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1、渔夫和金鱼的故事新编 The New Story of the Fisherman and the Flounder 渔夫:草帽,烟斗,渔具 Fisherman: Straw hat, pipe, floundering tackle老太婆:造纸厂,拐杖Old woman: The papermaking factory, walking stick场景一:Act One:渔夫:空气新鲜花儿香,鸟儿欢叫树儿高,渔夫打鱼乐呵呵!Fisherman: Fresh air. See! Everywhere flowers. Birds are flying in the sky. Im so hap

2、py. (江边)鱼儿,鱼儿,快进网。渔夫撒了网,满怀期待的坐在江边(定格)(Beside the river) Flounder, flounder, enter the net quickly. The fisherman had netted and sat on the bank of the river.过了一会儿,渔夫一跃而起,哈哈,运气真好啊!鱼儿,今天大丰收啊!(用力拉网)After a while, he jumped out and said: Ha-ha! Im so lucky today! There are too many flounder.(唱歌)渔夫哼着歌,高高

3、兴兴的回家了。(singing) The fisherman hummed and went home happily.渔夫:亲爱的,我回来了啊!Fisherman: Hello, my dear, Im home!妻子:伙计,你回来了啊!让我瞧瞧你今天手气怎么样?哇,发财了,这么多鱼。哈哈哈.Wife: You came back! Let me see how lucky you were today. Wah! So many flounder! We are so rich! Ha-ha-ha!场景二:Act Two日子一天天过去了,宁静的江边发生了难以想象的变化:一座座的化工厂夺去了

4、鸟儿的欢叫,树木不再翠绿,而渔夫呢?他,已经满脸皱纹,步履蹒跚了,瞧,他正抽着烟斗去找老太婆,(老太婆开了一家造纸厂)Time passed, and the peaceful riverside became very terrible: Birds never chirped; trees never became green. The fishermans face was full of wrinkles and walked slowly. Look, he is going to the old woman to smoke his pipe. (The old woman ope

5、ned a papermaking factory.)渔夫(一边四处张望,一边说道):天啊,老太婆,你们造纸厂的污水怎么都排到江里了,怪不得鱼越来越少,水越来越黑!Fisherman (looking about everywhere and says): Oh my God! Sullage, in the river, fish, less and less, the water is more and more dirty!渔夫:我的好老伴,老天一定会帮助我们的。今天,一定会满载而归的啊!(做上帝保佑)Fisherman: My dear, God will help us. Well

6、return with many flounder! (Do God bless)老太婆:我的笨老伴,工厂生意多火爆,我们的老乡们都在做生意开工厂了,你啊!死脑筋!Old woman: Stupid! The factorys business is so good. Our villagers are bosses, too. You are stubborn!(花仙子:是啊,是啊,死脑筋)(Flower immortals: Yes, yes, stubborn person.)渔夫:不要,不要,我不要。工厂开的多,鸟儿跑的多!污水排的多,鱼儿死的快!Fisherman: No, no,

7、I dont want it.(花仙子:是啊,是啊,污水排的多,鱼儿死的快!)(Flower immortals: Yes, yes, more water waste and dead flounder!)老太婆:钱就是一切!Old woman: Money is everything!说完,就要出门了啊!Then he went out.老太婆追着出去喊:笨蛋,笨蛋,气死我,我忙着造纸,你却依然要去白撒网,白撒网,还不如开家化工厂,大把钞票兜里装。The old woman ran and shouted: Fool fool, you make me angry. Im busy mak

8、ing paper but you are so free. Factory may earn you a lot of money.(花仙子:白撒网,白撒网,不如开家化工厂,大把钞票兜里装)(Flower immortals: Catch flounder, catch flounder. Operating a chemical factory is more important than that. It can earn you a lot of money.)场景三:Act Three:渔夫:江水,江水,帮帮我!鱼儿,鱼儿快进网。(定格)Fisherman: River, river

9、, please help me! Flounder, flounder, please enter the net!(音乐:“对面的女孩看过来”的调子 :我左等右等,等了又等,原来每只鱼儿的心思都不好猜,不好猜)舞蹈格调:爵士黑衣黑帽(Music: The tune of “对面的女孩看过来”) 忽然网子随着江水,浮动起来。Suddenly, the net floated.渔夫(一跃而起):哇,我的救星来了,来了啊!(边欢呼雀跃边收网)Fisherman (jumped out): Wah! My flounder are coming!Coming! (He pulled the net

10、 with joy.)(嘿嘿嘿,当渔夫费劲的把渔网拉上来时。)(Hey hey hey, when the fisherman pulled the net back.)渔夫:啊!怎么是,怎么是一个洗衣盆啊,啊!Fisherman: Ah! Is it a washing basin? Ah! Ah!洗衣盆:呜呜呜,好心的渔夫,可怜可怜我啊,人类把我生产出来,又不好好爱惜,到处乱扔,你看我被江水腐蚀成了大花脸,你把我带回家吧。Washing basin (crying): Kind-heated fisherman, please pity me! The human beings produ

11、ced me, but didnt cherish me. They threw me everywhere. I was corroded by the dirty water very terribly. Please take me to your home.渔夫摇摇头:看来你比我还可怜啊!Fisherman shacked his head: You look worse than me!洗衣盆:你可真好心啊!Washing basin: You are a kind-hearted man!(花仙子:白撒网,白撒网,不如开家化工厂,大把钞票兜里装)(Flower immortals:

12、 Catch flounder, catch flounder. Operating a chemical factory is more important than that. It can earn you a lot of money.)渔夫拖着破洗衣盆回家了!The fisherman took the broken washing basin back.老太婆:老东西,你终于回来了啊!网到鱼了吗?我忙了一天没看见你的人影!Old woman: Old guy, you came back finally! Have you caught flounder? I was busy a

13、ll day long, and I havent seen you!渔夫:我的好老伴,老天送给我们一个洗衣盆,你可以用它来装纺纱。Fisherman: My good wife, God gave us a washing basin. You can put your spinning cotton in it.老太婆(气急败环):笨蛋,破盆有什么用!丢掉,丢掉,丢掉破盆!Old woman (very angry): Idiot. A broken basin is not useful. Throw away, throw away, throw the broken basin aw

14、ay.(花仙子:鱼,鱼,鱼,她要鱼!丢掉,丢掉,丢掉破盆!)(Flower immortals: Flounder, flounder, flounder, she wants flounder! Throw away, throw away, throw the broken basin away.)渔夫拖着破洗衣盆又回到了江边,把破盆放到了水里,“对不起,我也不能留你!”The fisherman returned to the river side, put the broken basin into the river and said: Im sorry, I cant keep y

15、ou!又开始呼唤起来:江水,江水,帮帮我!鱼儿,鱼儿快进网。He cried again: River, river, please help me! Flounder, flounder, enter the net quickly.(音乐)(Music)一阵风吹过,网子随着江水,浮动起来。A burst of wind blew. The net floated.啊,又有了啊!Ah, there were flounder again.渔夫(一跃而起):哇,我的救星来了来了,来了啊!(边欢呼雀跃边收网)Fisherman (jumped out): Wah, my flounder are coming! (He pulled the net with joy.)(嘿嘿嘿,当渔夫费劲的把渔网拉上来时。)他顿时失望的坐在了地上。(Hey hey hey, when the fisherman pulled the net back.) He sat on the ground with disappointment immediately.渔夫:啊!鞋子,鱼啊鱼,鱼儿不见,变成了鞋子啊!Fisherman: Ah! Shoes, my flounder became shoes!鞋子:呜呜呜,好心的


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