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1、单项选择填空“七注意”北大附中杜友明单项选择填空是这些年来高考试题中一直用的一种题型。做好此类题要注意以下几个方面:一、整体把握,注意语境。1 When shall we meet again ? Make itday you like ;it s all the same to me (96)A oneB anyC anotherD some2 Hey, look where you are going? Oh ,I am terribly sorry.(99)A I am not noticingB I wasn t noticingC I haven t noticedD I don t

2、 notice3 Would you mind if I have some time off ? Monday and Tuesday of next weekA Certainly notB I don t mindC What s the date?D When exactly4 Robert is saidabroad ,but I don t know what country he studied in.A to have studiedB to studyC to be studyingD to have been studying5 Has Sam finished his h

3、omework today?(04) I have no idea .Heit this morning.A didB has doneC was doingD had done6 Isn t that Ann s husband over there?(04) No ,itbe him- I m sure he doesn t wear glasses.A can tB must notC wontD may not7 My mind wasn t on what he was saying so I m afraidhalfofI it.(04)A was missingB had mis

4、sedC will missD missed二、注意排除思维顶定势的干扰。1 Have you seenpen ?I left it here this morning. Is itblack one ?I think I saw it somewhere(97)A a ;theB the ;theC the ;aD a ;a2 She can t helpthe house because she is busy making a cake .(shanghai 97)A to cleanB cleaningC cleanedD being cleaned3 Alic ,you feed t

5、he bird today.? But I fed it yesterday.(99)A do youB will youC didn t youD don t you4 I agree with most of what you said,but I don t agree with.A everythingB anythingC somethingD nothing- 1 -三、注意分析句子成分。1On Saturday afternoon ,Mr Green went to the market,some bananas and visited hiscousin.(91)A bough

6、tB buyingC to buyD buy2 Is this factoryyou visited last Friday?A whichB whereC the oneD there3 It was only when I reread his poems recentlyI began to appreciate their beauty.A untilB thatC thenD so4 The WTO cannot live up to its nameit does not include a country that is home to onefifth of mankind .

7、(2000)A as long asB whileC ifD even though5 Who did the teacheran article for the wall newspaper?A has writeB has writtenC have writeD have written6 It was saidwas allhe said.A that that ;thatB that that ;whatC which it ;thatD that what ;that7 A man s worth lies not so much inhe has as inhe is .A wh

8、at ;whoB what ;whatC that ;whatD that ;which8 A modern city has been set up inwas a wasteland ten years ago .(04tianjin)A whatB whichC thatD where四、意捕捉句子中的隐含信息1 Are the new rules working? Yes ,books are stolen.(99)A FewB MoreC SomeD None2 Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? I am afraidday is possible

9、 .(98)A eitherB neitherC someD any3 You re drinking too much. Only at home .No oneme but you .(2000 春 )A is seeingB had seenC seesD saw4 If you buy more than ten ,they knock 20 pence off.(04)A a priceB priceC the priceD prices5 You were silly notyour car .(04湖南 )A to lockB to have lockedC lockingD h

10、aving locked五、注意句式的变化。1John plays football,if not better than ,David .(94)A as wellB as well asC so wellD so well as2 Rather thanon a crowed bus ,he always prefersa bicycle.(94)A ride ;rideB riding; rideC ride; to rideD to ride ;riding3 I haven t heard from Henry for a long time. What do you suppose

11、to him .(shanghai97)- 2 -A is happenedB had happenedC happenedD is happening4 The managers discussed the plan that they would like to seethe next year.A carry outB carrying outC carried outD to carry out六、注意学会还原法。( 1)被动语态还原为主动语态。例 1 John was madethe truck for a week as a punishment .A to washB washC

12、 washingD to be washing.( 2)复合句分解成简单句。2 Mrs Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had hadwentwrong again.A itB it repairedC repairedD to be repaired( 3)疑问句还原成陈述句。3 a. Is this the schoolwe visited last year?b. Is this schoolwe visited last year?A the oneB thatC at whichD one( 4)感叹句还原成陈述句。4Oh ,Johnyou gave us !A How a pleasant surpriseB How pleasant surpriseC What a pleasant surpriseD What pleasant surprise( 5)倒装语序还原成正常语序。5 So difficultit to live in an English speaking country that I determined to learn Englishwell .A I have feltB have I felt


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