英语主题作文范文附译文 大自然.docx

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1、英语主题作文范文附译文 大自然The Beautiful Nature美丽的大自然My family are all day off today.今天,我们全家都休息。So we decided to hike to the Peace Hill 10 kilometers away.所以,我们决定徒步去10公里外的太平岭。It is a fine day today.今天天气真是好得不得了啊。The sun is shining, but its not very hot.阳光灿烂,但并不是很炎热。The weather is quite suitable for hiking.这种天气非常

2、适合远足。About two hours later, we get there.大约两个小时后,我们到了那里。What a beautiful scene!多美的景色啊!The air is fresh, and the sky is blue.空气清新,天空湛蓝。There are some clouds in the sky, but the sun is shining.天空中有点缀着几朵白云,但依然是阳光灿烂。Look, there are some cows grazing leisurely.看,那里有一些奶牛正悠闲地吃草。Their black and white colors

3、 are really beautiful.他们的黑白相间的颜色煞是好看。Look, there are some sheep taking a nap.看,那里有一些羊在小憩。Their pure white wool looks like snow.他们那纯白色羊毛看起来就像白雪一样。Their white wool glistens in the sun.那洁白的羊毛在阳光下闪闪发光。The meadow is dotted with the cows and sheep,草地上点缀着这些牛羊,it looks like a beautiful picture.看起来就像是一幅美丽的画。

4、It is noon.中午了。We have a hearty picnic.我们吃了一顿丰盛的野餐。All my family are so pleasure.我们全家都高兴极了。The leaves shimmer in the afternoon heat.叶子在午后的暖风里闪闪发光。The breeze fans on our hair out behind us.微风吹拂,吹散了我们的头发。The hike rounds off in happy laughter and cheerful voices.远足在欢声笑语中圆满结束。What a perfect day!这是多么完美的一

5、天啊!My Minions Alarm Clock我的小黄人儿闹钟I have a very nice alarm clock in my bedroom.在我卧室里有一个非常漂亮的小闹钟。It is Mr. Minions.它是小黄人儿先生。It is a present from my classmate.它是我同学送的礼物。It has two big eyes and a tiny nose.它有两只大大的眼睛和一个小巧的鼻子。It is yellow and with sparse black hair on his head.它是黄色的,头上顶着稀疏的黑头发。It has a pa

6、ir of big goggles, and its teeth are white and big.它戴着一副大护目镜,牙齿又白又大。It wears a blue vest and a blue pants with suspenders.它穿着一件蓝色的背心和一条蓝色的背带裤。Its exactly the same as that one in the Despicable Me.和电影神偷奶爸里的一模一样。Isnt it cool?很酷吧?Every morning it sings the incomprehensible song in that movie to wake me

7、 up.每天早上它都会唱那部电影里听不懂的歌来叫醒我。At night it tells me when I should go to bed.晚上它会告诉我什么时候我该睡觉了。With it, I have not been late for school again.有了它,我上学再也没有迟到过。Its my best friend. I really like it!它是我最好的朋友。我真的很喜欢它!My Trip to Beijing我的北京之旅I went to Beijing this summer vacation.今年暑假我去了趟北京。My family got there b

8、y high-speed train.我们全家乘坐高铁去的。Firstly, we visited the Great Wall.首先,我们参观了长城。The Great Wall is the longest building in the world.长城是世界上最长的建筑。Its very old.非常古老。It is really famous for its long history.它以其悠久的历史而闻名。Its each brick is very big and heavy.每一块砖都又大又重。A lot of people from different countries l

9、ike hiking on the Great Wall.许多来自不同国家的人喜欢在爬长城。There is a saying in China goes as: “The one who does not reach the Great Wall is no true man.”中国有句话说得好:“不到长城非好汉。”Now I am a little man, too.现在我也是个小男子汉了。I also went to the Palace Museum.我还去了故宫博物院。It has 9999 and a half rooms.它有9999个半房间。It has a very long

10、 history as well.它也有着悠久的历史。Besides the Palace Museum, the National Museum of China is famous, too.除了故宫,中国国家博物馆也很非常有名。I bought lots of souvenirs there.我在那里买了很多纪念品。The following days, we visited the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace and the Water Cube.接下来的几天,我们参观了天坛、颐和园和水立方。After then, I went back with my parents by air.之后,我和父母坐飞机回的家。Its really an unforgettable trip.这真是一次难忘的旅行啊。


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