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1、(1) Her parents were in Shanghai, and so was his.(2) As is known to us all, remembering English words are not easy.(3) The police was looking for the murderer everywhere in the city.(4) Writing English and speaking it is different things.(5) It is the parents and their son who wants to buy the bicyc

2、le.(6) What he said at the meeting were very important to us.【参考答案】(1) was 改为 were,因其主语 his 为 his parents 之略,为复数。(2) are 改为 is,句子主语为动名词短语 remembering English words,故其谓语动词要用单数。(3) was 改为 were,police 作主语时,谓语动词总是用复数。(4) is 改为 are,因句子主语为复数。(from )(5) wants 改为 want,此句为强调句,强调的是主语 the parents and their son

3、,为复数。(6) were 改为 was,名词性从句作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数。(1) Ill try to be more carefully next time.(2) China is much more bigger than the United States.(3) There are few boys than girls in our class.(4) He says that skiing is much exciting than skating.(5) The more money you make, the most you spend.(6) He found s

4、omeone was following her, so she felt frightening.(7) It was real very dangerous. You might have injured yourself.(8) In fact, we finished the work without any difficult.(9) Look at the asleep boy. How lovely!(10) The fish tastes well; why not have a try?(11) Last week was very rain. I didnt go out

5、the whole week.(12) The sun rises in the east and sets down in the west. (13) I promise to return back before 10. (14) The book contains much use information. Its well worth reading.(15) This is quite far the mostly expensive bicycle in the shop.(16) The workers warm welcomed us at their offices.(17

6、) Oh, its simply wonderfully to see you here!(18) She is in more health now than she was last year.【参考答案】(1) carefully 改为 careful,用形容词作表语。(2) 去掉more,more 不能修饰比较级。(3) few 改为 fewer,注意句中的 than。(4) 将 much 改为 more,或在 much 后加more,此句涉及 skiing 与 skating 的比较。(5) most 改为 more,the morethe more 意为“越越”。(6) frigh

7、tening 改为 frightened,frightening表示“令人害怕的”、“恐怖的”;frightened表示“感到害怕的”。(7) real 改为 really,修饰形容词用 really,不用 real。(8) difficult 改为 difficulty,用名词形式作介词 without 的宾语。(9) asleep 改为 sleeping, asleep 为表语形容词,不用于名词前作定语。(10) well 改为 good, nice 等,taste 在此为连系动词,后接形容词作表语。(11) rain 改为 rainy,此处用形容词作表语。(12) 去掉 down,因 s

8、et 相当于 go down,本身就包括了 down。(13) 去掉 back,或将 return 改为 come / be。因 return 相当于 come back 或 be back。(14) use 改为 useful,用形容词作定语修饰名词。(from )(15) mostly 改为 most,most 在此用于构成最高级。(16) warm 改为 warmly,修饰动词要用副词,不用形容词。(17) wonderfully 改为 wonderful,用形容词作表语。(18) more 改为 better,为 in good health 的比较级形式。(1) Just now J

9、im tells me his mother was ill.(2) I phone the other students a moment ago.(3) We often played together when we are children.(4) What are you doing when I called you?(5) I see you in the park. You were talking to a pretty girl.(6) She doesnt hear the doorbell, for she was watching TV.(7) Well stay a

10、t home playing cards if it will rain tomorrow. (8) Please let me know if you will have any trouble.(9) He hurt his back when he is playing football with his classmates.(10) Ill write to him when I finished the book.(11) Charles worked hard since leaving school. (12) In fact, I am very thin when I wa

11、s young.(13) He is kind to me. Although he is very busy, he still came to see me. (14) How long have you been here? How did you like our city?(15) As is known to us all, the earth turned around the sun.(16) Im interested in English, so I spoke it better than the others do. (17) Dont worry about it.

12、I promise you I come to help you.(18) Now everything is dear. Even a small piece of bread cost one yuan.(19) Remember to turn off the lights before you will leave. (20) I forget to tell him the news. Shall we telephone him now?【参考答案】(1) tell 改为 told,因句中有表过去的时间状语just now(刚刚)。(2) phone 改为 phoned,因句中有表

13、过去的时间状语a moment ago。(3) are 改为 were,因主句谓语为一般过去时。(4) are 改为 were,因从句谓语为一般过去时。(5) see 改为 saw,因下文用了 were talking。(6) doesnt 改为 didnt,因下文用了 was watching。(7) 去掉if从句中的 will,因条件状语从句要用一般现在时表示将来意义。(8) 去掉 will,因条件状语从句要用一般现在时表示将来意义。(9) is 改为 was,因主句中的hurt为一般过去时。(10) finished 改为finish,或在 finished 前加 have。即在时间状语

14、从句中要用一般现在时表示将来意义,但这里也可用现在完成时表示完成。(11) worked 前加has,句中的 since 表示“自从以来一直”,即表示从过去持续到现在的一段时间,故用现在完成时。(12) am 改为 was,根据从句中的一般过去时可知 am 应改为 was。(13) came 改为 comes,根据前面的两处一般现在时可知。(14) did 改为 do,根据前面的现在完成时可知“你”现在还在我们城市,故后面一句问的是“你”现在对我们城市的看法。(from )(15) turned 改为 turns。本句叙述的是客观真理,故用一般现在时。(16) spoke 改为 speak。全

15、句叙述的是现在的情况。(17) come 前加 will,根据句意,此处应是将来时态。(18) cost 改为 costs,句子讲述的是现在的一般情况。(19) 去掉 will,时间状语从句要用一般现在时表示将来意义。(20) forget 改为 forgot,根据句意,此题的“忘记”应是指过去忘记。三、模拟单句演练(1) Women live longer than men in most country.(2) The film is very interesting. I have seen it many time.(3) Its said that all the ticket have been sold out.(4) The children spend a lot of times watching TV.(5) I met a lot of interesting peoples on holiday.(6) The flower in the park were all pleasing.(7) As the day went b


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