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1、基础英文文法讲义文法 类别类别例句注意事项名词 种类普通名词card, son, teacher, present, book, jacketMy teacher gives me a birthday present. 我的老师送我一个生日礼物1. 具有固定形状的个体2. 可数名词。集合名词 family, class,1. My family are going to the movies. 我们全家正要去看电影2. The class are singing in the classroom. 全班正在教室里唱歌3. My team is the best.(若视为一体) 我的队伍最棒。

2、(单数)1. 表示整体概念(用复数 动词)2. 可数名词。专有名词Sunday, April, Cathy, Mr. Lin, Taiwan1. 前缀大写,指特定人、时、地、物2. 不需定冠词指定。通常前面不加the。3. Mr. Lin comes to Taiwan in April. 林先生在四月时来到台湾1.前面不加a, an或后面 加So不可数名词物质名词milk, bread, rice, beef,Water, coffee1. 同一类物质、无固定形状2. I have milk and bread for breakfast.我早餐吃面包和牛奶抽象名词Love, happine

3、ss1. 不是实体、无法触摸2. He is a man of love and happiness.他是个充满爱及幸福的人基础英文文法讲义文法 类别类别例句注意事项名词 的数可数名词VS不可数 名词可数- girlfriend, girlfriends, two girlfriends, 不可数papertwo papers (X)two pieces of paper (O)复数名词的”规则变 化”1. 般名词-boy|, pen book打2. 字尾 s,x,sh,ch,oTbox| watcher(例外:photo| piano|j.)3. 字尾 y,去 y+iesbabis lad4

4、. 字尾 f 或 fe,去+veswolgs wies单数名词后加-s或-es复数名词的”不规则 变化”manmen, womanwomfeh childchildren, tooth teeth footfeet, mousemice(要背熟)单复数”同形”的名词Chinese, Japanese,Fish, sheep, deer 表示”数量 ”one fish, two fish 表示”种类”two kind| f加人岡基础英文文法讲义文法 类别类别例句注意事项名词的格主格1. Mary (主格)loves the new dress.(受格) 玛丽喜爱这件新洋装2. Sally, si

5、t down, please.莎莉,请坐下。句子中的主词受格l.The boy is playing with(介)the dog.(受) 这男孩正和狗在玩耍2.1 like apples very much.我非常喜欢苹果做为”动词”或吩系词” 的受词,通常放在后面。所有格1. This is 这是王先2. the girl3. TomTsMr. WangS (所有格)car. 己生的车子。1 hat女孩的帽子 father汤姆的爸爸单数名词字尾加”S”1. the stu(2. a boysdents books(学生们的书) school(所男校)复数名词字尾加WomenS activi

6、ties (女性的活动)复数(非s结尾)加”S”1. This is 这是He2. Mr. an(Helen and Bills house.en和bill的房子d Mrs. WangS grandson is over there.共同所有王先生和王太太的孙子在那里。1. They are Diana| s and Susans bicycles. 它们是Diana和Susan的脚踏车。2. DavidS and Teds brothers are doctors.个别所有基础英文文法讲义文法 类别类别例句注意事项代名词人称代名词I, you, he ,she, it, we, they1.

7、 I like my dog, Blacky.2. You areail his students.你确B是他的学生3. The teacher gives us many candies.老师给我们很多糖果4. They like their pictures. 他们喜欢他们的照片(图画)5. You, he and I are going to the zoo.你,他和我都要去动物园(排列方式运用(2T3T1)6. Rosa and I are tall and heavy.7. We, you and they were at the beach yesterday. 我们,你们和他们昨

8、天都在海边8. We and they are good friends.9. How is it today?今天天气如何?(表示”天气”)9-1. Its warm.(天气暖和)9- 2. Its raining cats and dogs.(正下着倾盆大雨)10. What time is it ?(现在是几点?)(表示”时间”)10- 1. Its eight oclock.(现在是八点钟)11. Its July.(现在是七月)1. 区分主格、受格、所有 格(例如:I受格TmeI所有格-my)2. 单数排列方式你、我、他(2T3T1)3. 复数排列方式(1T2T3)3. it的用法表

9、”天气”、”时间”、距离11-1. Its Thursday.(今天是星期四) 11-2. Its winter now.(现在是冬天) 12. How far is it to your school ? 到你的学校要多远?(表示”距离”)指示代名词This, that, these,those1. Whatsthis ?这是什么?1- 1.This is a snake.蛇2. Is this your pen ?这是你的笔吗?2- 1. No, that is Johns pen.不,那是约翰的3. These are my comic books.这些是我的漫画书4. Those ar

10、e Mrs. Browns children.1. 指人、事、物的名词2. this表示与说话者”距 离”较近。that表示与说话者”距离” 较远。疑问代名词What,who,which1. Whats your name ?你叫什么名字?2. Whats do you have for breakfast?你早餐吃些什么?3. Whats your older brother?你哥哥是做什么的?3-1. Hes a businessman.他是商人4. Whos that short boy?那位矮男孩是谁?5. Whos this ?那一位?(电话中)6. Which do you lik

11、e, tea or coffee ?7. Which does Ted like, Mary or Jessica? Ted 喜欢 Mary or Jessica ?1.指发问时,会用到的 代名词。(先介绍3个) which有选择的性质文法 类别类别例句注意事项形容 词性质1. The girl is very beautiful.这女孩好漂亮2. I have a new bicycle.我有一部新的脚踏车(new相反old) We live in a big house.我们住在一间大房子里形容人的”高、矮、胖、 瘦”,或物体”形状、大小、 颜色、特征”状态1-l.Its a good b

12、ook.这是本好书(静态)l-2.Its hot today.今天天气很热(静态)1-1. Dont be noisy.不要吵(动态)1-2. Miss Lin is a careful worker.林小姐是一位细心的工作者1. ”静态”的形容词,感觉没 有”声音、动作.”的形容词。2. ”动态”的形容词,感觉有” 声音、动作.”的形容词。数量1. 表示”多”的形容词1-1. much+不可数名词、many+可数名词(复数) a lot of (lots of ) +可数或不可数名词1-2. I dont have much money.1-3. There are many basebal

13、l cardp on the desk.1- 4. We have a lot of rice and vegetable every day.2. 表示”少”的形容词2- 1. few+可数名词little+不可数名词2-2. Joe has few friends at school.2-3. Im sick. I drink little milk this morning. 我生病了。今天早上我牛奶喝的少。1. 表示物品”数量多寡” 的状态2. 我们每天吃很多的米 饭和蔬菜。(rice不可数 名词vegetable可数名 词)数词1. 基数-one, two, three,.1-1.

14、There are four desks in the room.1- 2. Miss Wang has fifteen student in her class.2. 序数-first, second, fourth,.2- 1. This is my first year in Taiwan.2-2. Bill is the second son in his family.1. “基数”形容词,后面通 常加”可数名词”2. “序数”形容词,前面通 常加”定冠词”或”所有 格”。文法 类别类别例句注意事项冠词不定冠词a, an1. a + “子音”为首的”可数名词”1- 1. There are a mn and a ppg under the tree.2. an + “元音”为首的”可数名词”2- 1. My mother has an apple and an egg every morning.加在”名词”前面,用来限 制名词定冠词 the1. Please open the door. We take the trainto Taipei.用在”特定对象”副词时间1. 现在式-now, today, every day, on Saturday, in Spring. 1-1


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