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1、一、 词汇运用1. We must do something to clean up the _ (pollute) rivers.2. It is too _ (crowd) for ten people to live in a bedroom.3. In fact, _(human) are the enemies of the environment.4. China is one of the _ (develop) countries.5. _(hope), we can start again and live a better life on the earth.6. I fo

2、und the coins were _(spread) on the floor when I got home.7. Is the boy _(nod) or _(shake) his head?8. _(what) he does, I will always support him.9. She was ill , _(lie) down on the road.10.The people of Scotland liked the thistle so much that they made it their _(nation)flower.11. He knew he had be

3、haved badly and he seemed _(true) sorry.12. Expo 2010 Shanghai is the _(proud) of the whole world. 13.The _ (移民) on Mars from Earth will face the problem of gravity.14. Whats the _ (人口) of China?15. Wish you an _ (愉快的) holiday!16. The _ (缺点) of moving to Mars are hard to overcome.17. The class are h

4、aving a warmly _ (讨论) about moving to Mars.18. I want to buy some new _ (家具)for my new flat.19. In _(古代的,古老的)times the earth was considered a flat disc.20. I cant remember all these great _(探险家)names.二、单项选择( )1. We are not sure _ it will rain or not tomorrow.A. Whether B. where C. weather D. that (

5、)2. _ of the students in Yangzhou have their own computers at home . A. Two eleven B. Twice elevenths C. Two elevenths D. Two eleventh( )3. Here are all kinds 0f MP4 for you to _.A. choosing from B. to choose C. to choose from D. chosen from( )4. It is the first robot _ helps people do a lot of thin

6、gs.A. what B. which C. that D. whom( )5. I hear _ your father has gone to England on business.A. when B. that C, if D. Where( )6. Some of my friends are interested in science, but none of them can tell_.A. When UFOs will appear next time B. Why do horses know the wayC. Where was this kind of plant f

7、ound D. How do elephants communicate( )7. -Must I finish my homework at school? -No, you _.A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. wont( )8. _ its difficult to make her dream come true, she never gives up.A. Though B. Unless C. Because D. If( )9. May I surf on the Internet now? No, _ you have finished doing

8、the dishes.A. unless B. if C. because D. when ( )10. Why are you still waiting in line? Ive missed my _.A. place B. order C. turn D. time( )11. -Do you know the boy _ is playing soccer there?-Certainly. He is a friend of my _.A. Who; brothers B. Who; brother C. Whom; brothers D. Whose; brother( )12.

9、 His sister came to live with him and did all the housework,_, he no longer needed to go to bed late.A. At the moment B. As usual C. In all D. As a result( )13. Dont worry . I will tell you _ the cinema .A. how can you get to B. which the way is to C. which is the way to D. how you can arrive( )14.

10、Those days _ important and exciting events. Peoples hearts _ hope.A. filled with ; full of B. were filled with; full of C. filled with ; were full of D. were filled with; were full of ( )15. The performance begins at 8:00. Youd better _ 5 minutes earlier _you can find a better seat.A. to reach ; so

11、that B. to arrive; even though C. reach ; because D. arrive ; so that( )16. We all _ him headmaster of our school. A. chose B. choosed C. selected D. picked( )17. He _ to finish the work although it was difficult. Everyone admired him. A. tried B. managed C. tries D. failed( )18. Is there anything _

12、 I can do to help you? A. that B. what C. which D. how( )19. You look very tired this morning. What did you do yesterday afternoon? I did _ Christmas shopping. A. a lot of B. a few of C. a number of D. a small amount of ( )20. If you truly love someone, you should also love everything that is close

13、to her or him. What idiom can be used here? A. Raining cats and dogs B. Love me ,love my dog C. The early bird catches the worm D. Too many cooks spoil the broth.三、翻译下列各句:1. 我想象不出他是什么意思。2. 与乡村的生活比起来,城市的生活更加丰富多彩。3我们别无选择,只能放弃旅游计划。4. 在业余爱好上花些时间对我们来说是必要的。5. 由于天气恶劣,飞机起飞晚了三个小时。6. 他给机器人商店写了一封投诉信投诉他的机器人。7.你妈妈想知道你是否已经安全到学校。 8. 除非你想要买许多纪念品,否则我们建议不要随身带许多钱。9. 通过一步一步登上长城,你能体验到它的美和雄伟。10.Edison 被认为是世界上最伟大的发明家之一。参考答案:一、 词汇运用1-5 pollution, crowded, humans, developing, Hopefully6-10 spread, nodding/shaking, Whatever, lying, national11-15 truly, pride,


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