活动单 (4)

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《活动单 (4)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《活动单 (4)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高一模块二第三单元活动单SubjectM 2 U3 ReadingClassNameNumber Lead-in Reading strategy -Prediction 1. What might be the connections between the title and the famous explorer?2. Read the first paragraph to find the general idea of the 1st paragraph.3. Find the key words about Howard Carter in this paragraph and t

2、hen predict informationFast-Reading Read the passage and answer the questions in Part A. Careful reading.1. Below are the main points of the paragraphs in the passage. Find the correct paragraph for each point. ( ) 1. There is a scientific reason why people died after entering the tomb. ( ) 2. Howar

3、d Carter did not go to school and later became an explorer.( ) 3. Lord Carnarvon died after visiting the tomb. ( ) 4. Howard Carter discovered the tomb of King Tutankhamun. ( ) 5. Howard Carter is a world-famous explorer.( ) 6. The curse of the mummy remains a mystery.( ) 7. More people died after C

4、arters discovery. ( ) 8.People keep wondering why so many people died and have suggested all kinds of explanations. 2. The passage can be divided into three parts according to the main idea of each paragraph. Read for details about each part . Para 13The general idea of this part: _Find out informat

5、ion about Howard Carters life experience. 1874 _ 1891_ By the 1920s _ 1922 _ _ died Para 45 The general idea of this part: _What happened after the discovery? Para 6-8 .Different explanations:Some people say: _.Others believe that: _.However, still others believe that: _.The writers opinion :_. Thin

6、king:Q: In your opinion, what caused the strange deaths actually?Just coincidence?The curse?The viruses?Or anything else? Post-reading activities Discussion: What kind of personalities do these amazing people have in common?How can you be one of amazing people in the future? Homework 1. Find out the useful expressions in the passage. 2. Write a summary about Howard Carter.


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