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1、一级预测Task 1what do you do to keep yourself healthy? Explains why it is more important for you? Please include reasons and details in you explanation.Task 2Some people prefer to celebrate their birthdays or holidays with a large group of people in a party. Others prefer to celebrate their birthdays or

2、 holidays alone and quietly. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation. Task 1What suggestion would you like to give to a child who is starting school for the first time. Use reasons and specific examples to explain why this suggestion is important.Task 2Some peop

3、le prefer to live in places where climate doesnt change very much. While others prefer to live in places where climate changes with seasons. Which one do you prefer? Include reasons and details in your explanation.Task 1. Describe your work experience that you did well with others, and explain how d

4、id well? One greatest experience work with others why? .描述一次跟coworker合作解决一个问题的过程,并说明该次经历对你有什么作用Task 2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are old enough to do so. Use specific reasons and examples to support

5、your answer.二级预测Task1Bicycle, automobile, airplane哪种更enjoyable,给reasons & examples. Task 2Paired-choice: part-time job/ summer employment是否对选择职业有帮助。 Task 1. Which of the following characteristic do you think is the most important in friendship, honesty, loyalty and humor? Task 2. Some people get mos

6、t of their news from newspapers and magazines. Others get information from TV or other things. Which source of news do you prefer and why? Task 1. If you are a volunteer, what will you do? And why it is important? Task 2Do you agree or disagree with the statement: artists and musicians are useful no

7、wadaysTask 1. 如果给你一个新的事情或课程去学习,你会分几步,请详细描述。Task 2. 每天听或看新闻,还是不定期看新闻Task 1.what do you think is the most important quality of a working environment: good leaders, good colleagues, or flexible time?Task 2.Agree or disagree: cell phone changes our lives greatlyTask 1. 什么东西进步是你觉得你国家在过去20年里最重要的。Task 2. 父

8、母是孩子最好的老师Task 1. Talk about an activity you enjoyed doing with your family when you were a child. Describe the activity and explain why it was enjoyable to do this activity with your family.Task 2. Some students prefer to study or work on difficult class assignments early in the morning. Other stude

9、nts prefer to do this type of work in the evening.你的选择及原因Task 1Describe a friend of yours. Explain how you became friends. Please include reasons and details in your response. 北美2009.6.12Task 2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Personality changes with age. Use specific reasons a

10、nd examples to support your answer. 北美2009.6.12三级预测Task 1.Important thing that you learned from your parents in childhood.Task 2. 有人喜欢把时间排得很满(full schedule, more actives),有人喜欢留很多free time。你呢?Task 1. 描述和家人或者朋友在一起的难忘经历,为何难忘?Task 2. 是去从没去过的地方旅游还是去曾经去过的地方旅游?Task 1. 说一件你在不久未来会去做的activity。Task 2. 有些人认为上课要

11、记笔记,有些人则认为不需要笔记或者很少记。问你的意见Task 1. 描述一件你感兴趣的历史事件Task 2. dress show是否体现personality。Task 1. Describe a tool or object that you rely on often in your daily life. Explain why it is important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.Task 2. Some people prefer to solve a challenge all

12、by themselves. Others prefer to depend on other peoples help. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.Task 1. 最重要的一天。Task 2. 看电视是浪费时间吗Task 1. Describe one way of life in your country has been changed and why it is beneficial.Task 2. 做事是喜欢刚开始就准备还是到了due day才开始准备?T

13、ask1你最喜欢的学科,你是怎样become喜欢它的Task2你喜欢在城市还是乡下度假,为什么?Task 1Describe an old person (such as your grandparent or neighbor) that you respect. Explain why you admire this person, and how this person influenced you.Task 2 Some people think that attending team sports may develop childrens sense of competition.

14、 Others think that attending team sports will help children to develop their sense of cooperation. Whats your opinion?Task 1what type of books do you enjoy to read? Romance books, biography books or mystery books? Explain why you enjoy reading this type of book? Please include reasons and details in you explanation. Task 2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to learn lessons is making mistakes. Use specific reasons to support your answer.


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