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1、User: crejoc1. A2. able + infinitive3. ability to4. accede to5. access to6. acclaimed as is the correct idiom (Acclaimed to be is wrong)7. accompanied by8. according to9. account for (When explaining something)10. on account of11. account to (When receiving blame or credit)12. accuse of 13. acquaint

2、 with14. acquiesce in15. adapted for16. affect to17. affinity with18. afflicted with19. afraid of20. agree on + noun 21. agree on + gerund22. agree to23. agree with24. aid + person/thing25. aid in + gerund26. aim at27. allergy to (Allergy of, allergy for are incorrect)28. allocated to29. allows for3

3、0. a lot31. although x,y32. alternative to33. amount to34. analogy with35. analogous to36. angry at37. widely anticipated that38. appear to39. apply to40. argue over/ with41. appeal to42. approve/disapprove of43. *as.as44. as X so Y45. as so too46. as X to Y47. ask of48. ask X to Y49. ask + infiniti

4、ve50. ask + person + infinitive51. *associate with52. associate X with Y53. assume .to be of.54. assure that55. at least as . . . as56. attend to (someone)57. attribute X to Y / X is attributed to Y58. attempt to59. attention to60. attended by61. attest to62. authority on63. available to64. averse t

5、o65. aware of66. aware that67. B68. *base on69. based on70. because of71. begin + infinitive72. believe X to be Y73. belief in74. benefit from75. between a and b76. better served by X than by Y77. better than78. both X and Y (Both X as well as Y is incorrect)79. both at X and at Y 80. both on X or o

6、n Y 81. boom in82. bringing to83. built by84. C85. call for86. capable of87. care about88. care for89. centers on + person/thing90. center upon ( not round)91. chance to / chance of ( chance for is wrong)92. choice of93. choose to / from94. choose + infinitive95. claims to96. claims to be / claims t

7、hat97. collaborate with98. collide with (not against)99. comment on100. combined X with Y 101. combined X and Y 102. compare to (similarities)103. compare with (differences)104. *compare A to B105. *compare A with B106. compensate for107. comply with108. comprise of109. to be + composed of + thing11

8、0. concerned for worried111. concerned with112. conclude that113. concur in ( an opinion)114. concur with ( a person)115. conducive to 116. conform to117. in conformity with118. connection between X and Y119. consequence of120. consider X Y (without to be)121. consist with122. consist in123. consist

9、 of124. consistent with125. contend that126. *consider + person/thing127. continue + infinitive128. contrast A with B129. in contrast to130. contribute to131. contrary to132. convert to133. correspond to134. correspond with135. *count on + person/thing136. cost to/of137. craving for138. created with

10、 (not to)139. give credit for (money received for or in exchange for something)140. to credit with (something or doing something)141. credit X Rupees to Ys account (When money is involved)142. D143. are in danger of + gerund144. date from145. deal with146. debate over147. debate on148. decide + infi

11、nitive149. decide on + thing/person150. decline in151. defend against152. defined as153. delighted by154. demand that155. demonstrate that156. depend on157. depends on whether158. depicted as159. descend from160. descendent of (descendent for is incorrect)161. desirous of162. determined by163. *diff

12、erent from/differ from164. difficult + infinitive165. at a disadvantage166. disclose to + person/organization167. *distinguish between X and Y168. *distinguish X from Y169. disagree with (person/idea)170. discourage from171. disdain of172. dispose of173. feel disgusted with ( not at)174. at ones dis

13、posal175. dispute whether176. divergent from177. doubt that ( doubt whether is wrong)178. draw on (take out)179. draw + thing180. to be drawn to + thing/person181. *dream of/about182. due to183. dwindle from184. E185. in an effort to186. easy to187. in an effort to188. either or189. elect to190. ele

14、ct + person191. be embarrassed by ( not at)192. emerges from193. *enable + person + infinitive194. enable X to Y195. enamored with196. *encourage + person + infinitive197. encourage X to Y198. encouraged by199. end with, end in (not by)200. entrusted with201. be envious of, jealous of202. be equal t

15、o ( not as)203. escape from204. be essential to205. estimate to be206. to be + essential to + person/thing207. except for + person/thing208. except for + gerund209. except that210. to exchange X for Y (exchange X with Y or any other form is incorrect)211. expect to212. X expected to Y213. expected X to be Y . expected that X would be Y


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