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1、中华人民共和国海事局2005年第3期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第38期)科目:航海英语 试卷代号:901适用对象:无限航区、近洋航区船舶船长(本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟)答题说明:请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑。第1题至68题,每题1分,第69题至76题,每题1.5分,第77题至78题每题10分。一单项选择题1 The functioning of the radiotelegraph installations for motor lifeboats and/or the portable radio appa

2、ratus for survival craft,if provided,_with the provisions of the regulationsAprovided Bsupplied Ccomplied Ddivided 2 However, it should be recognized that there may be occasions when an instruction by a VTS is disregarded because the master considers that its execution might jeopardize (危及) the vess

3、el.AShipmasters should not follow up the instructions given by the pilot.BShipmasters should not always follow up the instructions given by the VTS.CShipmasters should not follow up the instructions given by the VTS except in a few casesDShipmasters should not always follow up the instructions given

4、 by the pilot except in a few cases3 Ocean passages for the World and Routeing Charts contain ocean routing information and should be consulted for _ coastal passagesAon Bother than Cwhen preparing Dbesides 4 Ships are also required to carry a(n) _ to mitigate the effects of environmental damage in

5、the event of a pollution incident by ISM code and MARPOL conventionAOil Record Book BCargo Record Book CMuster List DSOPEP5 The Sailing Directions contain information on _Arequired navigation lights Blifesaving equipment standards Ccasualty reporting procedures Dcurrents in various locations 6 A str

6、eam of water immediately surrounding a moving vessels hull,flowing in the same direction as the vessel is known as _Adirectional current Bforward current Cpropeller current Dwake current 7 By the implementation of _ , all of these dynamic information and warnings will be available to all ships in a

7、certain area and that will eliminate the voice communications burden on the parties involved in communication.AAIS system BRadar system CECDIS system DIntegrated Navigation System8 A vessel is equipped with twin propellers,both turning outboard with the engines half aheadIf there is no wind or curre

8、nt and the rudders are amidships,what will happen? AThe bow will swing to starboard BThe bow will swing to port CThe vessel will steer a zigzag course DThe vessel will steer a fairly straight course 9 What great circle is always needed to form the astronomical triangle? ACelestial Equator BLongitude

9、 CCelestial Meridian DPrime Vertical Circle 10All VHF marine band radios operate in the simplex mode,which means that _Aonly one person may talk at a time Bonly two persons may talk at the same time Cthe radio only transmits Dthe radio only receives 11I suppose that when I come back from sea in one

10、years time all these old houses _ down Awill have been pulled Bwill be pulling Cwill have pulled Dwill be pulled 12The crewmembers will put off the outing until next week,_ they wont be so busy Awhen Bsince Cas Dwhile 13In observing rig motion while under tow,the period of roll is the time differenc

11、e between _Azero inclination to full inclination on one side Bfull inclination on one side to full inclination on the other side Cfull inclination on one side to the next full inclination on the same side Dzero inclination to the next zero inclination 14Payment of penalty for a ships delay after the

12、 expiration of laydays due to some fault of the charterer or his agent is known as _Ademurrage Blate fee Cmiscibility Dvolatility 15Electric generators can be protected against overload _Awith switches Bwith a governor on the engine Cwith fuses or circuit breakers Dby using heavy wire 16Controled do

13、cuments on ships SMS means:ASafety management manual, procedures, official letters, information lettersBSMS manual onlyCDeck log & Engine log booksDNone of the above17A vessel is proceeding from a very cold climate to a warm climateWith a cargo of non-hygroscopic(非吸湿的) nature,which of the following

14、is correct? AThere is danger of heavy cargo sweat if outside air is introduced by ventilation BDanger of the ship sweat existsConstant and vigorous ventilation is required CThere is little danger of ships sweat,slight possibility of cargo sweat DThe possibility of any ship or cargo sweat is remote 18In the Northern Hemisphere,a wind that shifts counterclockwise is a _Aveering wind Bbacking wind Creverse wind Dchinook wind 19The entries in the garbage record book shall be both in Aan official language of the state whose flag the ship is ent


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