Unit3教案 (2)

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1、Unit 3 Teenage problemsComic strip and Welcome to the unit教学目标1. 谈论中学生在学习、交友、与家人的关系等方面所遇到的问题。2. 思考个人问题及解决问题的方法。教学内容1. 重点单词:teenage disturb communication mad2. 重点短语 have got a problem get fat eat too much try more exercise drive me mad Feel tired make a lot of noise feel lonely work all day3. 重点句型Its

2、 unhealthy for you to eat too much.I dont have any close friends to talk to.教学步骤Step 1 Warming UpI will say to my students, “Ive got a problem recently. Im getting fat. I cant wear the clothes I bought last year. Can you give me some advice?” I will help students answer, “You should eat less and do

3、more exercise.”Step 2 PresentingI will present the lesson like this: Eddie has the same problem. Look at his stomach, its so large. He asked Hobo for some advice. What advice did Hobo give to him? Lets listen to their conversation.Step 3 Practicing 1. I will ask students to listen to the tape and an

4、swer the above question.2. I will play the tape again and ask the following questions:1) Why is Eddie getting fat? Eating too much without doing exercise.2) What are good for Eddie? Do you agree with Hobo? Eating less and doing more exercise. 3) Does Hobo really want to help Eddie? Why not? No, beca

5、use Hobo only wants to eat Eddies food3. I will ask students to pay attention to these two sentences:4. I will ask students to read the dialogue together5. I will ask students to act it out.Step 4 PresentingI will ask students a question: How many of you have the same feeling with me and Eddie?Do yo

6、u also think youre getting fat? Not only you, but many teenagers around the world have this problem too. And this problem has become one of the most serious teenage problems. (I will show some pictures about fat teens.)What other teenagers problems might you meet in your lives? (Show some pictures.)

7、Our friends in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School also have some problems. Find out what their problems are.Step 5 Practicing 1. I will ask students to finish Part A on page 39.2. I will say to students, “Suppose you are an expert of teenagers problems. These students are asking you for some advice.

8、How can you help them? I will ask students to work in groups of four. Try to find out the ways to solve their problems.”Then let students make up a dialogue.S1: Hello, Mr., I dont get enough sleep. I feel tired in class.S2: You should 3. I will do a survey: Which problem do you have?Can you help you

9、rself to solve the problems?Step 6 Doing Homework1. Read and recite the comic strip2. Do some more consolidation exercises.教学后记Reading: What should I do? ()教学目标1. 学习如何写出自己的烦恼及如何表达情感。2. 学习如何向别人寻求建议。教学内容1. 重点单词 deal choice complete refuse accept hardly spare doubt whether来源:学&科&网worth offer suggestion

10、 value2. 重点短语 deal with have no choice but to do stay up late refuse to do sth spare time sth be worth doing look forward to sth/doing sth offer sb sth=offer sth to sb3. 重点句型 I have a problem, and I dont know how to deal with it.I understand that it is important to do my homework and hand it in on t

11、ime. I often doubt whether it is worth working so hard. I hardly have any spare time for my hobbies.教学步骤Step 1 PresentingI will show students a picture of “Growing pains” (成长的烦恼). Growing up can be difficult. You may have many problems. Dont be afraid of telling your problems to people around you.Sh

12、ow pictures: 1. They will offer you suggestions. (Their suggestions may be valuable to you.)2. They will support you if you have difficulties. If you have problems in working and playing, they can teach you how to achieve the balance of these two. If you are shy, you dont want others to know who you

13、 are. how can you get suggestions? Show a picture of a man, tell students he is Sigmund Fred, a youth worker (青少年辅导员)Step 2 Practicing1. I will ask students to listen to the tape and read quietly.1.d 2.f 3. e 4. a 5.h 6.g 7.b 8.c2. I will ask students to finish Part B on page 42. Check the answer.3.

14、 I will ask students to read after the tape and answer the following questions.What are Millies hobbies? Which is her favorite hobby? (Millies hobbies are reading writing poems, walking shopping and painting. Painting is her favorite hobby.)What is Millies problem? (Her problem is that she spends so

15、 much time doing her homework that she cant find any time for her hobbies.)How does Millie feel about it? (She feels bad about it.)What cant she decide to do? (She cant decide when to do her homework and when to spend time on her hobbies.)What has become Simons problem? (Simon spends too much time on football because he is crazy about it.)When does Simon play football? (After school.)4. I will ask students to read text together and do T /F questions:1) Millie loves reading books, walking and swimming. (F)2) In the last year, painting is her favo


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