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1、3eud教育网 http:/ 百万教学资源,完全免费,无须注册,天天更新!学 校班 别姓 名学 号考生答卷不要过此线镇 区 六年级英语Unit 12单元练习 2007-2008学年度第二学期 (答题时间60分钟,满分100分)内容一二三四五六七八九十合计得分听力部分(满分50分)一、 Listen and choose (听录音, 选出与录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里,每小题1分,共10分) ( )1. A. B. C. ( )2. A. B. C. ( )3. A. boy B. toy C. soil ( )4. A. take a trip B. take a trai

2、n C. take a rest( )5. A. a big hand B. a bigger hand C. a little hand( )6. A. tall and strong B. tall and thin C. small and thin( )7. A. This is a big house. B. This is a big mouse. C. Is this your blouse?( )8. A. Amy is 13. B. Amy is 30. C. Amy is 14.( )9. A. I like black. B. I like red. C. I like

3、brown. ( )10. A. Ben is heavier. B. Ben is happier. C. Ben is busier.二、Listen and judge (听录音, 判断句子或图片的是否与录音内容相符, 相相符的在相应题号下的括号内打“” , 不相符的打“”,每小题1分,共共10分) Tom BenWang Fang1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( )250kg Ben 4( ) 5 ( )( )6. Im 1.60 meters tall.( )7. My mother is shorter than my father.( )8. I aml tired.( )9. I

4、ts rainy and windy today.( )10. You will be OK soon.三、Listen and answer( 根据你在录音中听到的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其字母符号填在句子前面的括号里,每小题2分,共10分) ( )1. A. I am 50kg. B. I am 50. C. I am 150cm.( )2. A. Shes tired. B. No, she isnt tired. C. Yes, she feels happy.( )3. A. Im 12. B. Hes 12 years old. C. Yes, Im 12.(

5、 )4. A. I am five. B. I am fine. C. You are fine.( )5. A. Yes, he is. B. No, he doesnt. C. No, he isnt.四、Listen and finish the sentences.(根据录音内容填写下列句子中所缺的单词, 使句子完整,每空只填一词,每词1分,共10分) 1. Whats the _? I have a _. 2. How _ are you? Im _kg. 3. Mike is _but Ann is _.4. Are you _ than Tom? No, Im _. 5. How

6、 does Mary _? Shes _. 五、Listen and judge(根据你在录音中听到的内容判断句子的对错,相符的在相应题号下的括号内打“” , 不相符的打“”,每小题2分,共10分)( ) 1. Tom is younger than Mike.( ) 2. Mike is 15 years old.( ) 3. Tom is shorter than Mike.( ) 4. Mike likes playing football.( ) 5. Mike is stronger than Tom.笔试部分(满分50分)六、Read the conversation and ch

7、oose the answers(选择合适的句子,将对话补充完整, 将字母编号填在横线上,每条横线2分,共10分。)A. Thank you. B. Im sorry to hear that. C. How tall are you? D. How do you feel? E. How heavy is Mike?F. Who is taller, you or Mike? G. Whats the matter?Liu Yun: Hello, Sarah . 1 ?Sarah: I am 165cm.Liu Yun: 2 ?Sarah : Im taller than Mike. He

8、is only 162cm.Liu Yun: You look tired today. 3 ?Sarah: I have a bad cold.Liu Yun: 4 . Do you see the doctor?Sarah: Yes. He asked me to take some medicine.Liu Yun: Have some rest and youll be better soon.Sarah: 5 , Liu Yun.Liu Yun: Youre welcome.七、 Read and choose the answers (阅读短文,选择正确的答案,并将其字母符号填在句

9、子前面的括号里,每小题2分,共10分)Kate has a bedroom. Theres a bed, a desk, a bookcase and two chairs in it. It has a green door and two clean windows. Theres a clock on the wall. Its made in Shanghai.It is seven in the evening. Kate is sitting at the desk .She is doing her homework. Kate has a black cat. It is lo

10、vely. It is playing with a toy mouse. ( )1. There are two _in the bedroom. A. beds B. chairs( )2. The windows are _. A. green B. clean( )3. The clock on the wall is made in _. A. Dongguan B. Shanghai( )4. Kate is doing _. A. homework B. housework( )5. The cat is playing with _. A. the toy mouse B. t

11、he mouse 八、choose the words and finish the paragraph (选择合适的词填空,使短文的内容完整,每词只能用一次,每条横线1分,共10分。)(10 分)(old, older, younger, shorter, longer, one, two, three, reading, watching Her, his,)John is 12 years _. He has _ friends. They are Sarah, Amy and Mike. Sarah is 12. She has long hair. Sarah likes playi

12、ng the piano very much. Amy is 13. She is _ year _ than John. _ hair is not long. It is _ than Sarahs. Amy likes _ books. Mike is 10. He is _ years _ than John. Climbing mountains is _ hobby. They often play together. 九、Write down the question according to the answers.(根据答句写问句。第小题2分,共10分)1. Amy: _, Sarah?Sarah: Let me see. 1.56 meters. Im 1.56 meters tall.2. Lily: _?Mike: No. Tom isnt older than me. Im old than him.3. Kate: My legs are 77 cm. _, Chen Jie?Chen Jie: Let me see. My legs are 78 cm. My legs are 1 cm lon



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