【教学设计】Unit 1 Lesson3(冀教版).doc

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1、Unit 1 Phoning HomeLesson 3 Dad Calls Home 教材分析让孩子们整体把握用英语询问朋友是否在家、能否接电话等日常用语。 教学目标【知识目标】1、学会使用句型please use polite language.(请用礼貌用语)please speak simple and clear.(请说事情简单明了)please to listen carefully.(要认真倾听)2、学会使用短语for a few minutes几分钟时间、hang up挂下、look like 看起来像。【能力目标】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,能用重点短语和重点句

2、型,有条理有礼貌地通过电话进行询问和回答。【情感目标】通过对本课的学习,让学生懂得使用本课重点句式与同学们进行交流,教会学生正确地打电话,培养学生讲礼貌的好习惯。 教学重难点【教学重点】教会孩子有礼貌的通过电话和别人交流。【教学难点】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,能用句型:“please use polite language.please speak simple and clear.please to listen carefully.”,有礼貌地和对方用电话交流。 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. Greetings an

3、d warm-up activitiesPlease describe the picture.You know what this is? This is telephone.What is it?It is mobile telephone.What happened?The phone is ringing.Step 2. Watch the cartoon and answer the questionsQuestion:What are you going to do when the ringing of the telephone?Answer:I need answer the

4、 telephone.Question:What we should pay attention to when we make a phone call?Answer:We should be polite to people.Question:What we need to focus on while we talk on the phone?Answer:We need to pay attention to each other talking about.Step 3. Listen, read and retellReading the passage on the book,

5、what have you learned?What does the last sentence of the passage mean ? Why did Mr . Smith say he was cold but was warm?He felt cold because of the low temperature outside.He felt warm because of the concern of his familyHow are you?你还好吗?Why are you late today?你今天怎么回来那么晚?May I speak to your mom , please?我可以和你的妈妈通电话吗?for a few minutes几分钟时间hang up挂下look like看起来像Step 4. Summary接电话要注意的几项:1、please use polite language.(请用礼貌用语)2、please speak simple and clear.(请说事情简单明了)3、please to listen carefully.(要认真倾听)Step 5. Homework Practice the dialog.Recite the text well and practice the words. 教学反思略。


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