八年级英语下册 Module 6 Hobbies Unit 1 Do you collect anything知识清单课时作业 外研版

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八年级英语下册 Module 6 Hobbies Unit 1 Do you collect anything知识清单课时作业 外研版_第1页
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1、八年级英语下册 Module 6 Hobbies Unit 1 Do you collect anything知识清单课时作业 外研版重点单词根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文单词1.扇子fan2.邮票stamp3.隔板;架子shelf4.作为;当as5.硬币coin6.纸币note7.英镑pound8.(美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国的货币单位)元dollar9.一定,肯定(用于表示某事可能是真实的)must10.值钱的;有价值的valuable11.用with12.价值;有用性value13.只是;仅仅just重点短语根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语1.想要某人做某事want sb.to do st

2、h.2.使整齐;使整洁tidy up3.占据;占用take up4.有点儿乱a bit of a mess5.在架子上on the shelf6.如此多的so many7.英镑British pounds8.美元US dollars9.集邮collect stamps10.不如那样not as/so.as11.重要的东西something important12.六七本集邮册six or seven books of stamps13.在某人的生活中;在某人的一生中in ones life14.看一看have a look重点句型根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.让我看一看。Let mehav

3、ealook.2.因为人们知道我喜欢扇子,所以常把扇子作为礼物送给我。People often give me fansaspresentsbecausethey know I like them.3.我收集硬币和纸币,你知道的,比如英镑和美元。I collect coins and notes,youknow,like British pounds and US dollars.4.他们一定非常值钱。Theymustbereally valuable.5.我的爱好不如你的爱好花费得多。My hobbydoesntcostasmuch as yours.6.人们也收集东西只是为了记住他们生命中重要的东西。People also collect things justtoremember somethingimportantin their lives.


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