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1、 I have a pen pal第二课时教学设计 户县渭丰镇中心学校 吴丹学情分析 六年级的学生已经学习了3年多的英语了,积累了很多的词汇,并有了比较好的语感,有了一些自然拼读法的基础。此课中的生词是五年级学过的一些单词的动名词形式,对学生来说比较简单,可以让学生自己试着去拼读。Teaching Aims and Demands1.能够正确掌握单词,词组 dancing,singing,reading stories,playing football doing kungfu,并进行现在分词的基本变化规律总结。2.能够运用有关兴趣,爱好的英文表达What are your hobbies?

2、和 I like.进行问答。3.能够听懂,会说Lets learn的内容,并能根据实际情况运用课本的重点句型表达自己的 兴趣和爱好。keys1.能够正确掌握单词,词组dancing, singing, reading stories,playing football ,doing kungfu,并进行现在现在分词的基本变化规律总结。2.能够运用有关兴趣,爱好的英文表达What are your hobbies? 和 I like . 进行问答。Difficulties:学生能够大胆的创编和表演有关兴趣爱好的小对话。Step1 Warming upGreetingT:Good morning,b

3、oys and girls!Ss: Good morning,Ms Wu.T: Can you tell me what day is it today?S1: Its Monday!T: Yes, you are right! Do you want to sing a song together?Ss: Ok!Sing the song: “Days of the week.”ReviewT: Your voices are so lovely! I like the song very much! Now, Ill ask you a question, Do you know whic

4、h two days in a week are the weekends?Ss: Saturday and Sunday!T: Yes, you are so clever. On my weekends, I often watch TV, read books and clean my room. How about you? What do you do on your weekends?T: Do you like playing football?T: OK, now I know that you like playing football.T: Its good to know

5、 that your weekends are so colorful, I have a couple of friends, they are very happy everyday, do you want to meet them?Ss: Yes!T: Do you want to know what do they do on their weekends and what do they like?Ss: Yes!T: Good , welcome to the magic house.Step2 Presentation&PracticePresent the new phras

6、es.(展示魔法房子,小猫看书)T:Look!Oh, the cat cant speak, can you help her to tell everyone what does she do on her weekend?S: I often read books!T:Yes,she often reads stories.(read the word “stories”)T: Wow, look at her! What is she saying!S1:She says: “I like reading stories”T: Yes, excellent! Pay attention

7、to the “ing”(repeat the words like this: readreadingreading stories- I like reading stories) (板书reading stories)T: I like reading stories! Who likes reading stories? Do you like reading stories?S1: Yes, I like reading stories.T:So reading stories is your hobby.(同上教授另外4个词组,注意让学生观察dacing 后要去e +ing)Pra

8、ctice the words.T:Now we have learned 5 phrases. Now lets play a game together ,OK?(When the teacher puts her palm beside the word, Ss read the word, when she turn over her hand, the student shouldnt read the word.)T: Youve done a great job.Now let me test your eyesight.( Game”Whats missing?”)T: I c

9、an tell that you had a lot of fun, right? As a reward for you ,lets play a bomb game.(Flash card with a bomb.)Ss: Hooray!Present the key sentence.T: Can you tell me all these words we learned, what are they?Ss: “Hobby.”T: Yes, they are hobbies.(板书 hobbies)T: I like reading stories and go shopping, w

10、hat are your hobbies?S1: I like cooking.S2: I like doing kungfu.T: I see, when you want to know others hobbies, you can ask him “ What are your hobbies?”(repeat.)Practice the key sentences structures.T: Two students make a group and make dialogues.S1:What are your hobbies?S2: I like watching TV and

11、doing kungfu.Listening comprehensionT: Youve done a wonderful job! Now listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.(学生听课文录音,补全课文中的信息)T:Then lets read the text after the tape.(跟录音读课文)T: Now from the text,we can know thatZhang Peng likes _,_ and _.Step 3 ConsolidationT:Can you interview your group mates

12、 what their hobbies are, and do a survey like this?(以小组为单位,对照课件内容,使用所学的句型来进行对话,调查你的组员的爱好,并汇报。)Step4 Summary1.Sum up what we have learned todayT: Today we have learned a very useful expression, when we want to know others hobbies ,we can say:Ss: What are your hobbies.T: And we learned there phrases: doing kungfu.(师生一起复习词组。)2.Enjoy a songT: At last, I want all of you to enjoy a song as the end of our class today.3.Group assessmentStep 5 HomeworkWrite the new phrase



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