Unit 2 知识点同步练- 高二下学期英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第四册.docx

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1、外研版选择性必修第四册unit2知识点同步练.一词多义练清除阅读障碍possession1People had lost their homes and all their possessions. 2After his fathers death,the old house is now in his possession. 3What shocked everyone was that he gave up possession of the house. 1-3 BCA .核心知识强化练巩固语言知识1To his sorrow,he lost all his _(possession)

2、because of his failure in his business.However,he made up his mind to start again from the beginning.2It has changed beyond all_(recognise) in the past 20 years.3Up to now,the organization _(receive) private donations of about 1,000,000 yuan.4When reading,Karen burst_laughter at the good news.5The r

3、escue workers were working hard _ search of those survivors in the flood.6Many lifestyle patterns actually speed up the _(weaken) of the human body.7This warm weather is _(normal) for February.8Jack refused to go on _(cooperate) with that company after their fierce argument.1.possessions 2 recogniti

4、on 3 has received 4 into 5 in 6 weakening 7 abnormal 8 cooperating.写作增分练提升语用能力1虽然他没有多少钱,但他身体很好。(be possessed of) _2由你来做决定。(up to sb.)_3听到这个消息,她突然大哭起来。(burst out) _4每当我发表意见时,她总是反驳。(every time)_1.Although he doesnt have much money,he is possessed of good health.2.Its up to you to make the decision.3.H

5、earing the news,she burst out crying.4.Every time I express an opinion,she always argues back.请先从表格中选用本单元所学单词完成下列短文,然后核对答案并背诵该短文。(文中加波浪线的句子为本单元的语法项目:复习被动语态)The economic crisis that broke out last year has seriously 1._ the American economy and intensified social unrest.People are 2._ about the futur

6、e,even in a state of 3._.Economists predict that it will set back American development for a decade.This 4._ and absurd phenomenon of frequent economic crisis has aroused peoples reflection already.It is found by economists that the subprime crisis in the United States is the root cause of the econo

7、mic crisis,which has been widely recognized.First,we need to strengthen economic cooperation and exchanges between countries,learn from each others strengths and complement each others weaknesses,and compete well.Second,we need to expand effective investment,stimulate domestic demand potential,incre

8、ase personal 5._,and promote the healthy and orderly development of our economy.1.weakened 2 pessimistic 3 despair 4 abnormal 5 possessions练基础 单句语法填空1Dont worry.The hard work that you do now _(repay) later in life.2Experiments of this kind had _(conduct) in both the US.and Europe.3Many words _(add)

9、to the language since it was published.1.will be repaid 2 been conducted 3 have been added技巧一点通动词的被动语态的构成方式:be过去分词,口语中也用“get过去分词”表示。被动语态的基本用法:不知道或没必要提到动作的执行者是谁时用被动语态;强调或突出动作的承受者常用被动语态(by短语有时可以省略)。提能力 微写作根据汉语提示并运用以上语法用英语写一段话仪式定于6月8日举行,其间我们回顾了过去的事件,并观看了一些有关同学们在与冠状病毒斗争中的英勇事迹的视频。我们都被这个仪式深深地感动了,从中我们意识到,我

10、们的成长过程总是伴随着责任感。(2020天津,书面表达)The ceremony was scheduled to be held on June 8,during which we reviewed the past events and watched some videos about the heroic deeds of our schoolmates in the battle against COVID19.We are all deeply moved by the ceremony,from which we realize that the process of our growth is always accompanied by the sense of responsibility.


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