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1、教学设计新课标高中英语教材第三册必修Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient ChinaReading: Philosophers of Ancient China一、 教学课型:阅读课二、 教材分析:本篇课文介绍的是中国古代哲学家孔子、孟子和墨子。经过十几年的耳濡目染同学们对他们的观点较熟悉,也颇感兴趣,但这些内容以英语的形式出现会让他们略感惊奇和不适,因此要引导学生克服心里障碍,通过阅读和讨论,捕捉有效信息,学会用英语表达诸多哲学家的观点。三、 教学目标:1、 Help the students grasp the usef

2、ul words, expressions and some important sentence structures in the text.2、 Help the students to develop reading skill3、 Encourage the students to find out more about European philosophers to compare with those of China so as to learn something necessary to their lives.四、 教学重难点:1、 develop reading sk

3、ill2、 learn about philosophers home and abroad to enrich their mind.五、 教学过程:Step I. Lead in1. Show pictures of some famous philosophers the world has ever produced and their ideas such as Socrates, Higer , Laozi, Maozetong and so on.T: Please look at these pictures to see if you know any of them, if

4、 so, talk about their ideas.T: Could you tell us which philosopher you like best and why?Ss:.2. Have the students name some philosophers they know. T: Please name some philosophers you are interested in.T: Would you like to major in philosophy when you go to college and why?Ss:(设计说明)In order to arou

5、se the students interests in philosophers, we need to let them learn about some philosophers and their views, while at the same time make them guess the meaning of the word “ philosopher”, a key word in this passage, in which way the topic of philosophers is brought out. Step II Reading Task one: Le

6、ave the students some time to watch the video of this passage with the following questions in mind.1、 What are the names of the philosophers mentioned in the passage?2、 What are their ideas?3、 Whose teachings were very similar to those of Confucius?4、 Why did Mencius resigned?5、 What is the differen

7、ce between the views of Confucius and that of Mozi? T: Now I like you to watch the video with some questions in mind to get a general idea of the whole passage. Ss:.(设计说明) In learning a foreign language, listening should come before reading, especially for high school students who have no time to co

8、mmunicate with foreigners, and with some questions in mind while listening is helpful for them to grasp the main idea of the passage and avoid blind listening.Task two: Skimming1.Leave the students five minutes to skim the passage and pick out the topics sentences of each paragraphT. Now that you ha

9、ve got some idea about these philosophers, next go over the text quickly to pick out the topic sentences of each paragraph.2.Show the topic sentences on the computer screen(1) Confucius is the philosopher whose influence has been the greatest.(2) Mencius was a thinker whose teachings were very simil

10、ar to those of Confucius.(3) Mozi founded the philosophy called Mohism.(设计说明)Going through the passage quickly to find the topic sentences is to help them improve their reading skill and in the long run to learn writing.Task three:Scanning: Let the students read the passage more carefully and finish

11、 the following exercise. T: Please read the text in detail this time and then carry out the following activities.1. fill in the blanks without looking at your books, each blank with one word.(1) Confucius is the _whose influence has been the greatest.(2) Confucius _the importance of kindness.(3) Men

12、cius was a thinker whose _were very similar to those of Confucius.(4) However, when he saw that the ruler was not following his advice, he _.(5) Mozi was another teacher who was very _.(6) He became famous for his unusual clothes and _.2.Choose the right answers:(1). Mozi spent many year trying to f

13、ind a state in that_.A. He believed that men were not equal.B. His idea of love was different from the Confucian idea of kindness.C. He supported the idea of war.D. He wanted people to follow his teachings(2) Which of the following idea is from The Book of MenciusA. People were less important than r

14、ulersB. The people should be well treated by the governmentC. If the government were tough, the people would be good.D. The people should be treated badly(3) It can be inferred that the author of the passage is_.A. is in favour of these philosophersB. doesnt support the ideas of the philosophersC. t

15、he passage doesnt implyD. is against the ideas of the philosophers3.Show the answers on the computer screen of excises 1and2.Excise1. 1. fill in the blanks without looking at your books, each blank with one word.(1) Confucius is the philosopher whose influence has been the greatest.(2) Confucius stressed the importance of kindness.(3) Mencius was a thinker whose teachings were very similar to those of Confucius.(4) However, when he saw that the ruler was not following his advice, he resigned.(5) Mozi was another teacher who was very influential.He bec


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