丽娅绞尽了脑汁也想不出究竟发生了什么事。2.Rack your brains, maybe you can get some hints.绞尽脑汁想一想,或许你会得到些线索的。4.matter-of-fact adj. 实事求是的as a matter of fact 事实上,实际上(in fac

4、t, actually; to tell the truth)1.A:You haven”t phoned Harry yet, have you?A:你没有给哈里打电话,是吗?B:As a matter of fact, I have.B:事实上,我已经打了电话。2.A:I imagine you”ve gotten your advisor”s approval for your class schedule?A:我想你的课程表已经得到了你指导教师的同意了吧?B:As a matter of fact, I haven”t.B:事实上,还没有呢?5.note n. 短笺,便条;记录,笔记

5、vt.记录,登记;留意,留意thank you note 感谢信例句:Inside the envelope was a letter from Bob, a thank you note from Myma and a picture of all the teachers.信封里有一封鲍勃的来信,一封玛安娜的感谢信还有一张全部教师的照片。6.place adj.(人或事物占据的)地方;位置 vt.把放在A:I”ve got a coupon for half off dinner at that new restaurant down the street. I think I”ll us

6、e it when my cousin comes for a visit this weekend.A:我得到了一张这条街那个新开张的饭馆的半价优待券o我想这个周末我表弟过来的时候我就把这张券用了oB:Where did you get it? I wouldn”t mind trying that place out too.B:你从哪里搞来的?我也想去那个餐馆吃吃看。7.relevant adj.有关的,切题的be relevant to 和.相关例句:This information is relevant to your research paper. Why don”t you put it on paper?这信息和你的讨论论文有关,你为什么不把它登记来呢?


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