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1、感知文体常识感知文体常识海报是人们在日常生活中经常使用的一种招贴形式,其内容包括活动宣传、招聘广告和人物介绍等。海报一般由标题和正文组成。1.标题海报的标题应简洁明了,新颖醒目,力求引起读者的兴趣。标题一般有两种形式:一是直接使用“Poster”;另一种是根据海报内容拟定题目,如Football Match、Good News、English Evening等。2.正文海报的正文没有硬性规定的格式,可以根据海报内容灵活安排。时态一般用现在时和将来时。牢记写作素材牢记写作素材(一)增色词汇1.protect v.保护2.environment n.环境3.rare adj.珍稀的4.habita

2、t n.栖息地5.balance n.平衡6.damage v.破坏7.human beings 人类8.live in harmony with 与和谐相处(二)精彩句型1.Its difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild.大熊猫很难在野外生存。2.If people keep cutting down the forests,the wild animals will have nowhere to live.如果人们继续砍伐森林,野生动物将无处安身。3.Forbidding buying skin and fur or other

3、 tiger products will be very beneficial to all of my family.禁止购买老虎皮毛及其他虎制品将对我们的家族有很大益处。4.We shouldnt pollute water and environment or cut down so many trees.我们不应该污染水和环境或砍伐这么多的树木。5.Protecting wild animals is a better choice for human beings!保护野生动物是人类更好的选择!6.Love animals,so that human beings are not a

4、lone!爱护动物,让人类不孤单!示例写作步骤示例写作步骤【写作要求写作要求】请根据下面有关远东豹的信息写一则关于保护远东豹的海报。Amur leopard(远东豹)Situation:The Amur leopard is seen as one of the most endangered animals in China.Population:less than 100Why is it endangered:Illegal hunting and habitat lossWhat are being done:Some reserves have been set up and ill

5、egal hunting has been banned.What can we do:Ban illegal hunting and protect their habitat!【审题谋篇审题谋篇】体裁海报人称第一人称时态一般现在时话题保护远东豹框架标题第一段:介绍濒危动物名称、现状及其原因,以引起读者深思第二段:呼吁停止非法捕猎和拯救栖息地【遣词造句遣词造句】1.词汇(1)森林砍伐 _(2)快速地 _(3)处于危险之中 _(4)非法捕猎 _(5)拯救我们的栖息地 _deforestation rapidly in danger illegal hunting save our habita

6、ts 2.句式(1)要点翻译我们对大自然和人类都很重要。_nature and to human beings.我们必须很好地得到保护。We must _.由于森林砍伐,我们的栖息地正变得越来越小。Our habitats are becoming smaller and smaller _.我们的种群现在正快速减少。Our population is _now.We are important both to be well protected due to deforestation reducing rapidly 为了阻止我们灭绝,我们希望拥有更多的生存空间。_,we hope to

7、have enough living spaces.停止非法捕猎,立刻拯救我们的栖息地吧!_ and save our habitats now!In order to stop us from being killed Stop illegal hunting(2)句式升级用so.that连接句和句用介词+which连接句和句 We are so important both to nature and to human beings that we must be well protected.Our habitats are becoming smaller and smaller du

8、e to deforestation,as a result of which our population is reducing rapidly now.妙笔成篇We are in danger!When it comes to the Amur leopard,all of us are in danger.We are so important both to nature and to human beings that we must be well protected.Our habitats are becoming smaller and smaller due to def

9、orestation,as a result of which our population is reducing rapidly now.Our numbers are less than 100.In order to stop us from being killed,we hope to have enough living spaces.Stop illegal hunting and save our habitats now!针对训练请根据下面有关白鳍豚的信息写一则有关保护白鳍豚的海报。注意:1.词数80左右;2.请在相应位置作答。Yangtze River DolphinWh

10、y is it endangered?Habitat loss and pollutionPopulation:1,0001,800What is being done?The dolphins are being moved to a clean and safe habitat.What can we do?Clean up the rivers!We Are in Danger!Do You Want to See Us Again?We are called Yangtze River Dolphin and mainly live in the middle and lower re

11、aches of the Yangtze River.Our habitats are becoming smaller and smaller due to pollution,so our population is also reducing rapidly now.Unluckily,our numbers are only between 1,000 and 1,800.In order to stop us being killed,we are being moved to a clean and safe habitat.Do you want to see us again?Clean up the rivers now!


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