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1、七年级(初一)上册英语语法大总结 初中英语并不难学,只要掌握了诀窍 一切都易如反掌 这里 为你集锦了初一一年来的语法知识,希望对广大同学们有所帮助。.初一1.there be 句型 “有”指 “某地有某物”形式 :there is, there are例:There is some food in the fridge。冰箱里有一些食物。 There are many books on the desk. 桌上有许多书。区分:there is 用于修饰单数名词和不可数名词 ,例如:a book , an egg, milk, ice-cream .there are 用来修饰可数名词复数如果要

2、表达某处没有某物 则要用there be 句型的否定形式,即在there be 后加not ,即 there be not形式:there is not (there isnt) there are not (there arent)例: There isnt any milk in a glass。 There arent any vegetables in the fridge.若表示是否有,则要用 there be 句型的疑问句 即把be 提前 Be there 形式 Is there , Are there例:Is there any milk in the glass? Are th

3、ere any vegetables in the fridge?注意:这里涉及some any 的用法 some 用于肯定句中,any 用于否定句和疑问句中。但是在表示请求的疑问句中,是想要得到肯定答复的,要用some。例:Would you like some milk?对于there be 疑问句的回答:肯定:Yes,there isare. No,there isntarent.2.havehas got 有 指某人有某物例:I have a dog.我有一只狗。 He has a sister and a brother.他有一个姐姐和一个弟弟。区分 :have has: have用

4、来修饰第一人称和第二人称和第三人称复数(I ,we ,they) has用来修饰第三人称单数(she, he , it )若表示某人没有某物,则要用否定形式,即在havehas got 后加not 即have not (havent)got ,has not(hasnt)got.例:I havent got a sister but i have a brother. She hasnt got bright eyes and long hairs.某人是否有某物则要用havehas got的疑问形式,HaveHas +sb.sth. + gotHave they got a picnic a

5、t weekends?Has the dog got a host family?(寄宿家庭)寄宿制家庭,就是留学生住在当地人家了,有提供伙食或不提供两种,房租较高,适合高中生去寄宿!回答:肯定:Yes, i we they have. Yes , she he it has. 否定:No , i we they havent. No, she he it hasnt.注意:there be 和 have got 的区别 两者虽都指有,但侧重点不同。例:1There are some food in the fridge. The fridge has got some food.虽然都是“冰

6、箱里有食物”但(1)句侧重于食物,(2)句侧重于冰箱。3.be(am is are)用法:我用am 你用are, is连着她他它,单数用is,复数用are例:I am a student. She is a beutiful girl. He is a child. It is a dog. You are my teacher. They are my friends, The boys all are England.be 的否定形式 直接加not 即 am not, are not , is not.例:I am not an English. I am Chinese. She isn

7、t kind. They arent my friends.疑问形式把be提前 即 be+ 主语.?例:Is he your father? Are they going to have a party?回答:肯定:Yes, I am. Yes,she he it is. Yes , you we they are. 否定: No, I am not. No, she he it isnt. No , you we they arent.be的句式, 所用情况:1be + 形容词(adj.). 例:I am very happy.2 be+ 名词(n.) 例:He is a boy.3 be

8、+ 介词短语 例:She is in the school.4 be形容词短语例: e is only 11 years old.5 be+ 副词 例:Class is over. 4. 情态动词 can can 可以 能够,表示某人能做某事 用法:can+v.原 不能做某事,则用can 的否定形式:cannot (cant)+v.原can没有人称和数的变化,因此谁能(不能)做某事都能用can若表示某人是否能做某事 则要用can 的疑问形式,即can+sb.?例:I can speak Chinese. I cant speak English. Can you speak English?

9、He can swim but he cant play football. Can she play the piano?疑问句回答 :肯定:Yes, I she you he it they we can. 否定:No, I she he it you we they cant.注意:can 表示“能力”时,指现在的能力,并不指过去或将来的能力。5 . 情态动词would 想 主要用于 would you like to .句型中,表示邀请。例:Would you like to go to school with me ?回答一般有两种形式:1 表示愿意:Id like love to.

10、 2 拒绝:Sorry, 原因。注意:would like to 本身并不表示邀请, 而是想要。例:I would like to some books.另外,表示邀请还能说:Lets. Shall we. What How about.还要注意邀请时询问信息的表达方式:1)询问时间:When is. 2) 询问地点: Where is.6 行为动词的一般现在时(根据其在句中的功能,动词可分为四类:实义动词、系动词、助动词、情态动词。行为动词也叫实义动词,比如eat,sleep,行为动词后面只能副词修饰系动词比如seem,be动词,可以用形容词,用法:1.如果表示某人经常性或习惯性做某事,则要

11、用行为动词的一般现在时He goes to school every day.They eat dinner in the evening.2.若表示某人现在的动态,也可用一般现在时。I know him very well. 我和他很熟。He likes English very much. 他非常喜欢英语。若表示否定意义,若主语是第一人称或第二人称或第三人称复数,只要在谓语动词后加not,即do not(dont) ,若主语是第三人称单数,则要在谓语动词后加does not (doesnt)例:I dont go to school every day. She doesnt goes t

12、o the shop every day. You don t sing vell well.若表示是否经常做某事 则要用疑问意义,将do does 提前即可例:Do you write a composition every day? 你每天写一篇作文吗? Does it smell good? 它闻起来很香吗?注意:行为动词的一般现在时中涉及了频度副词,用法:用于行为动词之前,be动词之后常见的频度副词有:often ,always , usually , never ,seldom ,sometimes等7.变法总结名词变复数(1)一般在词尾加-s 例词:bags, vegetables , books(2)以s , x , ch , sh 结尾的加-es例词: watches , boxes , buses , brushes(3)以o 结尾的加-es 例词:heroes 英雄 negroes 黑人 tomatoes 西红柿 potatoes 土豆4)以o 结尾的加-s 例词:zoos , zeros(5) 以 辅音字母+y 结把y 变 i 加-es 例词:babybabies ,citycities(6)以 f 或 fe 结尾 ,把f 或 fe变成 -ves 例词: lifelives第三人称单数变化形式和名词变复数变化形式相同



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