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1、咸阳市实验中学“链式高效课堂”课时导学案课 题The 1st period Warming up and Pre-reading三维目标知识与技能Make students talk about festivals and celebrations.过程与方法Pair work and group work to train the students speaking ability.情感、态度与价值观Stimulate students love for their own national culture and customs.【预习检查】1. Check the students pr

2、eview work: new words learning.2. Free talk and Lead-inAsk the students to talk about the Spring Festival in China.Questions:1. Did you have a good time in your winter holiday? 2. What did you do? 3. When did you feel most happy and excited?【教师】评价并加分鼓励鼓励。【自主学习】Warming up & Speaking1. Festivals are m

3、eant to celebrate important events. Different countries have different festivals. Work in groups and lost five Chinese festivals that you know. Discuss when they take place, what they celebrate and one thing that people do at that time. The first one is given to you as an example. FestivalsTime of y

4、ear/dateWhat does it celebrateWhat do people doMid-Autumn FestivalAutumn/FallThe beauty of the full moon, harvest, time with family and friendsGive/Eat moon cakes and watch the full moon with family and friends3. Ask the students to work together to describe one of their favourite festivals.【学生】评价加分

5、,并做出补充,激发对节日话题的兴趣。【合作探究】Pre- reading(Discuss in groups of four)1. Whats your favorite holiday of the year? Why?2. What festivals or celebrations do you enjoy in your city or town? Do you like spending festivals with your family or with friends? What part of a festival do you like best-the music, the

6、 things to see, the visits or the food?Activities: (Team work)Nowadays, Chinese, especially young people, become so keen on western festivals such as Christmas and Thanksgiving Day. People around celebrate Christmas probably because they want more festivals. A festival should not only be a day that

7、we get together and enjoy ourselves, but more a day that is full of meanings. Work in groups. Imagine that you are going to set and celebrate a new holiday together. What kind of day will you set to celebrate? When and why do you decide to celebrate the day? What do you do on that day?One student of

8、 each group share your opinion like this:I think The new holiday should be a _ Day. On this day, people will_. The holiday will celebrate on _and people will celebrate it by_. I think this is the best idea because_.【学生】展开讨论并由小组长整合意见发言。【教师】引导学生间展开评价,教师给予点拨。【反馈训练】Talking(Make a dialogue with your part

9、ner)You want to invite a foreign friend to join your familys celebration of the Chinese Spring Festival. In pairs, one as the Chinese student and the other as the foreign friend, ask and answer questions about the holiday. Use the questions below to help you.1. When does the Spring Festival usually

10、take place?2. What do you do to celebrate it?3. What special food do you eat?4. What is the origin of the Spring Festival?5. Why is the Spring Festival such a big holiday in China?【学生】展开竞赛,并给小组加分,拉开差距,激励学生。【探究延伸】Some Western Festivals Valentines Day , February 14 情人节 Candy, flowers and other tokens

11、of affection are exchanged on this day, in honor of two martyrs, both named St. Valentine. April Fools Day, April 1 愚人节 Franksters feel that it is permissible to play all sorts of tricks on this day. Mothers Day 母亲节 The second Sunday in May, set aside to honor mothers. Fathers Day 父亲节 The third Sund

12、ay in June, set aside to honor fathers. Halloween , October 31 万圣节 A special day for making merry, wearing costumes and playing old-fashioned games. A favorite with children. Easter 复活节 A Christian holy day in March or April when Christians remember the death of Christ and his return to life.2.Work

13、in groups Discuss with your partner about the useful words, phrases and important sentence patterns in talking about your favorite thing or person.【学生】交流国外节日理解异国风俗礼节并总结表达最喜欢的人或东西的常用句式和表达。【教师】引导学生间展开评价,教师给予点拨和评价总结。【引导预习】1. Try to collect more information about festivals.2. Read the passage “Festivals

14、 and celebrations” and try to finish Ex1 on Page 3.3. Underline the useful phrases and expressions in the reading passage.作业布置Try to describe One of your favorite festival to your partner.反思与札记咸阳市实验中学“链式高效课堂”课时导学案课 题The 2nd period Reading三维目标知识与技能1. Get the students to learn new words and expression

15、s.2. Develop students reading abilities.过程与方法1. Task-based activities.2. Self-learning & Co-operative learning & Efficiency test情感、态度与价值观1. Stimulate students love for their own national culture and customs.2. Develop the students sense of co-operative learning.【预习检查】Check their preparation work:1. How many parts is the passage di


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