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1、优良作文优选范文之a级英语优良作文a 级英语作文 【篇一:英语 a 级考试真题作文范文】part v writing若是你是某企业餐饮部经理 peter jones ,于 2006 年 6 月 18 日发一封信给办公室主任 brown smith ,内容是:从下周一开始,职工食堂封闭一周,进行从头装饰。上午和下午在一楼招待厅将有餐饮企业使用推车供给饮料和三明治。邻近的饭馆每日正午 12 点至 13 点为职工供给午饭。注意:一定包含对收信人的称呼、写信日期、发信人的署名等基本格式。words forreference:从头装饰 redecoration v. 推车 trolley 招待厅rece

2、ption hall 餐饮企业 catering firm 餐饮部经理cateringmanager这是一封餐饮部经理写给办公室主任的信件。写作时第一要注意格式,包含写信日期、写信的对象、正文、结束语和签字等。正文部分要详尽说明写信的详细内容,主要包含:职工食堂将封闭一周、从头装饰;一楼招待厅将有餐饮企业使用推车供给饮料和三明治;邻近的饭馆每日正午 12 点至 13 点为职工供给午饭。格式一定正确,内容完好,表达清楚,语言得体,行文简短清楚。【参照范文】 june 18, 2006mr. brown smith director company office dear mr. smith, o

3、ur company staff canteen will be closed for a week from nextmonday on. please inform the staff in your office that we willhave the staff canteen redecorated. it will be closed for oneweek from next monday on. the catering firm s trolley will serve beverages andsandwiches on the first floor of the re

4、ception hall in themorning and afternoon. restaurants nearby will providelunches for the staff fr om 12 o clock to 1 o clock every noon. sorry for the inconveniences this may cause you. yours sincerely peter jones catering manager xxxx companypart v writing1 / 20说明:假定你是一家办公设施出入口企业的经理王刚,给某企业写一封信。内容:1

5、. 告诉对方你获取信息的渠道:从城市商报 (urban commerce)上看到对方企业的介绍;2. 说明你去信的目的:咨询对方能否有你需要的产品,能否有现货供给,等等,并想和对方成立贸易联系;3. 介绍你企业的状况,如:多年从事出入口贸易,在中国设有 6 家分企业,与国内很多大商铺有联系,等等;4. 希望赶快获取答复。这是一封商务信件,咨询对方一些商务信息。写作时要注意信件的格式,包含写信日期、收信人、正文、结束语和签字等。正文部分要涵盖题目所给的重点信息,如:获取信息的渠道、说明写信的目的、介绍本企业的状况、希望赶快获取答复等。格式一定正确,内容完好,表达清楚,语言得体,行文简短清楚。【参

6、照范文】december 24, 2006 dear sir or madam, i am the general manager of an office equipment importexport corporation. our company has been engaged in importand export trade for many years. with six branches all overchina, we keep trade connections with many big businesses. from the urban commerce we ge

7、t the introduction about yourcompany and we want to keep a business relationship withyour company. i would appreciate your advice on whether or not the productsin our demand are available in your company. it will be ourgreat pleasure if we can establish the trade link with yourcompany in the future.

8、looking forward to your earlier reply.yours sincerely, wang gang general managerpart v writing说明:以部门经理 (ruth crawford) 的名义给企业全体职工发一份内部通知。时间: 2007 年 6 月 24 日事由:相关改换电话系统事宜内容: 1. 因为业务需要,企业拟更新当前使用的电话系统;2. 现有 3 个通信企业提交的更新方案,内容见附件; 3. 请职工认真阅读并提出自己的建议; 4. 提交建议的时间:本月尾前; 5. 企业将 于下月初定货。注意:请将上述内容写成一段文字,不得逐条排列,

9、不得签考生自己姓名。words for reference: 事由 re 更新update附件 attachment 定货 place an order通信企业 communications companymemoto:all staff employees from: re: date:本文是一份对于改换电话系统的内部通知。写作内部通知时第一要注意格式要求,清楚填写通知的对象、发通知的人、通知的事由以及日期等。正文部分要详细说明通知的内容和工作要求,如职工必须认真阅读更新方案,并在规定的时间内提出建议。格式一定正确,内容完好,表达清楚,语言得体,行文简短清楚。【参照范文】memoto mee

10、t the requirement of company business, the telephonesystem available in the company is to be updated. threecommunications companies have provided different updateproposals, which are introduced in the attachment. all staffplease read the proposals carefully and offer your ownsuggestions. suggestions

11、 are welcome until the end of thismonth and the company will place an order in early next month.part v writing假定你是李明,给北京市奥组委写一封申请函,申请做一名奥运会的志愿者。写信日期: 2007 年 12 月 23 日申请函需要包含:1. 个人信息(年纪、性别、专长、外语能力、社会活动经历等) 2.担当志愿者的原由3. 希望担当的志愿者工作(如导游、翻译或招待服务等) 4. 联系方式words for reference:志愿者 volunteer 奥运会 the olympic

12、games这是一份与北京市奥组委联系的申请函。写作时第一要注意格式,包含收信人、写信时间、称号、正文、祝福语和署名等。正文部分则要详尽说明申请的详细内容,包含说明个人信息、担当志愿者的原由、希望担当的志愿者工作、注明联系方式等。作为一名学生志愿者,写信时要注意语言,既要表现自己能力又要注意态度谦恭。格式一定正确,内容完好,表达清楚,语言得体,行文简短清楚。 【参照范文】2008 beijing olympic games committeedec.23th, 2007dear sir, i am writing to you as an application for a volunteer

13、of the2008 olympic games in beijing. it s the whole nation s pridethat beijing is the host city of 2008 olympic games. as a collegestudent, i d like to contribute my enthusiasm and efforts. my name is li ming, a college student at the age of 20,interested in sports, especially ballgames, such as bas

14、ketball,football, and table- tennis. what s more, i can speak englishvery fluently and have a lot of experience for social activities. if i have a chance, i would like to be a tour guide, aninterpreter or a reception clerk. if i am so honored to get sucha chance to contribute to olympic games, pleas

15、e contact me bymobile phone 138-1best wishes!part writing说明:假定你是新蒂服饰企业( cindy garment co. )销售经理丁志文,依据以下内容给客户(mr. john smith )写一封信件。写信日期: 2008 年 6 月 22 日内容: 1. 见告原由资料( raw material )价钱上升,产品价钱上浮;2. 原订货物仍保持原价;3. 希望此后持续向本企业订货; 4. 随函寄去调整后的价目单(price list ); 5. 表示抱歉,敬请体谅。注意书信格式。本文是写给客户的一封通知函。第一要注意商业信件的格式,包含写信人的地址、写信时间、称号、内容、祝福语和签字等。正文部分要依据题目所给的重点进行阐述,包含调整价钱的原由、原订单保持原价不变、希望进一步合作、随信附上浮整后的价目单、表示抱歉等内容。格式一定正确,内容完好,表达清楚,语言得体,行文简短清楚。【参照范文】sales department of cindy garment co.june 22, 2008dear mr. john smith, we feel sorry to inform you that since the prices of rawmater


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