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1、虚拟语气虚拟语气表示说话者做出的假设而非事实,或难以实现的情况,甚至表达彻底相反的概念。此外如需表达主观愿望或某种强烈的感情时,也可用虚拟语气。虚拟语气通过谓语动词的特殊形式来表示。虚拟语气(一)虚拟语态主要用于表示假设,而非客观存在的实时,虚拟语态主要用于表示假设,而非客观存在的实时,所陈述的是一个条件,不是一个事实,甚至完全与事实相反。其结构上主要通过谓语动词的特殊形式来表示。场景与范例 虚拟条件句主句与将来可能相反If + 主句 + did/were to/should do,主 + would/could/should/might do如果明天下雨,我们就取消课程If it raine

2、d/were to rain/should rainWe would cancel the course.与现在相反If + 主句 + did/were主 + would/could/should/might do如果我有钱的,我可能会买那个手机If I had enough money,I might buy the phone.如果他在这的话,我们就能告诉他If he were here now,We could tell him the news与过去相反If + 主句 + had done主 + would/could/should/might have done如果你没起这么晚,你应

3、该完成作业If you hadnt got up so late,I would have finished your homework如果你早告诉我,我就不会生他的气If you had told me earlier,I wouldnt have been angry with him.【注意事项】:虚拟语气与现在相反或与将来可能相反的场景中不能出现 was,全部换为were。虚拟语气(二)-与主句相反虚拟语态也可以搭配一些连词(without, but for, or, otherwise)来表示与 主句相反。要点是:条件句不做假设,而是陈述句或介词短语。1、 Without(没有)和b

4、ut for(要不是)主句例句与将来可能相反主 + would/could/should/might do要没有你,我明天就可以完成作业Without you, i would finish my homework tomorrow.与现在相反主 + would/could/should/might do如果没有阳光,我们星球就不会有生命Without sunlight, there would be no life on our planet.与过去相反主 + would/could/should/might have done没有你的支持,我不能撑到现在Without your help,

5、 I couldnt have supported till now.2、 or 和 otherwise(否则)表示将来或者现在,从句用现在,主句用would/could/should/might do表示过去,从句用过去,主句用would/could/should/might +have done场景与范例 虚拟条件句主句如果我有钱的,我可能会买那个手机I dont have enough money,or I might buy the phone.如果他在这的话,我们就能告诉他消息he is not here now,Otherwise we could tell him the new

6、s他起晚了,不然他就能赶上火车He got up late,Or he could have caught the train.他快没钱了,不然他就不会去找工作He was running out of money, Otherwise he wouldnt have looked for a job.如今科技发达,不然我们无法联系亲戚Nowadays, Technology is developed,Otherwise we couldnt contact our relatives.虚拟语气(三)-与从句相反1、相似的句型搭配 would rather do STH. than do ST

7、H.宁愿也不会 ,但不属于虚拟语气2、虚拟语态也可以搭配连词( as if(as though)/even if(though) 好像 /就算也不)表示与 只从句相反。3、错综时间虚拟语气,只有一种情况就是主句现在时,从句过去时,即当初以前假设做了,现在就会如何。注:与将来相反的只需从句部分用 (主 + would/could/should/might do),其他条件不变。场景与范例 主句条件从句Would rather我宁愿让了它也不会给你I would rather throw it than give you.我宁愿告诉所有人也不会告诉他I would rather tell ever

8、y one than tell himas if(as though)/even if(even though)他看起来好像醉了He looks as ifhe were drunk就算我知道我也不会告诉你Even if I knewI wouldnt tell you错综时间虚拟语气如果昨天下雨了,现在地面应该会湿的The ground would be wetIf it had rained yesterday如果你当初听我建议,现在不会后悔You wouldnt regret nowIf you had accepted my suggestion.如果我早上带雨衣,现在就不会湿了I w

9、ouldnt be wet nowIf I had taken the raincoat the morning如果我是你,我就不会重复做这事儿了I wouldnt do that againIf I were you虚拟语气(四)-名词性从句的虚拟语气名词性从句就是主语从句、宾语从句和表语从句。从句是对句子成分的进一步说明。动词 如下动词后面的宾语从句要使用虚拟语气。从句中的动词使用should(可省略)+动词原形。即(should)+verb.一个坚持:insist(注意:如果insist表示坚称,坚持说等意思时,不做虚拟使用)两个命令:order / command三个建议:advise

10、 / suggest / propose(注意:如果suggest不表示建议时,如翻译为表明、代表,则从句不用虚拟)五个要求:demand / require / request / desire / ask例句1:We suggest that Tom (should) have a rest.例句2:He insisted that I (should) be present.例句3:They requested that we (should) send them to work there.名词 如下名词后面的表语从句要使用虚拟语气用法。从句中的动词使用should(可省略)+动词原形

11、,同上。两个命令:order / command三个建议:advice / suggestion / proposal五个要求:demand / request / desire / ask例句4:Our suggestion is that Tom (should) have a rest.例句5:The judges order is that the prisoner (should) be killed the next day.例句6:Their request is that we (should) send them to work there主语从句虚拟语气,因为存在句子头重脚

12、轻的原因,将后面的内容提前,并以its开头。Its necessary / strange / hard / important + that + 从句中的动词要用虚拟,即(should) + 动词原形例句1:Its very important that we (should) master a foreign language.= That we should master a foreign language is very important.例句2:Its strange that he (should) reject to participate the party.例句3:Its

13、 necessary that we (should) brush our teeth.Its a pity / a shame / no wonder that (should) + verb.例句4:Its a shame that you failed the exam.例句5:Its a pity that you missed a good opportunity.例句6:Its no wonder that he doesnt want to come.Its (about/high) time + thatshould(不可省略) + 动词/过去时例句7:Its time that we should go to bed / Its about time that we went to bed.


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