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1、经典英语格言 5Truth is stranger than fiction. 事实离奇胜于虚构。 No man is born wise or learned. 人非生而知之. No man is content with his lot. 没有人对自己的境遇感到满足. the pot calls the kettle black. 锅嫌罐黑。/ 责人而不责己。 Adversity is a good discipline. 逆境磨练人. A wilful man will have his way. 顽强者定会成功. A beggar can never be bankrupt. 乞丐永远

2、不会破产. A close mouth catches no flies. 嘴巴闭得紧,苍蝇飞不进。 A glass at supper is not amiss. 晚酌一杯也无妨。 A friend is known in necessity. 患难见友情. A GREat city, a great solitude. 城市越大越寂寞。 A honey tongue,a heart of gall. 口如蜜甜者心似胆苦。 A lion at home, a mouse abroad. 在家象狮子,出外成老鼠。 Without learning. without eyes. 没有学识就是盲人

3、. Work wont kill but worry will. 劳动无害,忧愁伤身。 the world is his who enjoys it. 世界属于热爱世界的人. He that is a master must serve. 一家之主必为全家操劳. He laughs best who laughs last. 谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好. Good watch prevents misfortune. 谨慎小心就不会遇到灾祸。 Haste trips over its own heels. 匆忙会被自己的脚后跟绊倒. /忙中有错. Happiness is a form of co

4、urage. 幸福是勇气的一种形式。 Art is long, but life is short. 人生有限,艺术无穷. Best to bend while its a twig. 树当从小修整. Bear with evil,and expect good. 坏事要忍,好事要等。 He that travels far knows much. 广游者,见识多. As a man sows so he shall reap. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆. Extreme right is extreme wrong. 极端正确即极端错误。/过犹不及。 Example is better than

5、precept. 身教胜于言教. Every shoe fits not every foot. 不可只用一种尺度衡量一切。 One good turn deserves another. 应以德报德。 Once a beggar, always a beggar. 一次做乞丐,永远是乞丐。 Prevention is better than cure. 治病不如防病。 Please all and you please none. 要面面俱到者,面面不到。 Plough deeper and harvest more. 深耕细作,多打粮秣. Plain living and high thi

6、nking. 生活要朴素,情操要高尚. Judge not a book by its covers. 评价书不能看封面。 Keeping is harder than winning. 创业难,守业更难. Knowledge comes form diligence. 知识源于勤奋. Its no use pumping a dry well. 枯井抽水,徒劳无功. It takes two to make a quarrel. 一个巴掌拍不响. Make the best of a bad bargain. 应善处逆境. Little chips light Great fires. 星星

7、之火,可以燎原. Honour and profit lie not sack. 荣誉和私利不能睡在一起。 Blind men can judge no colours. 盲者不辨色。 Call no man happy till he dies. 人在死以前称不上幸福. Children are poor mens riches. 儿女是穷人的财富. Dont carry coals to Newcastle. 别往纽卡斯尔(英煤都)运煤。/ 多此一举,徒劳无益。 Desires are nourished by delays. 欲望迟迟得不到满足,而愈来愈强烈。 Do what is ri

8、ght, come what may. 不管会发生什么,对的就要去做. Hide nothing from thy physician. 不要对医生隐瞒。 Health and wealth create beauty. 健康和财富能创造美丽。 Living well is the best revenge. 活得好就是对敌人最好的报复. Love is neither bought nor sold. 爱情不能买卖. Learning is the eye of the mind. 知识是心灵的慧眼. Life is short and time is swift. 生命短暂,光阴飞逝. I

9、t is good to be merry and wise. 乐不移智,娱不纵情。 Saying and doing are two things. 说与做是两回事. One cannot serve God and Mammon. 不能既拜上帝又拜财神。 One today is worth two tomorrow. 一个今天抵得上两个明天. One tree does not make a forest. 独木不成林. Every cloud has a silver lining. 乌云后面有光明。 Fair and softly to far in a day. 从容不慌,办事顺当

10、. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may. 有花堪折直须折,莫待花无空折枝. Gentility is but ancient riches. 出身高贵,只不过是其祖辈有钱。 Give credit where credit is due. 有功则赏。 Be just before you are generous. 要慷慨必先求公正。 Great mens sons soldom do well. 伟人的儿子有出息的不多。 Handsome is that handsome does. 心美貌亦美. He give twice who gives quickly.

11、给得爽快,等于给了两次。 Good masters make good servants. 主人好,仆人坏不了。 Goods are theirs who enjoy them. 爱物者有物用. He is wise that is ware in time. 聪明人防患于未然。 there are tricks in every trade. 各行各业都有诀窍. Any help is better than no help. 任何帮助都胜于没有帮助. What God will no frost can kill. 天意难违。 A good neighbor, a good morrow.

12、 邻居好,日子好. A cat in gloves catches no mice. 带手套的猫捉不到老鼠. A good tongue is a good weapon. 会说话的舌头是一件精良的武器。 Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜于言辞. A rolling stone gathers no moss. 滚动的石头上不长青苔. /见异思迁,终无所获. A penny saved is a penny gained. 省一文等于挣一文. the early bird catches the worn. 先出巢的鸟儿先得食. the beginning is not everything. 开头并不是事情的全貌. No legacy is so rich as honesty. 没有一笔遗产能象诚实一样丰厚。 Observation is the best teacher. 观察是最好的老师.


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