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1、Unit 2 life in the arctic (3)指 导个性化备 课内容Part 1a,1b,& Revision 1 part1-3请两生上前分别带上polar bear和 arctic hare的头饰领诵。Sometimes Ss can use Chinese, T says the sentence in English.生在书中划出词或句子,后教师实行反馈生在练读的时候会有自己认为读得最好或最熟练的段落,那么上来带读时就会挑选相对应的动物,将自己最拿手的体现在大家面前,体验成功感。教学目标知识与技能:A. 知识目标:1. Ss can read these sentences

2、: The Arctic is very ,very cold.There is ice everywhere in the Arctic.The sky is very ,very blue.The Arctic is very beautiful2. Ss can say something about the pictures.B. 水平目标:Ss can describe and use the sentences in their daily life.过程与方法:引导学生结合语境,采用推测、查阅或询问等方法进行学习。情感态度价值观:培养学生热爱动物的情感。教学重点1. Unders

3、tand the new sentences and words.2. Say something about the pictures.3. Do the quiz教学难点Words:fur, hunt, seal, tunnel, lemming, snowy owl教学准备tape, cassette recorder,word cards, pictures,北极动物头饰教学过程教学过程Step 1.Warm up1. Revision: Words: ArticStep 2. New contents1. T shows some pictures about Artic.2. Ta

4、lk about the Artic.3. 老师利用地球图片介绍句型:What do you know about the Arctic?Where is the Arctic?Look,the Arctic is here. It is the North Pole of our Earth.理解并学习词汇:North Pole, South Pole, Earth.4. 老师提问:What is the Arctic like?Where is the Arctic?Look , the Arctic is here.It is at the North Pole of our Earth

5、.5. 放录音,感知短文Arctic is very ,very cold.There is ice everywhere in the Arctic.The sky is very ,very blue.The Arctic is very beautiful6. show a picture of polar bear,say the sentences.T: Polar bear also hunt the arctic hare. Learn the passage about the arctic hare.7. There is another kind of animals in

6、 the Arctic. Can you find what it is on the book?8The seal the arctic fox the arctic hare the snowy owl9. Show the picture of lemming. Learn to say the word.10. T: There is another kind of animals, their favourite food is lemmings, too. They also hunt birds. What are they?请生试读词组:snowy owl ,注意纠正发音。思考

7、:snowy owl 和普通的owl有什么区别? Snowy owls hunt in the daytime. 白天捕食。Step 3. Practice1. Do the excise P26 1-2Ss read the sentences .P27个别指导。2. 将动物头饰并排放在讲台上,生上前任选其一带上,选了什么头饰就带读相应的段落。3. Ss read the text together.作业设计1. P49, do the quiz on the exercise book.2. P59, do exercise 3 on the book.板书设计Unit 2 L ife in the ArcticNorth Pole, South Pole, Earth.polar bear seal arctic fox arctic hare snowy owl教学反思



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