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1、Unit 4 FantasticTopic 3 Perhaps people will fly to Mars.Section A【课前预习】根据首字母提示完成单词拼写1. Look! The old man is w_ the flowers in the garden.2. Scientists are continuing the r_ on the moon. 3. Did many women a_ her beauty?4. The s_ did a lot of harm to people.5. If you drive carefully, there is no r_ of

2、 traffic accident. 【课后巩固】I. 选用所给单词并用其正确形式填空research, proper, basic, water, climate, risk, storm, admire, view, beyond 1. Food, clothing and shelter are all _ necessities of life. 2. It isnt _ to visit a friend at this time. 3. Astronauts will live and do _ work in it. 4. He saved my life at the _ of

3、 being hurt. 5. I would rather live in France for the good _.6. The students are _ the trees. 7. There was a bad _ last week. 8. The post office is _ the bridge.9. The _ from our house is very beautiful.10. I _ him for his courage. II. 完成下列句子语态的变化1. Your computer cant be repaired any more. _.2. You

4、must finish all the work before tomorrow afternoon. _.3. He may make this model plane. _.4. Need he eat up all the cakes? _5. The thief can be caught in three days by the police. _.III. 按要求变化下列各句1. Scientific research should be done carefully. (改为一般疑问句) _.2. Must the pet be looked after carefully? (

5、做否定回答) _.3. The dog will be taken to the hospital. (改为否定句) _.4. These trees should be cared for by everyone. (对画线部分提问) _.5. Monkeys may be cloned by scientists some day. (对画线部分提问) _. Section B【课前预习】用所给单词的正确形式填空1. Much more spaceships may _ (send) into space. 2. The fish can _ (cook) very well by my

6、father. 3. The water in the basin should _ (not use) to wash your face. 4. These bottles shouldnt _ (throw) away, and they can still _ (recycle) in some way. 5. Your bike neednt _(mend). 6. He likes seeing the _ (wonder) movie.7. I think the movie will be _ (show) next week. 8. I want to be an astro

7、naut so that I can _ (travel) to the moon. 9. I prefer singing to _ (dance). 10. The animal needs _ (live) in the south of China in winter. 【课后巩固】I. 把下列各句改为被动语态1. The children must clean the blackboard after class. The blackboard _ by the children after class. 2. He should finish the work at once. T

8、he work _ by him at once. 3. Can you help him this afternoon? _ he _ by you this afternoon?4. You may check his homework at home. His homework _ at home. 5. You must write a letter to him tomorrow. A letter _ to him tomorrow.II. 汉译英 1. 我们要做我们能做的事情。 We will do _.2. 为了考试及格,他努力学习。 _ pass the exam, he w

9、orks hard.3. 他从收音机里听天气预报吗。 Has he heard the weather report _?4. 我想将来会有越来越多的东西被发明。 I think more and more things _ in the future. 5. 老年人应该得到良好的照顾。 The old _.6. 这些病人应该送往医院吗? _ the patients _ the hospital?7. 自从我们登上月球已经很多年了。 It _ many years _.8. 这部电影很有趣,很值得一看。 This movie is very interesting and it _.9. 上

10、海距离辽宁5千多公里。 Shanghai is _ more than 5,000 km from Liaoning.10. 据报道,他计划参加这次国际会议。 _ he plans to _ the international meeting. III. 补全对话 A: Yesterday I read a book. B: Whats it (1)_?A: Its about a strange travel to Mars. B: Do you think we can travel to Mars?A: Of course we can go there by (2)_. But I d

11、ont believe we can live there. B: (3)_do I. Because the (4)_ on the surface of Mars is not so strong as it is on earth. We can hardly stand still there. A: Whats (5)_, there is no water. B: And sometimes its very (6)_. The lowest (7)_ can research 140 below zero. A: But maybe people can spend their

12、holiday there in the (8)_.B: How (9)_ will it take to go there by spaceship?A: About eight months.B: Thats really a long way I (10)_ I could fly to Mars one day. That must be great fun. Section C and D【课前预习】I. 根据首字母提示完成单词拼写1. -Ive passed the exam and got a good mark. -C_.2. Summer is coming, we look f_ to swimming together. 3. The c_ in Russia is very bad. It is too cold and it snows a lot. 4. Computers are widely used in many f_.5. The strange fish fossils are used for scientific


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