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1、Unit 1 Will people have robots?二、重点、难点:重点:单词fewer, alone, dress;短语 fall in love with, be able to, come true, hundreds of;句型1. Will people use money in 100 years?2. I dont agree. 语法 一般将来时难点:few与little的用法区别;alone与lonely的用法区别以及一般将来时。三、知能提升(一)重点单词单词学习 fewer【用法】fewer用作形容词,意思是“较少的;更少的”,是few的比较级。【例句】Fewer

2、people write with their left hands. 较少有人用左手写字。【考查点】few, a few, little, a little的用法区别few和 little在用作形容词时,表示否定意义,意为“很少;几乎没有”。 few 与可数名词连用;little与不可数名词连用。例如:She has very few friends. 她没有几个朋友。We got little help from them. 我们没有从他们那儿得到什么帮助。a few 和a little表示肯定意义,意为“几个;一点儿”。例如:Hes going to buy a few books. 他

3、打算买几本书。There is still a little bread on the plate. 盘子里还有一点儿面包。few的比较级是fewer,little的比较级是less。它们的反义词都是more。【易错点】这几个词在使用时混淆【考题链接】If there are people driving, there will be air pollution. A. less; less B. less; fewer C. fewer; fewer D. fewer; less答案:D 解题思路:本题考查less和fewer的用法区别。句意为“如果有更少的人开车,那么将有更少的空气污染”。

4、less为little的比较级,修饰不可数名词;fewer为few的比较级,修饰可数名词。people 为集体名词,pollution为不可数名词,故选D。 alone【用法】alone作形容词,意为“单独的”,在句中多作表语或宾语补足语,不能用作定语;作副词,意为“独自地;单独地”;侧重说明是独自一人,没有助手或同伴,只是陈述一个客观事实。【例句】1. He watches TV when he is alone. 独自一人时,他便看电视。(作表语) 2. Leave him alone! 别管他!(作宾语补足语) 3. She went home alone. 她独自回家去了。(作副词)【

5、考查点】alone 与lonely的用法区别lonely作形容词,意为“孤独的”,表示主观上感到孤独、寂寞,有较浓厚的感情色彩,指因缺少朋友、同事、友谊等而产生的一种悲伤和忧郁的感情。它在句中作表语或定语。作定语时,意为“荒凉的;偏僻的”,多修饰表示地点的名词。作表语时,意为“孤寂的,寂寞的”。例如:1. Most of the time were together, so we never feel lonely. 大部分时间我们都在一起,因此我们从未感到寂寞。(lonely作feel的表语)2. There wasnt anyone else on this lonely island.

6、在这个荒岛上没有别的人了。(lonely作island的定语)3. I was alone, but I did not feel lonely. 我虽然孤单,但我并不感到寂寞。【易错点】混淆alone与lonely【考题链接】The little boy was afraid of staying in the house. A. alone, alone B. lonely, lonely C. alone, lonely D. lonely, alone 答案:C解题思路:alone作副词,意为“单独地;独自地”,lonely作形容词,意为“荒凉的;偏僻的”。句意为“这个小男孩害怕一个人

7、待在那座偏僻的房子里”,故选C。 dress 【用法1】dress作不及物动词,意为“穿衣;打扮”。【例句】Do we have to dress for the party? 我们参加聚会一定要打扮吗?【用法2】dress作及物动词,意为“给穿衣”,其后只能接人作宾语。【例句】She dressed the child. 她给那个孩子穿衣服。【用法3】dress作名词,意为“女装;连衣裙”。【例句】She wears a red dress. 她穿了一条红色连衣裙。【考查点】表示“穿”的不同词汇wear 是“穿着”,“戴着”的意思,可用于穿衣、穿鞋、戴帽子,戴手套、佩戴首饰等,强调“穿”、“

8、戴”的状态。put on着重于“穿”这一动作,即由没穿到穿这一过程的完成,意为“穿上”。其反义词是take off。have on 和“be in+颜色”也是“穿着”的意思,都指穿的状态,have on不用于进行时态,它相当于be wearing。【易错点】不同的“穿”在用法上的混淆【考题链接】1. Can you your little brother? Im busy now.OK. Ill do it right now. A. wear B. put on C. dress D. in 答案:C解题思路:句意为“你能给你的小弟弟穿衣服吗?我现在很忙。”“好吧。我现在就去做。”A、B选项

9、后接衣服类名词;D选项中的in不是动词;C选项中的dress后接人,故选C。2. Look at the girl. She looks beautiful. She is a red coat. A. having on B. wearing C. dressing D. putting on答案:B解题思路:句意为“看那个女孩。她看上去很漂亮。她穿着一件红色的外套。”本题强调“穿”的状态。A. have on没有进行时;C. dress的宾语不能是表示衣服的名词;D. put on 强调的是“穿”的动作,而不是状态。因此选B。即学即练1. The writer lives , but he

10、 doesnt feel . A. alone; alone B. alone; lonely C. lonely; alone D. lonely; lonely 2. The girl is quiet. She always likes to . A. alone B. be alone C. lonely D. being lonely3. It is very cold. Youd better your coat now. A. dress B. put on C. be in D. wear 4. She got out of the bed and herself quickl

11、y. A. dressed B. put on C. wear D. dress 根据句意,选择more, less或fewer填空5. Our city will become more beautiful. I think there will be tall buildings and pollution in it. 6. If we have robots, we can finish the work with people and time. (二)重点短语短语学习 fall in love with【用法】意为“爱上(喜欢上)”,后可以接人,也可以接物或地点等。【例句】1. T

12、he little girl fell in love with a doll. 那个小女孩喜欢上了一个洋娃娃。 2. They two fell in love with each other at the first sight. 他们两人一见钟情。【考查点】短语本身【易错点】fall 的过去式是fell,容易和feel 混淆。【考题链接】Jenny (爱上)Shanghai when she visited it for the first time. 答案:fell in love with解题思路:fall in love with为“爱上”,根据后句的visited判断要用一般过去

13、时。 be able to 【用法】be able to 意为“能;能够”,后面接动词原形。be able to 有时相当于can,两者可互换。【例句】Tom can / is able to swim. 汤姆会游泳。【考查点】be able to 与can的用法区别1. can没有人称和数的变化,后接动词原形。在时态方面,只有一般现在时can和一般过去时could两种形式。例如:I can swim. 我能游泳。She could swim when she was five years old. 当她五岁时,她就会游泳了。2. be able to do sth中的be动词根据主语、时态的

14、不同有am, is, are, was, were, will be 等形式。例如:Will you be able to come this evening? 今晚你能来吗?No one was able to answer this question. 没有一个人能回答这个问题。【易错点】be able to中be的变化【考题链接】She said that she could help him. (同义句转换,每空一词)She said that she help him. 答案:was able to解题思路:can 和be able to是同义表达,原句中的can用的是一般过去时,所以be able to中的be根据第三人称单数的主语要变为was。 come true 【用法】意思是“实现;达到”,常以dream,wish等作主语。【例句】1. I believe my dream will come true one day. 我相信将来有一天我的梦想会实现。 2. His wish to be an actor came true. 他想当一名演员的愿望实现了。【考查点】短语本意【易错点】没有识记短语【考题链接】I hope


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