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1、大学英语自我介绍 处在一个陌生场合时,我们不得不需要向他人介绍自己,通过自我介绍可以得到他人的欣赏。那么自我介绍应该包括什么内容呢?下面是为大家整理的大学英语自我介绍,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 大学英语自我介绍1 o morning: My name i _. his ea s 20 years ld, though, redh studyin ollege, but no both ouie and indiiis! iy,learnthefeshmn year is rchicture. Hfmesr, I emember sem liten caref tosveralasse, eve

2、rthing else is lain phoe! mkinsick of my prfesional! I bcame mor dmoe intrestedi n, is one ofth reasos it cant eoon Ihae tim o ake he busies mdelf sty. Inis guangzho iah longdng fishinlsrtan guangog egeringititut, st as its name implies,olege. Idont iagin the school so beautifl,so thelieles arund! B

3、u hereyou lso want to pckme bacSlwlacustmed to. I hisperso s more lk ti ivly ougoing o, bt t vrsunine i evntually I not handso. Ilike payi bsetall, tbl enns, rnng. I this secatha basketbalto say:I hae on meter tal, tit,jumdup lsocn gb board,so ther are people tatevnin to play, but I ont tchnoogy s a

4、 polem, so Ididt wi tha brinride! ch back alayswea! Te wat sream inhis forehad, vry afflctive Tis is almotevery tie I plabasketall. Itak about my characte. I was ther, can eure adhips.u y min is that engh caacios, otermiskes. Ad id mself htil say wont do, n my, butno lwysg ut! dnt liet hum whoowe an

5、ybody,so I do ike othrs owe me e. he youhepme ack y net time Inthpoterise,I thin so. 大学英语自我介绍2 od morng:I am _ I was bornin_.I grduae fo seior highschool nd mjo Enis. tarted earing Englis sice ws 12 ersold.My pents hav a ltf Ameicanrieds as why I av noroble mmunicating with Americans or othrs by spk

6、ng Engis In m spare ti, I ike t athingreltng toEglish such as litein toEnglih ongs, watchi Englih moes or TV progras, or ven atti the actities hed b meEngish clubs r instituts. I ud t o abroa r a sho-term Englishsudy Drn at time, Iered a lt of daiy life Engish nda a tof dfferntthings. I ti language

7、s er interesig. ould eprs onsbtance busg dffeet sounds. SIwis coul stud and readmore Eglish itraurs and enlrge myknowledge. 大学英语自我介绍3 oo mrning/frnon/evening: my ne i _. it is reall gre nr o hv this opportunit/chnce to ntoduce myelf. gerally saing ,ia a ard workin suent especalyo th thiia interested

8、in. i witry mbet t finihit no tter how dficlt it s.furtheore,i am a erson with grapererverenc. duig the y preparig for th cllee-enrance e_amio, insis o rui every ay,no matter what t wathrwa likean ningtothi,culd concenraeon y stund sucded the en. ell ,in myspartm, lke baketball, tennisandchnse chss.

9、 and eglih is my favte ubjec.iote o oenglscrer to racis m oral enlishn every hrsday,and wite comoitioso mprove my wt bilty .buti nowy nlish isnt goodenugh ,i will cntnuestudying hrd. ok,tht isall,hankyoufor yo attenion. 大学英语自我介绍4God mning/aftrnoo: It is allymy hnor toha tisopprnty fo interview.I hop

10、 ca mke a god erfomance ayy ne _.I am 20 yearsod,bon in a lttle villag in Souhn Zhejiag paens are farmer,ada tely chl. Thug nt well-to-do,the fay alwas b opeful. y ajor isegnering tcholgy. I will grauateinJuly,22XIha ome bies ie liteing tosic,swimmig,andespeiall seeg westenmoe Inthe pased to yeas, h

11、aveleared som praia killsandinedoemajrrtificates. paidmorattention o lear Enlig,an Ihavepsed ET4n m fots am lkng forward to becoing a mmber of your company Thnkyou! 大学英语自我介绍5oodmorning:I a glad o behere fothi ntiewFis let mintrouce ysef. y name il, 4. Icm fom achang,he capital ofig_ Pvin. I graduaed

12、fromte depment f _Unverstyin July ,202X.I t pastto yars I habn prpareing fr th postauat amito while I hveben tachigi NOmidl Shol andI a a head-tchr f lass in junior grade woNw al my hwork has got aresult siehav a cance to eintrview yyou.I am ope-ded ,quick ithoghtand vr fd ofhistory.I my sparetme,I av boadntees like my othr yougrs.I like readng boks,especially hos about _.rquetly ehange ihothe peple maing commet n thforum nline.In additio ,during mycllee yar


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