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1、关键点教育机构-大学英语四级单词习题【一】用Practice; in practice ; legislation; legislative; consumer; regular; brake; cell; complement; steel; ceiling; seal 适当形式填空:1,Soldiers there are going to ( ) the airport off. 那里的士兵将封锁机场。2,The( ) has twice been rejected by the House of Lords. 该法规已经两次遭到上议院的否决。3,Congress is a ( ) bo

2、dy. 国会是立法机构.4,The reduced( )demand is also affecting companyprofits.消费需求的降低也影响到了公司的利润。5,( ) forms are given in parentheses 。不规则形式标注在括号内。6,The two suggestions( )each other. 这两条建议相互补充.7,Those( )divide and give many other different types ofcells.那些细胞分裂,产生出许多不同种类的细胞。8, I tried to reach the foot ( ) but

3、I couldnt我试图去够脚刹,但是没能踩到。9,He lit a cigarette and( )the car slightly. 他点燃一支烟,轻踩刹车减速。10,( ), workers do not work to satisfy their needs. 事实上,工人工作并不是为了满足本身的需要11, He kept himself ( ) at golfing. 他经常练习打高尔夫球.12,The ( ) is to keep on record any analysis of samples. 习惯上要把所有的样品分析记录在案。13, It had a high ( ), o

4、rnamented with plaster fruits and flowers. 天花板很高,上面装饰着石膏水果和花朵。14, Write your letter and ( ) it in a blank envelope. 信写好后把它装进空白信封里封好。15,The front wall is made of corrugated( ).前面的墙是用瓦楞钢板做的。【二】用perfect,desert,record,compliment,complement,whether,launch,launch into ,hit ,appear,remaining适当形式填空1,The cli

5、mate is very dry in the( )area.沙漠地区气候很干燥。2,He had ( ) the office without leave .他没有请假就擅离职守。3,He used the money to ( ) into a new business.他利用这笔钱开始从事一新行业。4,Youcandonoharmbypayingawoman( ).对女人说些恭维话没有坏处。5,As we all know, travel can enrich our knowledge and ( ) our education.我们都知道,旅游可以丰富我们的知识和补充我们的教育。6,

6、A series of technical foul-ups delayed the( )of the new product.一系列技术问题延误了新产品的上市。7,That man ( ) his wife and children .那个卑鄙的家伙遗弃了妻小。8,We ( ) our thoughts and experiences in diaries.我们把自己的思想和经验记录在日记中。9,It takes courage to ( ) into a new business in these difficult times.在这些困难时期里要开办新的工商企业是需要勇气的。10,A s

7、tone ( ) the car and damaged the paintwork.有个石子击到汽车上,打坏了漆面。11,They insisted on state help being given to the worst ( ) areas.他们坚持要求把国家的支援拨给受灾最重的地区。12,The jury is out on ( ) or not this is true. 这是否属实仍未得出定论。13,I ( ) the score in a notebook.我在笔记本上记下了分数。14, He can turn pretty ( ). 他会说动听的恭维话.15,Whatever

8、 achievements youve made,you should ( ) modest.无论你取得多么大的成就,你都该保持谦虚.16,I bought a gift for her with the ( ) money.我用剩余的钱给她买了一件礼物.不错吧 选我吧.17,At first I really didnt care ( ) he came or not. 起先我真的不在乎他是否会来。18,His book ( )on the market.他的书出版了。19,The hospital had been ( ) with heavy artillery fire. 医院被重炮击中。20,The miners ( ) a strike. 矿工发动了一场罢工。


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