四年级下册英语教案Module4 Unit1 Will you take your kite ?∣外研社 (三起)

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《四年级下册英语教案Module4 Unit1 Will you take your kite ?∣外研社 (三起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四年级下册英语教案Module4 Unit1 Will you take your kite ?∣外研社 (三起)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Module4 Unit1 Will you take your kite ?教学目标听 能听懂will及一周七天的英语单词谈论的出行方案。 说 能够询问别人的打算,简单制定自己的方案并能够进行交谈。 读 能够看图熟练朗读课文中含有will表示将来方案的句子。写 能够看图抄写出简单的方案: On Sunday Ill read my books . 教学重难点重点:学习单词:picnic 句型:“Will you take your tomorrow?“Yes , I will ./No ,Iwont . 难点:新单词相关语句在实际生活中的应用。教学准备cards / Tape-record

2、er 教学过程教学过程 Review the words (教师拿出单词卡带学生朗读一遍) 设计意图:让学生回忆以前所学的单词,为下面的教学做铺垫。 Step2:presentation T: Look at the picture . what are they doing ?(把图片贴在墙上) Ss: 不同的答复。(拿出符合或贴近的答案) T: Yes ,theyre going to have a picnic (野餐).(呈现单词卡picnic). Read after me, picnic. Ss: picnic .(教读三遍) T: picnic . Show me your fi

3、nger . (跟我一起拼写) p-i-c-n-i-c . Ss:p-i-c-n-i-c . T: Im very happy . Because were going to have a picnic tomorrow . (在黑板上呈现句型“Were going to have a picnic .) Follow me , please .Were going to have a picnic . (用动作和指着黑板的句型、图片教单词。) Ss: Were going to have a picnic .(可教读三遍) T:Because . (呈现单词卡because) Read af

4、ter me , because . Ss: because . T: Show me your finger . B-e-c-a-u-s-e . Because. Ss: b-e-c-a-u-s-e . Because . T: Would you like to have a picnic ? Ss: Yes . T: Why ?(为什么) Ss: T: Learn the new word . Why . Ss: Why. T: Why .Show me your finger . W-h-y , why . Ss: W-h-y , why . T: Were going to have

5、 a picnic . I will take my bag and my kite tomorrow .(拿出准备好的包) Can you guess it ?(包里有球、饼干、蛋糕、水果) What would you take ? S1: cake. S2:fruit . S3:. T:那你们知道带走、拿走用英语怎么说吗? Ss:不知道。 T: Ok . Follow me , please . Take . Ss: Take . T: Take . Show me your finger . T-a-k-e , take . Ss: T-a-k-e , take . T: Can yo

6、u guess it ?(包里有球、饼干、蛋糕、水果) S1:球(ball) T:Oh! Yes , here you are . S1: Thank you . S2:蛋糕(cake) T: Its great . Here you are . S2: Thank you . S3: T: Read after me , great . Ss: Great . T: Great . Show me your finger . G-r-e-a-t , great . Ss: G-r-e-a-t ,great . T: Were going to have a picnic . Will you

7、 take your kite ?(拿图片问学生,然后板书) S1: 是的。(Yes , I will .) T: follow me , please . (Yes , I will .)(板书) S1: Yes , I will . T: Will you take your kite ? S2: 不想带。(No , I wont .) T: Read after me . (No , I wont .)(板书) T: All together . Read after me , please . Will you take your kite ? Ss: Will you take yo

8、ur kite ?(看着图片跟老师读) T: Yes , I will . Ss: Yes , I will .(看着黑板读) T: No , I wont . Ss: No , I wont .(看着黑板读) T: All together . You can ask me . Will you take your kite or ?Do you understand ? Ss: Yes . T:One, two , begin . Ss: Will you take your ball ?(全班看老师手里的图片问) T: No , I wont . Ss: Will you take yo

9、ur bread ?(全班看老师手里的图片问) T:Yes , I will . Look at blackboard .(看老师的手指哪个句型,学生问) Ss: Were going to have a picnic . T: Yes . So I will take my fruit and my cake on Saturday .(可问两遍) T: Ok . Listen to the tape . (听里面说了什么事?出现了我们刚刚学的哪几个单词和句型并写下来) T:(听完课文录音后)Who can tell me ? S1:picnic S2:Will you take your

10、kite ? S3:ball T: Its great! 设计意图:巧设生活情景,在生活情景中呈现教学内容的做法学生更易接受。教师让学生在对话中学习生词和新句型,防止了单纯的词汇训练可能造成的枯燥和局限性;听录音答复下列问题可以检查学生掌握的情况。 Step3:Practice T: Lets play a game . This is a box . There are many word cards in it . Pass it one by one and when I say“stop . The one who catch the box .Then she/he take out

11、 a word cards and show it . The whole class ask you : Will you take your ? You answer : Yes , I will ./ No , I won t . (盒子里有几张小纸条,当哪个学生拿到盒子时,要从里面抽出一张纸条翻开看写的是什么,上讲台,老师在其背后拿出图片,让全班同学看着图片问讲台上的同学“Will you take your ?如果是就答复“Yes , I will .如果不是就答复“No , I wont . I will take a/an .(答复自己抽到纸条上的东西) 设计意图:通过游戏的形式

12、,可以让学生更好的运用所学的新单词、新句型。 Step4:Consoliation T: Please open your books ,page 10. Listen to the tape and read .(听完录音后进行男生和女生分角色朗读。) 设计意图:先听录音后跟读,可以帮助学生纠正语音和语调。 Step5:Sum up 复习单词和句型板书设计 Module 3 Picnic Words: Unit 1 Will you take your kite ? Take We are going to have a picnic . Picnic Will you take your kite ? Great Yes , I will ./No , I wont . Ball Why Because /


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